
Mobileye Global Inc盘中异动 下午盘急速上涨5.00%报40.53美元

Mobileye Global Inc盤中異動 下午盤急速上漲5.00%報40.53美元

自選股智能寫手 ·  2023/02/01 15:19

北京時間2023年02月02日03時48分,Mobileye Global Inc(股票出現異動,股價大幅拉昇5.00%。截至發稿,該股報40.53美元/股,成交量280.473萬股,換手率0.35%,振幅5.96%。



Mobileye Global Inc股票所在的汽車配件行業中,整體漲幅為1.06%。其相關個股中,Aeye Inc C/Wts 30/09/2027 (To Pur Com)、Aeye Inc、Aeva Technologies Inc漲幅較大,Atlis Motor Vehicles Inc、Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc、Luminar Technologies Inc較為活躍,換手率分別為6.85%、1.34%、1.32%,振幅較大的相關個股有Aeye Inc C/Wts 30/09/2027 (To Pur Com)、Aeye Inc、Gogoro Inc C/Wts 04/04/2027 (To Pur Com),振幅分別為56.98%、20.45%、13.59%。

Mobileye Global Inc公司簡介:Mobileye Global Inc engages in the development and deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving technologies and solutions.It is building a portfolio of end-to-end ADAS and autonomous driving solutions to provide the capabilities needed for the future of autonomous driving, leveraging a comprehensive suite of purpose-built software and hardware technologies.Its solutions comprise of  Driver Assist, Cloud-Enhanced Driver Assist, Mobileye SuperVision Lite, Mobileye SuperVision, Mobileye Chauffeur, Mobileye Drive, Self-Driving System & Vehicles.It also provides data services to Expedite Maintenance Operations with AI-Powered Road Survey Technology.

(以上內容為自選股智慧機器寫手Money Call完成,僅作為用戶看盤參考,不作為交易依據。)

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