
Startek Secures Another Prestigious Great Place to Work Certification in the Philippines for 2023

Startek Secures Another Prestigious Great Place to Work Certification in the Philippines for 2023

Startek 獲得 2023 年菲律賓又一項久負盛名的絕佳工作場所認證
PR Newswire ·  2023/12/07 08:00

MANILA, Philippines, Dec. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Startek (NYSE: SRT), a global customer experience (CX) solutions provider, is honored to announce its latest achievement, being a Great Place To Work Certified company in the Philippines based on a remarkable 79% overall associate satisfaction rate. This prestigious certification reflects our ongoing commitment to providing an exceptional work environment where associates feel valued, empowered and motivated to excel.

菲律賓馬尼拉,2023 年 12 月 7 日 /PRNewswire/ — Startek 全球客戶體驗(CX)解決方案提供商紐約證券交易所股票代碼:SRT)很榮幸地宣佈其最新成就,即成爲理想的工作場所 菲律賓認證公司的總體員工滿意度高達 79%。這項久負盛名的認證反映了我們對提供卓越的工作環境的持續承諾,讓員工感到被重視、有能力和動力去追求卓越。

Great Place To Work recognizes organizations that excel in promoting work-life balance, fostering a positive company culture and maintaining ethical senior management practices. To establish which companies deserve this accolade, the global organization conducts research-backed surveys and questionnaires to gather anonymous feedback from associates for analysis. The Great Place To Work Certification is a testament to the dedication of organizations like Startek, which consistently ensure a welcoming and inclusive work environment for their team members.

工作的好地方 表彰在促進工作與生活平衡、培養積極的公司文化和維護合乎道德的高級管理實踐方面表現出色的組織。爲了確定哪些公司值得獲得這一榮譽,該全球組織開展了有研究支持的調查和問卷調查,以收集員工的匿名反饋以供分析。Great Place To Work 認證證明了像 Startek 這樣的組織的奉獻精神,這些組織始終如一地確保爲其團隊成員提供溫馨和包容的工作環境。

"We are thrilled to receive this recognition, which affirms our mission to cultivate a workplace where our associates are genuinely valued and empowered," Bharat Rao, Global CEO, Startek. "We hire exceptionally talented individuals, equip them with the tools needed for success and foster a culture of collaboration. The outstanding results we've achieved validate our effort. It also reflects our dedication to providing the highest level of service to our clients."

Startek全球首席執行官巴拉特·拉奧(Bharat Rao)表示:“我們很高興獲得這一認可,這證實了我們的使命,即營造一個讓員工真正受到重視和賦權的工作場所。”“我們僱用才華橫溢的人才,爲他們提供成功所需的工具,並培養協作文化。我們取得的出色成績證實了我們的努力。這也反映了我們致力於爲客戶提供最高水平的服務。”

Key findings from the survey include:


  • 80% of Startek associates believe that "Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work."
  • An impressive 79% overall performance rating, demonstrating the high quality of the Startek work environment.
  • A remarkable 86% of associates joining Startek Philippines say they were made to feel welcome from day one.
  • 80% 的 Startek 員工認爲 “考慮到所有因素,我想說這是一個很棒的工作場所。”
  • 令人印象深刻的79%的總體績效評分,證明了Startek工作環境的高質量。
  • 在加入菲律賓Startek的員工中,有86%的人表示,他們從第一天起就感到賓至如歸。

"As we move forward, we are filled with excitement and determination to build upon this strong foundation," affirmed S. M. Gupta, Global Head HR, Startek. "An inspiring work environment is at the core of our success and it's a journey that never truly ends. The fact that 79% of associates in the Philippines feel a sense of pride in what we accomplish speaks volumes, and we are dedicated to continuing our journey, thriving, innovating and making a positive impact on the world. The best is yet to come."

Startek全球人力資源主管S.M. Gupta肯定道:“在我們向前邁進的過程中,我們充滿激動和決心,要在這個堅實的基礎上再接再厲。”“鼓舞人心的工作環境是我們成功的核心,這是一段永無止境的旅程。菲律賓79%的員工對我們取得的成就感到自豪,這一事實充分說明了這一點,我們致力於繼續前進、蓬勃發展、創新並對世界產生積極影響。最好的還在後頭。”

This certification underscores the Startek commitment to nurturing a positive and inclusive workplace culture, demonstrating that they value, empower, and motivate the associates to reach their full potential. It not only showcases the company's dedication to their workforce but also solidifies their position as an industry leader, emphasizing that Startek's organizational values align with the well-being of their associates.


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About Great Place To Work

關於 “理想的工作場所”

Backed by 30 years of data, Great Place To Work is the global authority on workplace culture. Through its proprietary For All Model and Trust Index Survey, it gives organizations the recognition and tools to create a consistently positive employee experience. Its mission is to help every place become a great place to work for all, driving business growth, improving lives, and empowering communities. Through globally recognized and coveted Great Place To Work Certification and highly competitive Best Workplaces Lists, Great Place To Work enables employers to attract and retain talent, benchmark company culture, and increase revenue. Its platform enables leaders to truly capture, analyze and understand the experience of every employee, and compare outcomes with data collected from more than 100 million employees in 150 countries worldwide.

Great Place To Work 以 30 年的數據爲後盾,是工作場所文化方面的全球權威。通過其專有的 For All Model 和 Trust Index 調查,它爲組織提供了認可和工具,以創造持續積極的員工體驗。它的使命是幫助每個地方都成爲人人工作的好地方,推動業務增長,改善生活,增強社區能力。通過全球認可和夢寐以求的 “最佳工作場所” 認證和極具競爭力的最佳工作場所名單,Great Place To Work使僱主能夠吸引和留住人才,對公司文化進行基準測試並增加收入。它的平台使領導者能夠真正捕獲、分析和理解每位員工的經歷,並將結果與從全球150個國家的1億多名員工那裏收集的數據進行比較。

About Startek

關於 Startek

For more than 35 years, Startek has delivered customer experience (CX) excellence for the world's leading brands. Spread across 12 countries, our 38,000 associates create memorable, personalized experiences in both voice and non-voice channels. Our clients span from fortune 500s to fast-growing startups in a diverse range of industries including cable, media and telecom; travel and hospitality; retail and e-commerce and banking and financial services.

35年來,Startek一直爲世界領先品牌提供卓越的客戶體驗(CX)。我們的 38,000 名員工遍佈 12 個國家,通過語音和非語音渠道創造令人難忘的個性化體驗。我們的客戶從財富500強到快速成長的初創公司,涉及多個行業,包括有線電視、媒體和電信;旅遊和酒店;零售和電子商務以及銀行和金融服務。

By creating closer connections, Startek delivers value for our clients, opportunity for our people and sustainable growth for our shareholders.


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