
Route Deepens Its Commerce Tech Stack With New Integrations, Empowering Merchants to Streamline Their Customer Experience

Route Deepens Its Commerce Tech Stack With New Integrations, Empowering Merchants to Streamline Their Customer Experience

Route 通過新的集成深化了其商務技術堆棧,使商家能夠簡化客戶體驗
PR Newswire ·  03/28 09:15

Route is teaming up with Klaviyo, Salesforce, Status, Recharge, and Zendesk, empowering merchants to access a full tech stack for ecommerce in one place


LEHI, Utah, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Route, the leading post-purchase package tracking and protection solution, today announced it has teamed up with Klaviyo, Recharge, Salesforce, Status, and Zendesk to provide merchants with robust integration capabilities with the tools they use every day. These new integrations allow merchants to seamlessly integrate Route with their existing ecommerce systems, streamlining operations and optimizing customer experiences.

猶他州 LEHI,2024 年 3 月 28 日 /PRNewswire/ — 路線領先的購後包裹跟蹤和保護解決方案今天宣佈,它已與Klaviyo、Recharge、Salesforce、Status和Zendesk合作,爲商家提供強大的集成功能,包括他們每天使用的工具。這些新的集成使商家能夠將Route與其現有的電子商務系統無縫集成,從而簡化運營並優化客戶體驗。

  • Zendesk Integration: Enables support teams to see Route claim details directly within the CX solution, agent dashboard, or customer ticket.
  • Status Integration: Merges Route tracking information and claims resolution in Status.
  • Klaviyo Integration: Ensures Route tracking information is automatically pulled into all order email communications.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud Cartridge: Easily integrates Route into the checkout process, streamlining order protection and tracking.
  • Recharge Integration: Ensures subscription orders are protected every time they ship.
  • Zendesk 集成:使支持團隊能夠直接在客戶體驗解決方案、代理控制面板或客戶票證中查看 Route 索賠詳情。
  • 狀態集成:在 “狀態” 中合併路徑跟蹤信息和索賠解決方案。
  • Klaviyo 集成:確保路線跟蹤信息自動納入所有訂單電子郵件通信。
  • Salesforce Commerce 雲端插件:可輕鬆將 Route 集成到結賬流程中,簡化訂單保護和跟蹤。
  • 充值集成:確保訂閱訂單每次發貨時都受到保護。

Route powers shipment tracking, package protection, and carbon offsetting for 13,000 merchants. Its integrations with leading platforms, tech tools, and more than 1,100 carriers build upon Route's core post-purchase customer experience solutions, allowing merchants to connect all their systems and easily manage their online sales.

Route 爲 13,000 家商戶提供貨運跟蹤、包裹保護和碳補償。它與領先平台、技術工具和1,100多家運營商的集成建立在Route的核心購後客戶體驗解決方案的基礎上,使商家能夠連接所有系統並輕鬆管理在線銷售。

"We're excited to see what brands will do with our new integrations with Klaviyo, Recharge, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Status, and Zendesk," said Michael Yamartino, CEO of Route. "These companies all do different things, but they have one thing in common: they allow merchants of all sizes to punch above their weight, so they can create customer experiences that compete with the biggest companies in the world."

Route首席執行官邁克爾·亞馬蒂諾表示:“我們很高興看到各品牌將如何利用我們與Klaviyo、Recharge、Salesforce Commerce Cloud、Status和Zendesk的新集成。”“這些公司都做不同的事情,但它們有一個共同點:它們允許各種規模的商家超出自己的體重,因此他們可以創造與世界上最大的公司競爭的客戶體驗。”

One company already reaping the benefits is Wellbel, which leverages Route's integration with Recharge to ensure support for their customers subscribing to supplement plans. This partnership safeguards every shipment and has transformed how the company operates. Wellbel has seen a 6.5% increase in customers choosing Route package protection at checkout and achieved a customer support average first response time of six minutes – proving that Route has helped them elevate their entire customer experience.

一家已經從中受益的公司是 Wellbel,它利用Route與Recharge的集成來確保爲訂閱補充計劃的客戶提供支持。這種夥伴關係保護了每批貨物,並改變了公司的運營方式。Wellbel看到在結賬時選擇Route套餐保護的客戶增加了6.5%,並實現了客戶支持的平均首次響應時間爲六分鐘,這證明了Route幫助他們提升了整個客戶體驗。

"It's truly a joy teaming up with a company whose values align seamlessly with ours, prioritizing customer satisfaction," said Diana Yadegar, Co-Founder of Wellbel. "Working with Route has been a breeze — the integration is seamless, and their support is always there when we need it."

Wellbel聯合創始人戴安娜·亞德加說:“與一家價值觀與我們的價值觀無縫契合,將客戶滿意度放在首位的公司合作確實是一種樂趣。”“與 Route 合作輕而易舉——集成是無縫的,他們會在我們需要時隨時提供支持。”

Route has been working with select brands, including Moon Juice and TeeTurtle, as early adopters of these integrations. Interested brands can visit to learn more.

Route一直在與包括Moon Juice和TeeTurtle在內的精選品牌合作,他們是這些整合的早期採用者。感興趣的品牌可以訪問 了解更多信息。

All trademarks and trade names referred to in this press release are the property of their respective owners. Salesforce, Commerce Cloud, and others are among the trademarks of Salesforce, inc.

本新聞稿中提及的所有商標和商品名稱均爲其各自所有者的財產。Salesforce、Commerce Cloud等是Salesforce, inc.的商標之一。

About Route |

關於路線 |

Route is the leader in the post-purchase experience. From delivery to re-discovery, Route protects brands and their customers with licensed shipping insurance, fast issue resolution, package tracking, carbon neutral shipping, and remarketing. This helps brands increase revenue, reduce costs, and improve the customer experience—and gives customers the power and convenience of tracking everything they order in one place, with the confidence it will arrive safely. Route transforms negative experiences into positives, and positive experiences into repeat customers. Since launching in 2019, Route has built an ecommerce network of 13,000 brands and 3+ million active app users, and customers have chosen to protect nearly 150 million orders. To learn more about Route's post-purchase experience solutions, or to download the app, visit

Route 是售後體驗的領導者。從配送到重新發現,Route 通過許可的運輸保險、快速問題解決、包裹跟蹤、碳中和運輸和再營銷來保護品牌及其客戶。這有助於品牌增加收入、降低成本和改善客戶體驗,並使客戶能夠強大而便捷地將他們訂購的所有商品集中在一個地方,並有信心安全送達。Route 將負面體驗轉化爲正面體驗,將積極體驗轉化爲回頭客。自2019年推出以來,Route已經建立了一個由13,000個品牌和超過300萬活躍應用程序用戶組成的電子商務網絡,客戶選擇保護近1.5億份訂單。要了解有關 Route 售後體驗解決方案的更多信息或下載該應用程序,請訪問



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