
Market Closes Red Again as Treasuries Pull Back | Market Story

Market Closes Red Again as Treasuries Pull Back | Market Story

隨着美國國債回落,市場再次收盤下跌 | 市場故事
moomoo資訊 ·  04/17 16:02

Indexes opened cautiously green but fell after treasury yield pullbacks were insufficient to keep stocks afloat. ASML, a maker of factory tools that make semiconductor chips, fell dramatically after earnings and spelled a warning for the semiconductor industry.


Just past 4 PM EST, the preliminary closing figures showed the $S&P 500 Index traded -0.58%, the $Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.12%, and the $Nasdaq Composite Index fell 1.15%.

美國東部標準時間下午4點剛過,初步收盤數據顯示 美元標準普爾500指數 交易量爲-0.58%, $道瓊斯工業平均指數 下跌了0.12%, $納斯達克綜合指數 下跌了1.15%。



Beige Book as Boring as Ever


The Fed released the Beige Book economic summary on Wednesday. Industry contacts from across the country predicted that inflation would hold steady at a slow pace soon.

聯儲局發佈了 褐皮書經濟摘要 在星期三。來自全國各地的行業聯繫人預測,通貨膨脹將很快以緩慢的速度保持穩定。

Of the twelve districts reporting, most found a slightly expanding economy with evidence of increased consumer spending. In the labor market, nine of twelve districts reported slow, modest increases in employment. Fed contacts reported that wages grew slower, returning to historical averages.


Manufacturers and companies across the company said it was more difficult to pass price increases along to consumers. The Fifth District of Richmond mentioned the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge as worrying, but it has not yet been directly linked to the economic slowdown.


Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said recent macroeconomic data showed, "a lack of further progress on inflation this year," at a Canadian macroeconomic speaking event in Washington D.C.


The  $U.S. 2-Year Treasury Notes Yield (US2Y.BD)$ fell past 5% toward 4.93%, while the  $U.S. 10-Year Treasury Notes Yield (US10Y.BD)$ fell to 4.58%.

"A year from now, we'll have more answers," Powell said.


Mooers, what are you watching today?


Source: Bloomberg, Dow Jones, CNBC, Reuters
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