
Goldman Sachs Bullish On Nvidia's New AI Chips, Predicts Major Growth For These 3 Stocks

Goldman Sachs Bullish On Nvidia's New AI Chips, Predicts Major Growth For These 3 Stocks

Benzinga ·  03/27 22:29

Goldman Sachs has made a bold prediction following the launch of $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$'s latest artificial intelligence chips. The investment bank expects significant growth for the memory chips used in AI systems, which could potentially benefit three major memory chip manufacturers.

高盛在推出後做出了一個大膽的預測 $英偉達 (NVDA.US)$最新的人工智能芯片。該投資銀行預計,人工智能系統中使用的存儲芯片將大幅增長,這可能會使三家主要的存儲芯片製造商受益。

What Happened: Goldman Sachs is anticipating a substantial expansion in the total addressable market for high-bandwidth memory (HBM) chips, driven by the demand for Nvidia's new Blackwell GPU chips. The bank predicts the market to grow tenfold to $23 billion by 2026, up from $2.3 billion in 2022, reported CNBC.

發生了什麼:高盛預計,在對Nvidia新款Blackwell GPU芯片的需求的推動下,高帶寬存儲器(HBM)芯片的總體可尋址市場將大幅擴張。據CNBC報道,該銀行預測,到2026年,該市場將從2022年的23億美元增長十倍至230億美元。

The three primary beneficiaries of this burgeoning HBM market, as per Goldman Sachs, are SK Hynix, $Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (SSNLF.US)$, and $Micron Technology (MU.US)$. The bank also expects these stocks to gain a boost from the market expansion.

根據高盛的說法,這個蓬勃發展的HBM市場的三個主要受益者是SK Hynix, $三星電子 (SSNLF.US)$,以及 $美光科技 (MU.US)$。該銀行還預計,這些股票將從市場擴張中獲得提振。

Goldman Sachs analysts, led by Giuni Lee, pointed out that the increasing demand for AI servers and the higher memory chip density per GPU are the key factors driving their optimistic outlook. They also highlighted the challenges faced by the major suppliers, such as larger chip sizes and lower production yields for HBM compared to conventional DRAM memory chips, which are likely to keep the supply tight in the near future.

由Giuni Lee領導的高盛分析師指出,對人工智能服務器的需求不斷增長以及每個GPU的更高內存芯片密度是推動其樂觀前景的關鍵因素。他們還強調了主要供應商面臨的挑戰,例如與傳統的DRAM存儲芯片相比,HBM的芯片尺寸更大,產量更低,這可能會在不久的將來保持供應緊張。

Why It Matters: The launch of Nvidia's new AI chips comes at a time when the company's stock has been the center of attention. The stock has been on a tear since the start of 2023, fueled by the explosion of interest in artificial intelligence sparked by OpenAI's ChatGPT. However, concerns have been raised about the sustainability of this growth, with some suggesting that it might be fueled by reckless speculation.


Despite these concerns, investor optimism has hit a two-year high, with the onset of the Great Rotation potentially underway. The future of technology, particularly the significance of computing power, has been a topic of interest, with some experts suggesting that "compute" will be the "currency of the future" instead of fiat or cryptocurrency.

儘管存在這些擔憂,但投資者的樂觀情緒已達到兩年來的最高水平,大輪換的開始可能正在進行中。技術的未來,尤其是計算能力的重要性,一直是人們關注的話題,一些專家認爲,“計算” 將是 “未來的貨幣”,而不是法定貨幣或加密貨幣。

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