
Short Interest in Aadi Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:AADI) Declines By 11.9%

Short Interest in Aadi Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:AADI) Declines By 11.9%

在阿迪生物科學公司短期興趣, 公司. (納斯達克:阿迪) 下降了 11.9%
Financial News Live ·  2023/01/31 04:02

Aadi Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:AADI – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant drop in short interest in January. As of January 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,040,000 shares, a drop of 11.9% from the December 31st total of 1,180,000 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 88,800 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 11.7 days. Approximately 6.1% of the company's stock are short sold.

阿迪生物科學公司 (NASDAQ: AADI — 獲取評級) 是一月份短期利益顯著下降的收件人.截至 1 月 15 日,短期利息總共 1,040,000 股,較十二月三十一日的總共 1,180,000 股股份下降 11.9%。根據 88,800 股的平均交易量計算,目前的日數比率為 11.7 天。約 6.1% 的公司股票賣空。

Aadi Bioscience Stock Down 2.0 %

阿迪生物科學股票下降 2.0%

AADI stock opened at $12.55 on Tuesday. The business's 50-day moving average price is $12.84 and its 200-day moving average price is $13.03. Aadi Bioscience has a twelve month low of $11.00 and a twelve month high of $21.15. The stock has a market cap of $306.22 million, a P/E ratio of -4.21 and a beta of 1.26.

阿迪股票星期二開盤價為 12.55 美元。該企業的 50 天移動平均價格為 12.84 美元,其 200 天移動平均價格為 13.03 美元。阿迪生物科學有十二個月低點 11.00 美元,十二個月高點為 21.15 美元。該股的市值為 30622 萬美元,市盈率為 -4.21,貝塔值為 1.26。

Aadi Bioscience

Aadi Bioscience (NASDAQ:AADI – Get Rating) last released its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, November 9th. The company reported ($0.68) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.75) by $0.07. Aadi Bioscience had a negative return on equity of 44.28% and a negative net margin of 569.57%. The business had revenue of $4.25 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $3.60 million. On average, equities research analysts expect that Aadi Bioscience will post -2.86 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

阿迪生物科學 (納斯達克:AADI-獲取評級) 最近一次公佈了其季度收益數據,週三, 11 月 9 日.該公司報告了本季度的每股盈利(0.68 美元),頂級分析師的共識估計(0.75 美元)為 0.07 美元。阿迪生物科學的負資產回報率為 44.28%,負淨利潤率為 569.57%。該業務本季度的收入為 425 萬美元,而共識估計為 3.60 萬美元。平均而言,股票研究分析師預計,阿迪生物科學將在本財政年度公佈每股盈利 -2.86。

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth


Separately, LADENBURG THALM/SH SH reduced their price objective on Aadi Bioscience to $47.00 in a report on Tuesday, November 15th.
另外,拉登堡塔爾姆/SH SH 將其價格目標降低至 $47.00 在星期二的報告中,11 月 15 日。

Hedge Funds Weigh In On Aadi Bioscience

對沖基金權衡 Aadi 生物科學

Large investors have recently modified their holdings of the stock. Point72 Asset Management L.P. lifted its stake in shares of Aadi Bioscience by 156.2% during the 2nd quarter. Point72 Asset Management L.P. now owns 542,044 shares of the company's stock worth $6,678,000 after purchasing an additional 330,513 shares during the last quarter. State Street Corp raised its stake in Aadi Bioscience by 72.0% in the first quarter. State Street Corp now owns 535,578 shares of the company's stock valued at $9,089,000 after buying an additional 224,178 shares during the last quarter. RA Capital Management L.P. raised its stake in Aadi Bioscience by 54.1% in the third quarter. RA Capital Management L.P. now owns 590,218 shares of the company's stock valued at $8,340,000 after buying an additional 207,190 shares during the last quarter. Ikarian Capital LLC raised its stake in Aadi Bioscience by 97.9% in the second quarter. Ikarian Capital LLC now owns 412,343 shares of the company's stock valued at $1,274,000 after buying an additional 203,975 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Northern Trust Corp raised its stake in Aadi Bioscience by 270.2% in the second quarter. Northern Trust Corp now owns 134,224 shares of the company's stock valued at $1,654,000 after buying an additional 97,966 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 67.09% of the company's stock.

大型投資者最近修改了股票的持有量。72 點資產管理有限責任公司在第二季度將其 Aadi 生物科學股份的股份提升了 156.2%。在上一季度額外購買 330,513 股股份後,Point72 資產管理有限公司股份目前擁有該公司股票的 542,044 股股份,價值 6,678,000 美元。州街公司在第一季度將其在阿迪生物科學的股份提高了 72.0%。在上一季度額外購買 224,178 股股票後,州街公司現在擁有該公司 535,578 股價值 9,089,000 美元的股票。RA 資本管理有限責任公司在第三季度提高了 54.1% 在阿迪生物科學的股份。在上一季度額外購買 207,190 股股份後,RA 資本管理有限公司股票的 590,218 股股份,價值為 8,340,000 美元。伊卡里資本有限責任公司在第二季度將其在阿迪生物科學的股份提高了 97.9%。在上一季度額外購買 203,975 股股票後,依卡利資本有限責任公司現在擁有該公司 412,343 股價值 1,274,000 美元的股票。最後,北方信託公司在第二季度將其在阿迪生物科學的股份提高了 270.2%。北方信託公司現在擁有該公司股票的 134,224 股股票,價值為 1,654,000 美元,在上一季度額外購買 97,966 股後。機構投資者擁有公司股票的 67.09%。

About Aadi Bioscience


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Aadi Bioscience, Inc operates as a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. It develops precision therapies for genetically-defined cancers patients with mTOR pathway driver alterations such as alterations in TSC1 or TSC2 genes. The company was founded by Neil Desai on November 2007 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA.

阿迪生物科學公司是一家臨床階段的生物製藥公司。它為具有 mTOR 路徑驅動器改變的基因定義癌症患者開發精準療法,例如 TS1 或 TSC2 基因的改變。該公司由尼爾·德賽於 2007 年 11 月成立,總部位於加利福尼亞州洛杉磯。

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