
What Drove After-Hour Recovery In Oragenics (OGEN) Stock

What Drove After-Hour Recovery In Oragenics (OGEN) Stock

Stocks Telegraph ·  02/01 03:39

Oragenics, Inc. (NYSE: OGEN) shares displayed a noteworthy resurgence during the extended trading period on Wednesday, marking a substantial 36.52% ascent to reach $3.14. This gain effectively counterbalanced the preceding 33.62% decline in the regular session, culminating in a closing price of $2.30. The recent announcement of an equity maneuver appears to have played a pivotal role in stabilizing OGEN stock after regular trading hours.

Oragenics, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:OGEN)股價在週三延長的交易期內出現了顯著的回升,大幅上漲了36.52%,達到3.14美元。這一漲勢有效地抵消了此前常規交易日33.62%的跌幅,最終收盤價爲2.30美元。最近宣佈的股票調整似乎在正常交易時間之後穩定OGEN股票方面發揮了關鍵作用。

Last week, Oragenics (OGEN) disclosed the termination of its previously introduced "at-the-market" ("ATM") equity offering program. The company has initiated a 5-day termination process for the ATM offering, set to be effective on January 30, 2024. Notably, no sales were executed under the ATM offering during this specified period.

上週,Oragenics(OGEN)透露其先前推出的 “市場”(“ATM”)股票發行計劃已終止。該公司已啓動爲期5天的自動櫃員機產品終止程序,該程序定於2024年1月30日生效。值得注意的是,在這段指定時間內,沒有根據自動櫃員機產品進行任何銷售。

Furthermore, Oragenics has successfully concluded its previously disclosed acquisition of assets associated with Odyssey Health, Inc.'s proprietary neurological drug therapies and technologies. This includes ONP-002 and a distinctive nasal delivery device, serving as Odyssey's primary concussion asset and considered a pioneering intranasal drug for treating moderate-to-severe concussions in the acute through subacute phases.

此外,Oragenics已成功完成其先前披露的對奧德賽健康公司相關資產的收購。”s 專有的神經系統藥物療法和技術。這包括 ONP-002 和一種獨特的鼻腔輸送裝置,它是奧德賽的主要腦震盪資產,被認爲是治療急性期至亞急性期中度至重度腦震盪的開創性鼻內藥物。

The acquired assets also encompass all rights and interests in ONP-001, identified as a groundbreaking neurosteroid for addressing Niemann Pick Type-C Disease (NPC). Additionally, Odyssey's proprietary powder formulation and intranasal delivery device are part of the acquired assets, while Odyssey retains its remaining assets and operations.

收購的資產還包括 ONP-001 的所有權利和利益,被確定爲治療尼曼·皮克C型病(NPC)的開創性神經類固醇。此外,奧德賽專有的粉末配方和鼻內輸送設備是收購資產的一部分,而奧德賽保留其剩餘資產和業務。

Post the completion of this pivotal transaction, endorsed by favorable shareholder votes at both entities, Oragenics anticipates a substantial expansion in market opportunities through Odyssey's neurological pipeline. The company perceives that Odyssey's technology harmonizes with its proficiency in intranasal drug delivery, aiming to address a significant and escalating health concern.


The decision to invest in this innovative therapy underscores OGEN's commitment to pioneering solutions that leverage its intranasal drug delivery expertise, with the overarching goal of enhancing patient outcomes. The newly acquired pipeline candidates hold promise for delivering groundbreaking treatments to millions affected by mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and NPC, thus positioning Oragenics in a market poised to reach an annual valuation of $8.9 billion by 2027.


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