
HK Bourse: Results Announcement From China Energine International (Holdings) Ltd.

HK Bourse: Results Announcement From China Energine International (Holdings) Ltd.

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2020/05/17 18:02

DJ HK Bourse: Results Announcement From China Energine International (Holdings) Ltd.


For full details, please click on the following link: FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE AUDITED ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019
Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 31 March 2020 in connection
with the unaudited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 (the "Unaudited
Annual Results Announcement " ). Capitalised terms used herein, unless otherwise
defined, shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Unaudited Annual Results
The Board announces that the Group's auditor, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ("Deloitte"), has
completed its audit of the annual results of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2019
and issued a disclaimer opinion in which the extract of Deloitte's independent auditor's report
is set out in pages 21 to 23. The audited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019
were approved by the Board on 15 May 2020, details of which are set out below.
* For identification purpose only 1
For the year ended 31 December 2019 2019 2018 HK$ '000 HK$ '000 NOTES (Restated)
Continuing operations 38,307
Turnover 3 59,116 (40,881)
Cost of sales (53,157) (2,574)
Gross (loss) profit 5,959 17,914
Other income 4 24,283 (107,024)
Other gains and losses 5 (190,038)
Impairment losses, net of reversal, on (569,049) financial assets and contract assets 6 (698,933) (130,533)
Selling and distribution expenses (73,007) (146,025)
Administrative expenses (165,525) (80,860)
Finance costs 7 (82,546) (5,076)
Share of results of associates (129,834) 31,359
Share of results of joint ventures 76,177 (991,868)
Loss before taxation 8 (1,233,464) (3,770)
Taxation 9 (580) (995,638)
Loss for the year from continuing operations (1,234,044)
Discontinued operations (59,841)
Loss for the year from discontinued operations 10 (96,102) (1,055,479)
Loss for the year (1,330,146) 2 2019 2018 HK$ '000 HK$ '000 NOTE (Restated)
Other comprehensive expense:
Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss - exchange differences arising on 2,332 translation to presentation currency (66,293) (1,053,147)
Total comprehensive expense for the year (1,396,439)
Loss for the year attributable to owners of the Company (985,465) - from continuing operations (1,224,423) (59,841) - from discontinued operations (96,102) (1,045,306) (1,320,525)
Loss for the year attributable to non-controlling interests (10,173) - from continuing operations (9,621) (1,055,479)
Loss for the year (1,330,146)
Total comprehensive expense attributable to: (1,042,031) Owners of the Company (1,384,076) (11,116) Non-controlling interests (12,363) (1,053,147) (1,396,439)
Loss per share - Basic HK(23.93) cents From continuing and discontinued operations 12 HK(30.22) cents HK(22.56) cents From continuing operations 12 HK(28.03) cents 3
At 31 December 2019 2019 2018 HK$ '000 HK$ '000 NOTES
Non-current assets 130,724 Investment properties 133,531 194,507 Property, plant and equipment 238,574 6,342 Right-of-use assets - 2,004 Goodwill 2,004 - Intangible assets 63,165 - Deferred tax assets 1,643 194,587 Interests in associates 206,108 932,381 Interests in joint ventures 1,015,299 67,351 Amount due from a joint venture 104,165 Financial assets at fair value through other 4,800 comprehensive income 4,908 1,532,696 1,769,397
Current assets 41,170 Inventories 78,291 Trade and other receivables, deposits and 1,079,654 prepayments 13 1,760,599 226,518 Contract assets 304,759 154,507 Amounts due from associates 252,457 19,186 Amount due from a joint venture 20,089

欲覽全部詳情,請點擊以下鏈接:Https://進一步公佈截至2019年12月31日止年度經審核年度業績請參閲本公司於二零二零年三月三十一日發佈的公告,該公告與截至2019年12月31日止年度的未經審核年度業績(“未經審核年度業績公告“)。除非另有規定,否則此處使用的大寫術語定義的,應與未經審計的年度業績中定義的含義相同公告。經審計的年度業績董事會宣佈,本集團核數師德勤會計師事務所(“德勤”)已完成對本集團截至2019年12月31日止年度業績的審核並發表了一份免責聲明,其中德勤的獨立審計師報告摘錄載於第21至23頁。截至2019年12月31日止年度經審核年度業績於二零二零年五月十五日獲董事會批准,詳情載於下文。*只供識別之用1綜合損益表及其他綜合收益截至2019年12月31日止年度2018年‘000港元’000債券(重訂)持續運營38,307成交量359116(40881)銷售成本(53,157)(2,574)毛利(虧損)5959 17914其他收入424283(107,024)其他損益5(190,038)(569,049)金融資產和合同資產減值損失6(698,933)(130,533)銷售和分銷費用(73,007)(146,025)行政費用(165525)(80860)融資成本7(82546)(5076)聯營公司業績分享(129,834)31,359合資企業業績份額76,177(991,868)税前虧損8(1,233,464)(3,770)税務9(580)(995,638)全年持續運營虧損(1,234,044)停產業務(59841)本年度停產業務虧損10(96102)(1055479)本年度虧損(1,330,146)2 2019 2018‘000港元’000票據(重訂)其他綜合費用:不會重新分類為損益的項目-因2332折算成列報貨幣而產生的匯兑差額(66293)(1053147)全年綜合費用總額(1,396,439)本年度公司所有者應占虧損(985,465)--持續運營虧損(1,224,423)(59,841)--非持續運營虧損(96,102)(1,045,306)(1,320,525)本年度可歸因於非控股權益的虧損(10,173)-持續運營虧損(9,621)(1,055,479)全年虧損(1,330,146)可歸因於:(1,042,031)公司所有者(1,384,076)(11,116)非控股權益(12,363)(1,053,147)(1,396,439)的綜合支出總額每股虧損-持續運營和非持續運營的基本港幣(23.93)美分12港元(30.22)港幣(22.56)港幣(22.56)持續運營的基本港幣(28.03)美分3合併財務狀況表截至2019年12月31日(2018年12月31日)非流動資產130,724投資物業133,531 194,507物業、廠房和設備238,574 6,342使用權資產-2,004商譽2,004-無形資產63,165-遞延税項資產1,643 194,587聯營公司的權益206,108 932,381合資企業的權益1,015,299 67,351通過其他4,800綜合收益按公允價值計算的金融資產4,908 1,532,696 1,761流動資產41,170存貨78,291貿易和其他應收賬款,保證金和1,079,654預付款13 1,760,599 226,518合同資產304,759 154,507聯營公司應支付的252,457 19,186美元合資企業應支付的20,089美元

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May 17, 2020 18:02 ET (22:02 GMT)


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