
Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARQT) Given Average Rating of "Buy" by Analysts

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARQT) Given Average Rating of "Buy" by Analysts

Arcutis 生物治療學公司(NASDAQ:ARQT)由分析師給定的「購買」的平均評級
Financial News Live ·  2023/02/05 04:51

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARQT – Get Rating) has received a consensus rating of "Buy" from the six research firms that are currently covering the stock, MarketBeat reports. Six equities research analysts have rated the stock with a buy recommendation. The average 1 year price objective among analysts that have issued a report on the stock in the last year is $51.60.

據MarketBeat報道,Arcutis BioTreateutics,Inc.(納斯達克代碼:ARQT-GET評級)已收到目前覆蓋該股的六家研究公司的共識評級為買入。六位股票研究分析師已將該股評級為買入建議。在去年發佈了一份股票報告的分析師中,平均一年的價格目標是51.60美元。

Separately, Morgan Stanley lifted their price objective on Arcutis Biotherapeutics from $49.00 to $51.00 and gave the stock an "overweight" rating in a report on Tuesday, December 13th.

另外,摩根士丹利在12月13日(星期二)的一份報告中將Arcutis BioTreateutics的目標價從49.00美元上調至51.00美元,並給予該股“增持”評級。

Arcutis Biotherapeutics

Insiders Place Their Bets


In other news, Director Howard G. Welgus sold 8,500 shares of Arcutis Biotherapeutics stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, January 17th. The stock was sold at an average price of $13.72, for a total value of $116,620.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now owns 165,825 shares in the company, valued at approximately $2,275,119. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which is available through this hyperlink. In related news, insider Masaru Matsuda sold 1,720 shares of the business's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, November 21st. The stock was sold at an average price of $18.19, for a total transaction of $31,286.80. Following the completion of the transaction, the insider now owns 19,535 shares in the company, valued at approximately $355,341.65. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at the SEC website. Also, Director Howard G. Welgus sold 8,500 shares of the business's stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, January 17th. The shares were sold at an average price of $13.72, for a total value of $116,620.00. Following the transaction, the director now owns 165,825 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $2,275,119. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders have sold 13,695 shares of company stock worth $205,107 in the last three months. 23.00% of the stock is owned by insiders.

在其他新聞方面,董事霍華德·G·韋爾格斯在1月17日(星期二)的一筆交易中出售了8,500股Arcutis BioTreateutics的股票。這隻股票的平均售價為13.72美元,總價值為116,620.00美元。交易完成後,董事現在擁有該公司165,825股票,價值約2,275,119美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的法律文件中披露的,該文件可通過此超鏈接。在相關新聞中,內部人士松田正郎在11月21日星期一的一次交易中出售了1,720股該公司的股票。該股以18.19美元的平均價格出售,總成交金額為31286.80美元。交易完成後,這位內部人士現在擁有該公司19,535股,價值約355,341.65美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份法律文件中披露的,該文件可在美國證券交易委員會網站。此外,董事霍華德·G·韋爾格斯在1月17日(星期二)的一筆交易中出售了8,500股該公司的股票。這些股票的平均價格為13.72美元,總價值為116,620.00美元。交易完成後,董事現在擁有該公司165,825股股票,價值約2275,119美元。關於這次銷售的披露可以找到這裏。在過去的三個月裏,內部人士已經出售了13,695股公司股票,價值205,107美元。23.00%的股份由內部人士持有。

Institutional Inflows and Outflows


A number of institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. ProShare Advisors LLC acquired a new position in Arcutis Biotherapeutics during the 4th quarter worth $154,000. Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank raised its stake in shares of Arcutis Biotherapeutics by 19.2% in the 4th quarter. Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank now owns 7,026 shares of the company's stock worth $104,000 after buying an additional 1,134 shares in the last quarter. New York State Common Retirement Fund raised its stake in shares of Arcutis Biotherapeutics by 21.8% in the 4th quarter. New York State Common Retirement Fund now owns 29,951 shares of the company's stock worth $443,000 after buying an additional 5,367 shares in the last quarter. Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC raised its stake in shares of Arcutis Biotherapeutics by 46.5% in the 4th quarter. Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC now owns 1,066,851 shares of the company's stock worth $15,789,000 after buying an additional 338,487 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Hennion & Walsh Asset Management Inc. raised its stake in shares of Arcutis Biotherapeutics by 47.1% in the 4th quarter. Hennion & Walsh Asset Management Inc. now owns 132,772 shares of the company's stock worth $1,965,000 after buying an additional 42,508 shares in the last quarter.
一些機構投資者最近增持或減持了該業務的股份。ProShare Advisors LLC在第四季度收購了Arcutis BioTreateutics的一個新頭寸,價值15.4萬美元。蘇黎世廣東銀行第四季度增持Arcutis BioTreateutics股票19.2%。Zurcher Kantonalbank蘇黎世廣東銀行現在持有該公司7,026股股票,價值10.4萬美元,上個季度又購買了1,134股。紐約州共同退休基金在第四季度將其在Arcutis BioTreateutics的股份增加了21.8%。紐約州共同退休基金現在擁有29,951股該公司股票,價值44.3萬美元,上個季度又購買了5,367股。AllSpring Global Investments Holdings LLC在第四季度將其在Arcutis BioTreateutics的股份增加了46.5%。AllSpring Global Investments Holdings LLC現在擁有1,066,851股該公司股票,價值15,789,000美元,上個季度又購買了338,487股。最後,Hennion&Walsh Asset Management Inc.在第四季度將其在Arcutis BioTreateutics的持股比例提高了47.1%。Hennion&Walsh Asset Management Inc.現在持有132,772股該公司股票,價值1,965,000美元,上個季度又購買了42,508股。

Arcutis Biotherapeutics Stock Performance

Arcutis BioTreateutics股票表現

Shares of NASDAQ:ARQT opened at $16.67 on Friday. The company has a market cap of $1.02 billion, a P/E ratio of -2.83 and a beta of 0.52. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.73, a quick ratio of 13.27 and a current ratio of 13.39. Arcutis Biotherapeutics has a one year low of $12.81 and a one year high of $27.40. The business's 50-day simple moving average is $15.62 and its 200 day simple moving average is $18.92.

納斯達克:ARQT週五開盤報16.67美元。該公司市值為10.2億美元,市盈率為-2.83,貝塔係數為0.52。該公司的負債權益比率為0.73,速動比率為13.27,流動比率為13.39。Arcutis BioTreateutics的一年低點為12.81美元,一年高位為27.40美元。該業務的50日簡單移動均線切入位為15.62美元,200日簡單移動均線切入位為18.92美元。

Arcutis Biotherapeutics (NASDAQ:ARQT – Get Rating) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, November 8th. The company reported ($1.89) EPS for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($1.54) by ($0.35). The company had revenue of $0.73 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.01 million. On average, sell-side analysts forecast that Arcutis Biotherapeutics will post -5.96 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

Arcutis BioTreateutics(納斯達克:ARQT-GET評級)最近一次公佈收益業績是在11月8日(星期二)。該公司公佈本季度每股收益(1.89美元),低於普遍預期的(1.54美元)和(0.35美元)。該公司本季度營收為73萬美元,而分析師預期為101萬美元。賣方分析師平均預測,Arcutis BioTreateutics本財年每股收益將達到5.96美元。

About Arcutis Biotherapeutics


(Get Rating)


Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc, a biopharmaceutical company, focuses on developing and commercializing treatments for dermatological diseases. Its lead product candidate is ARQ-151, a topical roflumilast cream that has completed Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of plaque psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Arcutis BioTreateutics,Inc.是一家生物製藥公司,專注於皮膚病治療方法的開發和商業化。它的主要候選產品是ARQ-151,這是一種外用羅氟司特乳膏,已經完成了治療斑塊型牛皮癬和特應性皮炎的第三階段臨牀試驗。

Further Reading


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