
Exscientia (NASDAQ:EXAI) Stock Price Down 5.8%

Exscientia (NASDAQ:EXAI) Stock Price Down 5.8%

美國科技公司股價下跌 5.8%
Financial News Live ·  2023/01/30 12:21

Exscientia plc (NASDAQ:EXAI – Get Rating)'s stock price was down 5.8% on Monday . The stock traded as low as $6.31 and last traded at $6.32. Approximately 35,553 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 74% from the average daily volume of 137,150 shares. The stock had previously closed at $6.71.

意外公司 (納斯達克:EXAI — 獲得評級) 的股票價格在星期一下跌 5.8%.該股票的交易價格低至 6.31 美元,最後交易價為 6.32 美元。交易期間交易約 35,553 股,較每日平均成交量 137,150 股下跌 74%。該股票之前已收盤 6.71 美元。

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth


Separately, Barclays lowered their price target on shares of Exscientia from $40.00 to $12.00 and set an "overweight" rating on the stock in a research note on Wednesday, November 16th.

另外,巴克萊降低了對企業的股票價格目標從 $40.00 至 $12.00,並在 11 月 16 日星期三的研究報告中設置了「超重」的評級。


Exscientia Price Performance


The firm has a market capitalization of $753.25 million, a P/E ratio of -3.08 and a beta of -0.03. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.01, a quick ratio of 7.55 and a current ratio of 7.55. The stock has a 50 day moving average of $5.49 and a two-hundred day moving average of $7.72.

該公司的市值為 753.25 萬美元,市盈率為 -3.08,貝塔值為 -0.03。該公司的債務與權益比率為 0.01,快速比率為 7.55,流動比率為 7.55。該股票的 50 日移動平均線為 5.49 美元,兩百日移動平均線為 7.72 美元。

Exscientia (NASDAQ:EXAI – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, November 15th. The company reported ($0.38) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.22) by ($0.16). The business had revenue of $8.24 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $15.83 million. Exscientia had a negative return on equity of 18.43% and a negative net margin of 405.81%. Sell-side analysts predict that Exscientia plc will post -0.77 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.
企業 (NASDAQ: EXAI — 獲得評分) 上週二宣布其季度業績, 11 月 15 日星期二.該公司報告了該季度的每股盈利(0.38 美元),缺少了(0.22 美元)(0.16 美元)的一致估計值。該業務在本季度的收入為 824 萬美元,而共識估計為 15.83 萬美元。認真科學家的資產回報率為 18.43%,負淨利潤率為 405.81%。賣方分析師預測,工業科技有限公司將在本財政年度公佈 -0.77 每股收益。

Institutional Inflows and Outflows


Several hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Platinum Investment Management Ltd. lifted its stake in Exscientia by 13.0% in the second quarter. Platinum Investment Management Ltd. now owns 2,102,660 shares of the company's stock valued at $22,898,000 after purchasing an additional 241,700 shares during the last quarter. Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Ltd lifted its holdings in Exscientia by 62.5% in the second quarter. Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Ltd now owns 288,450 shares of the company's stock worth $2,123,943,000 after buying an additional 110,890 shares during the period. Baillie Gifford & Co. increased its position in shares of Exscientia by 21.3% during the second quarter. Baillie Gifford & Co. now owns 4,872,041 shares of the company's stock valued at $53,057,000 after acquiring an additional 856,706 shares in the last quarter. Russell Investments Group Ltd. bought a new stake in shares of Exscientia during the second quarter valued at approximately $837,000. Finally, Mirae Asset Global Investments Co. Ltd. raised its stake in Exscientia by 13.4% during the 2nd quarter. Mirae Asset Global Investments Co. Ltd. now owns 29,788 shares of the company's stock valued at $324,000 after buying an additional 3,525 shares during the last quarter. 22.36% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

幾家對沖基金和其他機構投資者最近買賣了該股票的股票。白金投資管理有限公司於第二季度提升了 13.0% 的股份。白金投資管理有限公司於上一季度額外購入 241,700 股股份後,擁有該公司股票價值 22,898,000 元的 2,102,660 股股份。邊境與海岸退休金合作有限公司於第二季撤銷其在工業科學的持有量 62.5%。邊境與海岸退休金合夥有限公司在期內額外購買 110,890 股股份後,擁有該公司股票價值 2,123,943,000 美元的 288,450 股股份。貝利·吉福德 & 有限公司. 在第二季度增加了其在認識股份的位置 21.3%.貝利·吉福德有限公司現在擁有該公司股票 4,872,041 股股份,價值為 53,057,000 美元,在上一季度額外收購 856,706 股股份後。羅素投資集團有限公司在第二季度購買了一股價值約 837,000 美元的新股份。最後,未來資產環球投資有限公司有限公司在第二季度提高了 13.4% 在工業科學的股份。未來資產環球投資有限公司在上一季度額外購買 3,525 股股份後,Ltd. 現在擁有該公司股票的 29,788 股價值 324,000 美元。22.36% 的股票由機構投資者和對沖基金擁有。

Exscientia Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Exscientia plc, an artificial intelligence-driven pharmatech company, engages in discovering, designing, and developing drugs. The company offers end-to-end solution of artificial intelligence (AI) and technologies for target identification, drug candidate design, translational models, and patient selection.

Ex科技plc, 人工智能驅動的製藥公司, 從事發現, 設計, 和開發藥物.該公司提供人工智慧 (AI) 和技術的端對端解決方案,用於目標識別、候選藥設計、轉譯模型和患者選擇。

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