
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Lowers Snowflake (NYSE:SNOW) Price Target to $170.00

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Lowers Snowflake (NYSE:SNOW) Price Target to $170.00

德意志銀行業務下調雪花(紐約證交所代碼:SNOW)目標價至 170.00 美元
kopsource ·  2023/01/25 02:33

Snowflake (NYSE:SNOW – Get Rating) had its price target cut by equities research analysts at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from $185.00 to $170.00 in a research note issued to investors on Monday, The Fly reports. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft's target price indicates a potential upside of 16.61% from the company's previous close.


Several other analysts also recently weighed in on the stock. Oppenheimer decreased their price target on shares of Snowflake from $230.00 to $190.00 in a research note on Thursday, December 1st. Sanford C. Bernstein initiated coverage on shares of Snowflake in a report on Tuesday, October 11th. They issued a "market perform" rating on the stock. Wedbush initiated coverage on shares of Snowflake in a research report on Wednesday, December 14th. They issued a "neutral" rating and a $144.00 price objective for the company. Needham & Company LLC reduced their price target on shares of Snowflake from $240.00 to $165.00 and set a "buy" rating for the company in a research report on Thursday, December 1st. Finally, initiated coverage on shares of Snowflake in a research report on Wednesday, October 12th. They set a "sell" rating for the company. Four equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, ten have issued a hold rating and twenty-six have assigned a buy rating to the company. According to MarketBeat, Snowflake presently has a consensus rating of "Moderate Buy" and a consensus price target of $188.28.

其他幾位分析師最近也加入了對該股的看法。奧本海默在12月1日星期四的一份研究報告中將雪花公司的目標股價從230.00美元下調至190.00美元。桑福德·C·伯恩斯坦在10月11日星期二的一份報告中發起了對Snowflake股票的報道。他們對該股給予了“市場表現”的評級。韋德布什在12月14日星期三的一份研究報告中發起了對雪花股票的報道。他們對該公司的評級為“中性”,目標價為144.00美元。Needham&Company LLC將雪花公司的股票目標價從240.00美元下調至165.00美元,並在12月1日星期四的一份研究報告中為該公司設定了“買入”評級。最後,StockNews.com在10月12日星期三的一份研究報告中啟動了對Snowflake股票的報道。他們為該公司設定了“賣出”評級。4位股票研究分析師對該股的評級為賣出,10位分析師給出了持有評級,26位分析師對該公司給予了買入評級。根據MarketBeat的數據,Snowflake目前的共識評級為“適度買入”,共識目標價為188.28美元。


Snowflake Trading Down 3.0 %


Shares of SNOW opened at $145.79 on Monday. The business's fifty day simple moving average is $142.07 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $156.76. The company has a market cap of $46.89 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of -63.66 and a beta of 0.72. Snowflake has a 12 month low of $110.26 and a 12 month high of $329.49.


Snowflake (NYSE:SNOW – Get Rating) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, November 30th. The company reported ($0.60) EPS for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.46) by ($0.14). The business had revenue of $557.03 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $535.81 million. Snowflake had a negative net margin of 38.79% and a negative return on equity of 12.98%. As a group, research analysts forecast that Snowflake will post -2.08 EPS for the current year.
雪花(紐約證券交易所代碼:Snow-Get Rating)最近一次公佈季度收益是在11月30日星期三。該公司公佈了該季度每股收益(0.60美元),低於分析師普遍預期的(0.46美元)至(0.14美元)。該業務本季度的收入為5.5703億美元,而普遍預期為5.3581億美元。雪花的淨利潤率為負38.79%,淨資產回報率為負12.98%。研究分析師預測,作為一個整體,雪花公司本年度的每股收益將達到2.08歐元。

Insiders Place Their Bets


In other news, CEO Frank Slootman sold 1,311 shares of Snowflake stock in a transaction dated Friday, December 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $142.59, for a total value of $186,935.49. Following the sale, the chief executive officer now owns 133,011 shares of the company's stock, valued at $18,966,038.49. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this hyperlink. In related news, insider Benoit Dageville sold 724 shares of the business's stock in a transaction dated Friday, December 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $142.59, for a total transaction of $103,235.16. Following the sale, the insider now owns 14,404 shares of the company's stock, valued at $2,053,866.36. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link. Also, CEO Frank Slootman sold 1,311 shares of the business's stock in a transaction dated Friday, December 9th. The stock was sold at an average price of $142.59, for a total transaction of $186,935.49. Following the sale, the chief executive officer now directly owns 133,011 shares in the company, valued at approximately $18,966,038.49. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last three months, insiders have sold 202,035 shares of company stock valued at $30,642,171. Insiders own 8.90% of the company's stock.

在其他新聞方面,首席執行官弗蘭克·斯羅特曼在12月9日星期五的交易中出售了1,311股雪花公司的股票。這些股票的平均價格為142.59美元,總價值為186,935.49美元。出售後,這位首席執行官現在擁有133,011股公司股票,價值18,966,038.49美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份法律文件中披露的,該文件可以通過此超鏈接。在相關新聞中,內部人士Benoit Dageville在一筆日期為12月9日星期五的交易中出售了724股該公司股票。這些股票以142.59美元的平均價格出售,總成交金額為103,235.16美元。出售後,這位內部人士現在擁有14,404股該公司股票,價值2,053,866.36美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份法律文件中披露的,該文件可以通過這個環節。此外,首席執行官弗蘭克·斯勞特曼在12月9日星期五的一次交易中出售了1,311股該公司的股票。該股以142.59美元的平均價格出售,總成交金額為186,935.49美元。出售後,首席執行官現在直接擁有公司133,011股,價值約18,966,038.49美元。關於這次銷售的披露可以找到這裏。在過去的三個月裏,內部人士出售了202,035股公司股票,價值30,642,171美元。內部人士持有該公司8.90%的股份。

Institutional Trading of Snowflake


A number of institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in SNOW. Keybank National Association OH raised its position in Snowflake by 131.3% during the second quarter. Keybank National Association OH now owns 35,209 shares of the company's stock worth $4,896,000 after acquiring an additional 19,990 shares during the last quarter. AE Wealth Management LLC raised its position in Snowflake by 205.1% during the second quarter. AE Wealth Management LLC now owns 5,443 shares of the company's stock worth $757,000 after acquiring an additional 3,659 shares during the last quarter. MQS Management LLC acquired a new position in Snowflake during the second quarter worth about $208,000. E&G Advisors LP raised its position in shares of Snowflake by 7.1% in the third quarter. E&G Advisors LP now owns 1,820 shares of the company's stock valued at $309,000 after buying an additional 120 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Handelsbanken Fonder AB raised its position in shares of Snowflake by 77.4% in the second quarter. Handelsbanken Fonder AB now owns 60,936 shares of the company's stock valued at $8,474,000 after buying an additional 26,586 shares during the last quarter. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 65.31% of the company's stock.

一些機構投資者最近增持或減持了雪花股份。KeyBank National Association OH在第二季度將其在Snowflake的頭寸提高了131.3%。KeyBank National Association OH現在擁有該公司35,209股股票,價值4,896,000美元,上個季度又購買了19,990股。AE Wealth Management LLC在第二季度將其在雪花的持倉提高了205.1%。AE Wealth Management LLC在上個季度額外收購了3659股後,現在擁有5443股該公司股票,價值75.7萬美元。MQS Management LLC在第二季度收購了Snowflake的一個新頭寸,價值約20.8萬美元。E&G Advisors LP在第三季度將其在Snowflake股票的持倉提高了7.1%。E&G Advisors LP現在擁有1,820股該公司股票,價值309,000美元,在上個季度又購買了120股。最後,Handelsbanken Fonder AB在第二季度將其在Snowflake股票的持倉提高了77.4%。Handelsbanken Fonder AB現在擁有60,936股該公司股票,價值8,474,000美元,上個季度又購買了26,586股。對衝基金和其他機構投資者持有該公司65.31%的股份。

Snowflake Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Snowflake Inc provides a cloud-based data platform in the United States and internationally. The company's platform offers Data Cloud, which enables customers to consolidate data into a single source of truth to drive meaningful business insights, build data-driven applications, and share data. Its platform is used by various organizations of sizes in a range of industries.


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