
Bluerock Value Exchange Fully Subscribes $46.5 Million Diversified Industrial Portfolio I DST

Bluerock Value Exchange Fully Subscribes $46.5 Million Diversified Industrial Portfolio I DST

Bluerock Value Exchange在夏令時全額認購了4,650萬美元的多元化工業投資組合
PR Newswire ·  03/27 09:05

NEW YORK, March 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bluerock Value Exchange (BVEX), a long-time, national sponsor of 1031 exchange and Delaware Statutory Trust investment (DST) programs, announced it has fully subscribed BR Diversified Industrial Portfolio I, DST (DIP I) program with $46.5 million in equity from third-party investors and $36.5 million in first mortgage proceeds. Bluerock reported more than $2.5 billion in past and current 1031 exchange programs as of February 2024.

紐約,2024年3月27日 /PRNewswire/ — 長期爲1031交易所和特拉華州法定信託投資(DST)項目提供全國贊助商Bluerock價值交易所(BVEX)宣佈已全額認購BR多元化工業投資組合I、DST(DIP I)計劃,其中有來自第三方投資者的4,650萬美元股權和3,650萬美元的首次抵押貸款收益。Bluerock報告稱,截至2024年2月,過去和當前的1031項交換計劃已超過25億美元。

The DIP I DST offering includes a diverse five-property industrial sector portfolio with locations in the sunbelt and western markets featuring over 570,000 square feet of warehouse / distribution properties with six distinct tenants, including several public companies, notably, Herc Rentals and Pfizer, Inc.

DIP I DST產品包括多元化的五個地產工業部門投資組合,位於陽光地帶和西方市場,擁有超過570,000平方英尺的倉庫/配送物業,有六個不同的租戶,其中包括幾家上市公司,尤其是Herc Rentals和輝瑞公司。

BVEX believes DIP I represents an attractive investment opportunity in an already assembled diverse portfolio of industrial properties located in desirable high growth markets. DIP I seeks to provide investors with stable monthly cash flow pursuant to in-place, triple net leases to a diverse group of industrial tenants and the potential for capital appreciation due to high demand for industrial properties within highly sought-after infill locations. The program also provides investors with multiple options upon a future exit strategy event including 721 exchange (UPREIT) or subsequent cash-out / 1031 exchange optionality.

BVEX認爲,對於位於理想的高增長市場中已經組建的多元化工業地產投資組合而言,DIP I是一個有吸引力的投資機會。根據向不同工業租戶群體提供的三倍淨租約,DIP I旨在爲投資者提供穩定的每月現金流,以及由於在備受追捧的填充地段內對工業地產的需求旺盛而可能出現的資本增值。該計劃還在未來的退出策略事件中爲投資者提供多種選擇,包括721交易所(UPREIT)或隨後的套現/1031交易所期權。

"We are pleased with the successful full subscription of this investment program. We are providing investors with differentiated 1031 exchange opportunities to diversify their investment across multiple properties, industries and geographies within one investment and in our highest conviction real estate sector – the industrial sector", said Josh Hoffman, President of BVEX. "Today's infill warehouse and distribution properties have unparalleled demand tailwinds within the commercial real estate sector from e-commerce, US manufacturing and consumer distribution needs which serves as both downside protection, while also providing tremendous upside appreciation potential and places investor's capital in a uniquely favorable position for outsized returns, added Hoffman.


About Bluerock Value Exchange
Bluerock Value Exchange is a national sponsor of syndicated 1031-exchange offerings with a focus on Premier Exchange Properties that seek to deliver stable cash flows and potential for value creation. Bluerock has structured 1031 exchanges of more than $2.5 billion in total property value and 13 million square feet of property. Additional information can be found at

Bluerock Value Exchange是1031交易所銀團發行的全國贊助商,重點關注旨在提供穩定現金流和價值創造潛力的頂級交易所房產。Bluerock已經組建了1031家交易所,總房地產價值超過25億美元,房產面積超過1300萬平方英尺。更多信息可以在 上找到。

About Bluerock
Bluerock is a leading institutional alternative asset manager with more than $14 billion of acquired and managed assets headquartered in Manhattan with regional offices across the U.S. Bluerock principals have a collective 100+ years of investing experience with more than $120 billion real estate and capital markets experience and have helped launch leading private and public company platforms. Additional information can be found at

關於 Bluerock
Bluerock是一家領先的機構另類資產管理公司,擁有超過140億美元的收購和管理資產,總部位於曼哈頓,在美國各地設有區域辦事處。Bluerock負責人擁有超過100年的集體投資經驗,擁有超過1200億美元的房地產和資本市場經驗,並幫助推出了領先的私人和上市公司平台。更多信息可以在 上找到。

SOURCE Bluerock Value Exchange

來源 Bluerock 價值交易所

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