
Leak Reveals White Disc-Less Xbox Series X From Microsoft: Report

Leak Reveals White Disc-Less Xbox Series X From Microsoft: Report

泄漏顯示微軟發佈了無白色光盤的Xbox Series X:報告
Benzinga ·  03/28 16:38

Leaked images have popped up online showing a white version of the Xbox Series X, and it seems like it won't have a disc drive.

網上出現了泄露的圖片,顯示了Xbox Series X的白色版本,而且它似乎沒有光盤驅動器。

These pictures, first shared by Exputer (via IGN), reveal a console that looks quite similar to the white Xbox Series S, complete with a unique coating. Reports also suggest that this version will have some souped-up parts, like a different heatsink.

這些照片最初由Exputer(通過IGN)分享,顯示了一款外觀與白色Xbox Series S非常相似、帶有獨特塗層的主機。報告還表明,該版本將有一些增強的部件,例如不同的散熱器。

The Verge chimed in, confirming that the images seem legitimate by matching them with documents detailing the console's specs.


Insider Brad Sams has added to the buzz, hinting that the white Xbox Series X will likely keep the same design as its black counterpart, meaning no major changes under the hood.

業內人士布拉德·薩姆斯加劇了轟動,暗示白色Xbox Series X可能會保持與黑色Xbox Series X相同的設計,這意味着在幕後不會有重大變化。

It looks like the cooling/chassis is identical on the new white series X without the disc drive which would indicate that there is no spec bump

— Brad Sams (@bdsams) March 27, 2024

看來沒有光盤驅動器的新款白色系列 X 的冷卻/底盤是相同的,這表明規格沒有變化

— 布拉德·薩姆斯 (@bdsams) 2024 年 3 月 27 日

It's expected to hit the shelves sometime in June or July, and it might cost less than the standard black Xbox Series X.

預計它將在6月或7月的某個時候上架,而且價格可能低於標準的黑色Xbox Series X。

Last year, some leaks hinted at Microsoft Corp's (NASDAQ:MSFT) plans for a mid-generation refresh for both the Series S and X consoles, dubbed Ellewood and Brooklin, which were said to be digital-only versions. But things seem to have shifted, with the white Series X possibly taking part in this refresh, shaking up the earlier timeline.

去年,一些泄密事件暗示微軟公司(納斯達克股票代碼:MSFT)計劃對名爲Ellewood和Brooklin的Series S和X系列遊戲機進行中代更新,據說這兩款遊戲機是純數字版本。但是情況似乎發生了變化,白色Series X可能會參與此次更新,從而動搖了先前的時間表。

Furthermore, there's talk about Microsoft working on an Xbox handheld (with Spencer recently sharing what his ideal handheld device would be like), along with confirmation that they're cooking up a next-gen console.


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

照片由米卡·鮑邁斯特在 Unsplash 上拍攝

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