
Elon Musk's FSD Is The End Of Manual Driving? Tesla Bull Gene Munster Believes 'Somebody Born Today Is Probably Never Going To Drive A Car'

Elon Musk's FSD Is The End Of Manual Driving? Tesla Bull Gene Munster Believes 'Somebody Born Today Is Probably Never Going To Drive A Car'

埃隆·馬斯克的 FSD 是手動駕駛的終結嗎?特斯拉公牛吉恩·芒斯特認爲 “今天出生的人可能永遠不會開車”
Benzinga ·  04/15 23:20

Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) has decided to reduce the price of its 'full self-driving' (FSD) subscription by half to $99 per month. This decision has led Gene Munster, Managing Partner at Deepwater Asset Management, to predict the end of manual driving.

特斯拉公司(納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)已決定將其 “完全自動駕駛”(FSD)的訂閱價格降低一半,至每月99美元。這一決定促使深水資產管理公司的管理合夥人吉恩·芒斯特預測了手動駕駛的終結。

What Happened: Tesla has made its self-driving technology more accessible to consumers by halving its subscription price. "Somebody born today is probably never going to drive a car," Munster stated in an interview with CNBC's Last Call, suggesting that manual driving could soon become obsolete.

發生了什麼:特斯拉通過將訂閱價格減半,使其自動駕駛技術更易於消費者使用。芒斯特在接受CNBC的《Last Call》採訪時說:“今天出生的人可能永遠不會開車,” 他暗示手動駕駛可能很快就會過時。

"Somebody born today is probably never going to drive a car," says @munster_gene after Tesla cuts its 'full self-driving' subscription in half. $TSLA

— Last Call (@LastCallCNBC) April 15, 2024

在特斯拉將其'全額自動駕駛'訂閱量削減一半之後,@munster_gene 說:“今天出生的人可能永遠不會開車。”$TSLA

— 最後一次通話 (@LastCallCNBC) 2024 年 4 月 15 日

This prediction comes in response to Tesla's latest move, which reflects the company's confidence in the advancement and adoption of autonomous driving technology.


Munster also stressed Tesla's potential to significantly expand its FSD technology as part of a broader revenue strategy by 2028, a point that has largely been overlooked.


Why It Matters: Tesla's decision to slash the cost of its 'full self-driving' subscription comes in the wake of a challenging period for the company. On Monday, Tesla had to lay off 10% of its global workforce following a quarter that saw a 20% drop in deliveries.

爲何重要:特斯拉決定削減 “完全自動駕駛” 訂閱的成本,是在該公司經歷了一段艱難的時期之後做出的。週一,特斯拉不得不裁員10%的全球員工,此前一個季度的交付量下降了20%。

The price cut announced on Saturday reduced the monthly subscription fee for its premium driver assistance system in the U.S. from $199 to $99.


The move was well-received, with Nvidia's Senior Lead of Robotics describing Tesla's latest FSD feature as "magical."

此舉廣受好評,英偉達機器人高級主管將特斯拉最新的FSD功能描述爲 “神奇”。

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been making significant strides in the AI industry, with his AI startup venture, xAI, open-sourcing the code of its AI chatbot Grok. This move was seen as a direct challenge to ChatGPT-parent OpenAI, a company that Musk co-founded in 2015 and left in 2018.


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