
Markets Defy Fed's Hawkish Shift. Here's Why. -- -2-

Markets Defy Fed's Hawkish Shift. Here's Why. -- -2-

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/09/23 06:31

What's Next: Disney aims to have 230 million to 260 million Disney+ subscribers by the end of 2024. It plans to keep expanding to new markets this year, hosting a Disney+ Day on Nov. 12 with new content releases on streaming such as its hit movie Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.


-- Nicholas Jasinski and Janet H. Cho




The Democrats' tax proposal takes aim at IRA rules that have benefited wealthy investors such as Peter Thiel -- but could it have unintended negative consequences for less well-off IRA investors?

民主黨的税收提案針對的是愛爾蘭共和軍(IRA)的規則,這些規則讓彼得·泰爾(Peter Thiel)等富有的投資者受益--但它會對不太富裕的愛爾蘭共和軍投資者產生意想不到的負面後果嗎?

Months after a story broke detailing the $5 billion that could come out of Peter Thiel's retirement account tax-free, new tax proposals are aiming to put a stop to the practice of very wealthy investors taking advantage of favorable tax laws on IRA accounts.

幾個月前,一則報道詳細説明了彼得·蒂爾(Peter Thiel)退休賬户可能獲得的50億美元免税收入,幾個月後,新的税收提案旨在阻止非常富有的投資者利用愛爾蘭共和軍(IRA)賬户優惠税法的做法。

The changes offered by Congressional Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee would require superrich households to tap some of their money and end their ability to switch to accounts with tax-free distributions.

眾議院籌款委員會(Ways And Means Committee)的國會民主黨人提出的改革將要求超級富豪家庭動用部分資金,並結束他們切換到免税分配賬户的能力。

The proposal would also block individual retirement accounts from certain types of investments that are usually reserved for more sophisticated investors, including stakes in private business or real estate deals.


To hold on to the IRA's tax advantages, anyone who already holds these types of investments faces a two-year window get them out of the account, the proposal says. In its current wording, the proposal doesn't specify whether the rules restricting these types of investments would only apply to people above a certain income threshold.


Read more here.


-- Andrew Keshner




-- Newsletter edited by Liz Moyer, Mary Romano, Camilla Imperiali, Steve Goldstein, Rupert Steiner

-時事通訊編輯:Liz Moyer,Mary Romano,Camilla Imperiali,Steve Goldstein,Rupert Steiner

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