
Apple Supply Chain Includes 'Blood Minerals' From Congo: Lawyers

Apple Supply Chain Includes 'Blood Minerals' From Congo: Lawyers

蘋果供應鏈包括來自剛果的 “血礦物質”:律師
Benzinga ·  05/23 11:52

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) alleges that Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is sourcing minerals from conflict areas in eastern Congo.


What Happened: The DRC's international lawyers, Amsterdam & Partners, has been investigating allegations that minerals mined in Congo are smuggled through Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi.


In an April notification to Apple CEO Tim Cook, the lawyers outlined concerns regarding this supply chain in the eastern DRC. They allege that armed groups are mining conflict minerals, including tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (collectively known as 3TG), and smuggling them through neighboring countries like Rwanda and Uganda.


These minerals may then be inadvertently incorporated into Apple products.


"It is more urgent than ever that Apple provide real answers to the very serious questions we have raised, as we evaluate our legal options," said Congo's lawyer Robert Amsterdam.


Benzinga has contacted Apple for comment on this report.


"The absence of a response is an implicit admission that the questions we asked Apple were relevant," added William Bourdon, another lawyer representing the country.


Why It Matters: The lawyers cite whistleblower testimonies from individuals previously employed within Apple's DRC supply chain verification program. These whistleblowers allege termination after raising concerns about the presence of "blood minerals" within the supply chain.

爲何重要:律師們引用了此前在蘋果剛果民主共和國供應鏈驗證計劃中受僱的個人的舉報人證詞。這些舉報人在對供應鏈中存在 “血液礦物質” 表示擔憂後聲稱被解僱。

In a report last year, Apple stated that 100% of identified smelters and refiners in the supply chain for all applicable Apple products manufactured in 2023 had participated in an independent third-party conflict minerals audit for tin, tantalum, tungsten (known as 3T minerals) and gold.


In 2021, U.S. official data showed that Rwanda provided 15% of the global tantalum supply despite the country producing only modest amounts from its mines.


Moreover, the U.S. bought more tantalum from Rwanda — 36% of its total imports, the highest among global producers—compared to only 7% from the DRC.


The eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been plagued by severe armed conflict between government forces and various rebel groups, including the M23 rebels. Much of the fighting revolves around controlling the mining and supplying the "3T" minerals — tin, tungsten, and tantalum — and gold. Coltan, the ore from which tantalum is mined, is critical in manufacturing smartphones and other electronics.

剛果民主共和國東部地區一直受到政府軍與包括 “3·23” 運動叛亂分子在內的各種反叛團體之間的嚴重武裝衝突的困擾。大部分戰鬥都圍繞着控制開採和供應 “3T” 礦物——錫、鎢和鉭——以及黃金展開。鉭鐵礦石是開採鉭的礦石,對製造智能手機和其他電子產品至關重要。

Despite Apple's continuous claims of commitment to ethical sourcing, Amsterdam & Partners points out that these are not based on verifiable evidence.


"Although Apple has affirmed that it verifies the origins of minerals it uses to manufacture its products, those claims do not appear to be based on concrete, verifiable evidence," their statement read.


The firm suggested that Apple's claim of sourcing its material from Rwanda is dubious, given the limited production of 3T materials in that East African country.


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Image: Shutterstock


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