
E.B. Tucker Sells 3,000 Shares of Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. (CVE:MTA) Stock

E.B. Tucker Sells 3,000 Shares of Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. (CVE:MTA) Stock

E.B 塔克出售 3,000 股金屬製版稅及流媒體股份有限公司 (CVE: MTA) 股票
Financial News Live ·  2023/02/05 13:21

Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. (CVE:MTA – Get Rating) Director E.B. Tucker sold 3,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction dated Thursday, February 2nd. The shares were sold at an average price of C$6.61, for a total transaction of C$19,830.00. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 484,500 shares in the company, valued at approximately C$3,202,545.

Metalla 版稅和流媒體有限公司(CVE:MTA-獲取評級)董事 E.B 塔克在 2 月 2 日(星期四)的一項交易中出售了該公司股票的 3,000 股。這些股份以 6.61 加元的平均價格出售,交易總額為 19,830 加元。交易完成後,董事現直接擁有該公司的 484,500 股股份,價值約為 3,202,545 加元。

E.B. Tucker also recently made the following trade(s):

E.B 塔克最近還進行了以下交易:

Metalla Royalty & Streaming
金屬版稅 & 流媒體
  • On Wednesday, January 25th, E.B. Tucker sold 9,500 shares of Metalla Royalty & Streaming stock. The stock was sold at an average price of C$7.16, for a total transaction of C$68,050.40.
  • On Monday, January 23rd, E.B. Tucker sold 5,000 shares of Metalla Royalty & Streaming stock. The shares were sold at an average price of C$7.10, for a total transaction of C$35,500.00.
  • 星期三,1 月 25 日,E.B. 塔克賣出 9,500 股金屬版稅和流媒體股票。該股票以 7.16 加元的平均價格出售,交易總額為 68,050.40 加元。
  • 星期一,1 月 23 日,歐洲聯盟塔克賣出了 5,000 股金屬版稅和流媒體股票。股票以 7.10 加元的平均價格出售,交易總額為 35,500.00 加元。

Metalla Royalty & Streaming Trading Down 0.8 %

金屬色版稅和流媒體交易下降 0.8%

Shares of CVE MTA traded down C$0.05 during midday trading on Friday, reaching C$6.55. 16,452 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 15,079. Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. has a twelve month low of C$4.72 and a twelve month high of C$10.40. The stock has a market capitalization of C$294.85 million and a P/E ratio of -18.99. The company has a 50 day simple moving average of C$7.00 and a 200 day simple moving average of C$6.25. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 10.37, a quick ratio of 0.81 and a current ratio of 1.37.

星期五中午交易期間,CVE MTA 的股票下跌 0.05 加元,達到 6.55 加元。與其平均交易量 15,079 股相比,該股票的交易量為 16,452 股。金屬樂皇室 & 流媒體有限公司擁有十二個月低點加幣 4.72 加元和十二個月高點 10.40 加元。該股的市值為 294.85 百萬加元,市盈率為 -18.99。該公司擁有 50 天的簡單移動平均線加元 7.00 加元和 200 天簡單移動平均線 6.25 加元。該公司的債務與權益比率為 10.37,快速比率為 0.81,流動比率為 1.37。

Metalla Royalty & Streaming (CVE:MTA – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Thursday, November 10th. The company reported C($0.08) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. The business had revenue of C$0.86 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of C$1.00 million. As a group, equities analysts expect that Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. will post -0.19 earnings per share for the current year.
金屬版稅和流媒體(CVE:MTA-獲取評級)最後發布於 11 月 10 日(星期四)其收益業績。該公司報告了本季度每股盈利 (0.08 美元)。該業務在該季度的收入為 0.86 百萬加元,而共識估計為 $1.00 萬加元。作為一個集團,股票分析師預計 Metalla 版稅和流媒體有限公司將在本年度錄得 -0.19 的每股盈利。

About Metalla Royalty & Streaming


(Get Rating)


Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd., a precious metals royalty and streaming company, engages in the acquisition and management of precious metal royalties, streams, and related production-based interests in Canada, Australia, Argentina, Mexico, and the United States. It focuses on gold and silver streams and royalties.

Metalla 版稅 & Streaming Ltd. 是一家貴金屬版稅和流媒體公司,在加拿大,澳大利亞,阿根廷,墨西哥和美國從事貴金屬特許權使用費,流和相關生產權益的收購和管理。它側重於黃金和白銀流以及特許權使用費。

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