
StarHub Offers UltraSpeed 10Gbps Bundle Now With WiFi 7 Router for Best Connectivity

StarHub Offers UltraSpeed 10Gbps Bundle Now With WiFi 7 Router for Best Connectivity

StarHub 現在提供 UltraSpeed 10Gbps 套裝,配備 WiFi 7 路由器,以實現最佳連接
星和 ·  02/22 00:00

Set to revolutionise home connectivity, TP-Link's EB810v WiFi 7 router will be offered to customers at no additional costs

TP-Link的EB810v WiFi 7路由器將徹底改變家庭連接,將免費提供給客戶


Singapore, 22 February 2024 – StarHub will now offer customers who sign up for StarHub's 10Gbps UltraSpeed broadband, a new and powerful TP-Link EB810v WiFi 7 router at no additional cost. This valuable bundle will also include 12 months of Disney+ subscription and 24 months of Premier League access.

新加坡,2024 年 2 月 22 日 — StarHub現在將爲註冊StarHub的10Gbps UltraSpeed寬帶的客戶提供一款功能強大的全新TP-Link EB810V WiFi 7路由器,無需額外付費。這個超值的捆綁包還將包括12個月的迪士尼+訂閱和24個月的英超聯賽訪問權限。

"In line with Singapore's vision for technological advancement and innovation, StarHub is committed to harnessing cutting-edge telecommunications technologies to empower individuals, businesses and communities across the country," said Johan Buse, Head of Consumer Business Group, StarHub. "By accelerating broadband speeds, we aim to support the burgeoning demands of artificial intelligence (AI) and immersive media, ensuring our users remain at the forefront of digital transformation, right at their home."


Worth $799, the TP-Link EB810v WiFi 7 router powered by StarHub's UltraSpeed 10Gbps broadband is perfect for households with multiple concurrent connectivity needs. Designed for high-capacity usage, the router ensures that customers enjoy seamless connectivity to truly experience the fastest household broadband speeds on the market. Equipped with WiFi bandwidth of up to 22000Mbps, Tri-Band, WiFi 7 technology and UltraSpeed 10Gbps, four times more devices can get connected at the same time. The latest WiFi 7 technology also allows users with another EB810v to create a mesh network and blanket the house with seamless coverage and greater flexibility. With the introduction of 320 MHz channels, 4K-QAM and Multi-Link Operation (MLO) innovations, WiFi 7 will provide users with ultra-wide bandwidth for four times more capacity compared to WiFi 6. Whether you're a professional working from home, a gamer or a streamer, StarHub's UltraSpeed 10Gbps broadband with WiFi 7 router will bring you speeds up to 4.8 times faster1 than WiFi 6 to support fuss free streaming of 4K/8K content, enhanced gaming experiences and deliver stronger and more reliable connections, for all your upload and download needs, with lesser interferences to households in Singapore.

由StarHub的UltraSpeed 10Gbps寬帶提供支持的TP-Link EB810V WiFi 7路由器價值799美元,非常適合有多種併發連接需求的家庭。該路由器專爲高容量使用而設計,可確保客戶享受無縫連接,真正體驗市場上最快的家庭寬帶速度。配備高達22000Mbps的WiFi帶寬、三頻段、WiFi 7技術和UltraSpeed 10Gbps,可以同時連接的設備數量增加四倍。最新的WiFi 7技術還允許使用另一臺EB810v的用戶創建網狀網絡,爲房屋提供無縫覆蓋和更大的靈活性。隨着320 MHz信道、4K-QAM和多鏈路操作(MLO)創新的推出,WiFi 7將爲用戶提供超寬帶寬,容量是WiFi 6的四倍。無論你是在家辦公的專業人士、遊戲玩家還是主播,StarHub 帶有 WiFi 7 路由器的 UltraSpeed 10Gbps 寬帶都能將你的速度提高多達 4.8 倍1 與 WiFi 6 相比,它支持無憂無慮的 4K/8K 內容流式傳輸,增強遊戲體驗,提供更強大、更可靠的連接,滿足您的所有上傳和下載需求,同時減少對新加坡家庭的干擾。

The StarHub UltraSpeed 10Gbps broadband bundle is available at a promotional price of $69.95/month, and includes the TP-Link EB810v WiFi 7 router, Premier League access for 24 months and complimentary Disney+ subscription for 12 months. The WiFi 7 router will also be offered with HomeHub+ UltraSpeed bundle. For more information on StarHub's UltraSpeed 10Gbps bundle with WiFi 7 router, and any other bundles, please visit

StarHub UltraSpeed 10Gbps寬帶套餐的促銷價爲每月69.95美元,其中包括TP-Link EB810V WiFi 7路由器、24個月的英超聯賽訪問權限和12個月的免費迪士尼+訂閱。WiFi 7路由器還將提供HomeHub+ UltraSpeed套裝。有關 StarHub 帶有 WiFi 7 路由器的 UltraSpeed 10Gbps 套裝以及任何其他套裝的更多信息,請訪問

1Based on the study conducted by our partner TP- Link

1基於我們的合作伙伴 TP-Link 進行的研究

About StarHub

關於 StarHub

StarHub is a leading homegrown Singapore company that delivers world-class communications, entertainment and digital services. With our extensive fibre and wireless infrastructure and global partnerships, we bring to people, homes and enterprises quality mobile and fixed services, a broad suite of premium content, and a diverse range of communication solutions. We develop and deliver to corporate and government clients solutions incorporating artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data analytics, Internet of Things and robotics. We are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. Listed on the Singapore Exchange mainboard, StarHub is a component stock of the SGX iEdge SG ESG Transparency Index, iEdge Singapore Low Carbon Index, iEdge-OCBC Singapore Low Carbon Select 50 Capped Index; as well as the FTSE4Good Index series. StarHub is ranked the world's most sustainable wireless telecommunication provider on the Corporate Knights Global 100 2024. Visit for more information.

StarHub 是一家領先的新加坡本土公司,提供世界一流的通信、娛樂和數字服務。憑藉我們廣泛的光纖和無線基礎設施以及全球合作伙伴關係,我們爲個人、家庭和企業提供優質的移動和固定服務、廣泛的優質內容以及多樣化的通信解決方案。我們爲企業和政府客戶開發和交付整合了人工智能、網絡安全、數據分析、物聯網和機器人技術的解決方案。我們致力於以可持續和對環境負責的方式開展業務。StarHub在新加坡交易所主板上市,是新加坡證券交易所iEdge新加坡ESG透明度指數、iEdge新加坡低碳指數、iEdge華僑銀行新加坡低碳精選50上限指數以及富時社會責任指數系列的成分股。StarHub在2024年企業騎士全球100強中被評爲世界上最可持續的無線電信提供商。參觀 了解更多信息。

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