
CICC Expects China NEV Sales to Reach 1.5 Million in Q1, With Jan as Recent Low Point

CICC Expects China NEV Sales to Reach 1.5 Million in Q1, With Jan as Recent Low Point

中金預計第一季度中國 NEV 銷售額將達 150 萬,1 月為近期低點
CnEVPost ·  2023/02/06 22:38

CICC expects the first quarter to contribute 15.7 percent of China's 2023 NEV sales, with 20.7 percent, 27.6 percent and 35.9 percent from the second to fourth quarters, respectively.

中金預計第一季度將貢獻中國 2023 年新生能源銷售額的 15.7 百分比,分別為第二季至第四季度的 20.7 百分比、27.6% 和 3.9%。

Many automakers reported significantly lower January sales, but in the view of a local brokerage firm, China's new energy vehicle (NEV) market will begin to rebound in the next two months after seasonal factors subside.

許多汽車製造商報告說,1 月份的銷售額顯著下降,但鑑於一家當地經紀公司,中國新能源汽車(NEV)市場將在季節性因素消退後的兩個月內開始反彈。

China's wholesale sales of NEVs are expected to reach 1.5 million units in the first quarter and are on track to reach 9 million units for the year, corresponding to a 39 percent penetration rate, said CICC analyst Qiu Xiaofeng's team in a research note today.

中金分析師邱曉峰的團隊今天在一份研究報告中表示,中國新能汽車批發銷售額預計將在第一季度達到 150 萬台,相當於普及率 39%。

January was the low point for recent sales as China's purchase subsidies for NEVs expired at the end of last year, allowing some consumers to bring forward demand, and as car companies slowed production and sales during China's Chinese New Year holiday, the team said.

該團隊表示,由於中國對 NEV 的購買補貼在去年年底到期,使一些消費者能夠提出需求,並隨著汽車企業在中國農曆新年假期期間放緩生產和銷售,1 月是低點。

Retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China are expected to be 360,000 units in January, up 1.8 percent from a year earlier but down 43.8 percent from December, according to estimates released by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) on January 28.

根據中國乘用車協會(CPCA)於 1 月 28 日發布的估計,中國新能源乘用車的零售額預計將在 1 月份達到 36 萬輛,較去年同期上升 1.8%,但較 12 月下降了 43.8 %。

Another report released by the CPCA on February 3 showed that China's new energy passenger vehicle wholesale sales in January are expected to be 410,000 units, down about 45 percent from December and essentially unchanged from a year ago.

CPCA 2 月 3 日發布的另一份報告顯示,中國 1 月份新能源乘用車批發銷售額預計為 41 萬台,較 12 月下降約 45%,與一年前相比基本上不變。

With only 20 days of sales before the Chinese New Year holiday in China and with the recent trend of declining lithium carbonate prices evident, some manufacturers are actively allowing production and sales to slow down in January, the CICC said.

CICC 表示,隨著最近碳酸鋰價格下跌的趨勢,一些製造商正在積極允許 1 月份的生產和銷售放緩,在中國農曆新年假期前僅 20 天的銷售額,並且隨著最近碳酸鋰價格下降的趨勢。

Several local governments have issued subsidy policies for NEV purchases, and concerns about a renewed Covid outbreak continue to diminish, CICC noted.

中金指出,一些地方政府已針對 NEV 購買發出補貼政策,對新冠肺炎爆發的擔憂繼續減少。

After Tesla's price cut, price cuts by other car companies are also expected to spur accelerated demand release. In addition, the intensive launch of new models starting in February is expected to drive demand to recover beyond expectations, the team said.

在 Tesla 降價之後,預計其他汽車公司降價也將刺激加速需求釋放。此外,2 月份開始的密集推出新車型預計將推動需求恢復超出預期,該團隊表示。

CICC expects wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China to reach 1.5 million units in the first quarter, contributing about 15.7 percent to annual sales and a penetration rate of 30.2 percent.

中金預計中國新能源乘用車批發銷售第一季度將達 150 萬台,為年銷售額貢獻約 15.7 %,滲透率為 30.2%。

Sales in the second through fourth quarters will contribute 20.7 percent, 27.6 percent and 35.9 percent of annual NEV sales, respectively, and penetration is expected to be 36.6 percent, 41.7 percent and 43.0 percent, respectively, the team said.

該團隊表示,第二季度至第四季度的銷售額將分別佔 NEV 年度銷售額的 20.7 百分比,27.6% 和 35%,並且滲透率預計分別為 36.6 %,41.7 % 和 43.0 百分比。

CICC believes that in the passenger car market, there is a high degree of certainty that the NEV industry will sustain growth.

中金認為,在乘用車市場上,NEV 行業將維持增長的高度確定性。

On the cost side, NEVs are declining faster than traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and they have lower usage costs, which will prompt more Chinese consumers to abandon ICE vehicles, according to the team.

在成本方面,NEV 的下降速度比傳統的內燃機(ICE)車輛更快,並且它們的使用成本較低,這將促使更多中國消費者放棄 ICE 車輛,據團隊稱。

In terms of technology, NEVs are advancing much faster than ICE vehicles, and electric vehicles have the advantage of rapid technological advancement in terms of battery technology and intelligence, the team said.

該團隊表示,在技術方面,新能源汽車的發展速度比 ICE 汽車快得多,電動汽車在電池技術和智能方面具有快速技術進步的優勢。

CICC also noted that the penetration rate of NEVs in China has reached about 30 percent, and will go into a relatively slow growth period after the rapid growth of the past two years.

中金還指出,中國新經濟型貨幣的滲透率已達到 30% 左右,在過去兩年快速增長之後,將進入相對緩慢的增長期。

Especially in the battery electric vehicle (BEV) market, where penetration is high, steady or fluctuating increases in penetration may become the new normal, the team said.


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