
PagSeguro Digital (NYSE:PAGS) PT Lowered to $8.00 at The Goldman Sachs Group

PagSeguro Digital (NYSE:PAGS) PT Lowered to $8.00 at The Goldman Sachs Group

數字證券(紐約證交所代碼:PAGS)PT 在高盛集團下調至 8.00 美元
kopsource ·  2023/01/23 03:21

PagSeguro Digital (NYSE:PAGS – Get Rating) had its price target cut by The Goldman Sachs Group from $9.00 to $8.00 in a research report sent to investors on Friday, Benzinga reports. They currently have a sell rating on the stock.

數字賽車 (紐約證券交易所:PAGS — 獲得評級) Beninga 報告說,在上週五向投資者發送的一份研究報告中,高盛集團的價格目標從 9.00 美元降至 8.00 美元。他們目前對股票有賣出評級。

A number of other research analysts have also commented on PAGS. Cantor Fitzgerald lowered their price target on PagSeguro Digital from $20.00 to $14.00 and set an overweight rating for the company in a research report on Friday, December 23rd. Morgan Stanley downgraded PagSeguro Digital from an overweight rating to an equal weight rating and cut their price target for the stock from $30.00 to $15.00 in a research note on Tuesday, December 6th. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft cut their price target on PagSeguro Digital from $20.00 to $12.00 in a research note on Tuesday, December 20th. Evercore ISI cut their price target on PagSeguro Digital from $16.00 to $13.00 in a research note on Wednesday, November 23rd. Finally, Wells Fargo & Company cut their price target on PagSeguro Digital from $14.00 to $9.50 and set an equal weight rating on the stock in a research note on Monday, January 9th. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, six have given a hold rating and nine have assigned a buy rating to the stock. According to data from MarketBeat, the stock has a consensus rating of Moderate Buy and a consensus target price of $16.91.

許多其他研究分析師也對 PAGS 進行了評論。坎特·菲茨杰拉德降低了他們的目標價格上的數字從 $20.00 至 $14.00 並在上週五的研究報告中設置了該公司的超重評級, 12 月 23 日.摩根士丹利將 PageGuro 數字從超重評級降至同等重量評級,並將其股票的目標價格從 30.00 美元降至 15.00 美元,在 12 月 6 日(週二)中。德意志銀行行業務將目標價格從 20.00 美元降低至 12.00 美元在研究報告上週二, 12 月 20 日.永可 ISI 削減他們的目標價格固定數字從 $16.00 至 $13.00 在研究筆記上週三, 十一月 23 日.最後, 富國銀行 & 公司削減他們的價格目標在 PageGuro 數字從 $14.00 到 $9.50,並在 1 月 9 日星期一的研究報告中設置了股票的同等權重評級.一位投資分析師對該股票進行了賣出評級,其中六名為持有評級,另外九位則為該股指定了買入評級。根據 MarketBeat 的數據,該股票的共識評級為中度買入,共識目標價為 16.91 美元。

PagSeguro Digital

PagSeguro Digital Price Performance


PAGS opened at $8.87 on Friday. The business has a 50 day simple moving average of $9.48 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $12.20. The firm has a market capitalization of $2.92 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 11.09, a PEG ratio of 1.04 and a beta of 1.47. PagSeguro Digital has a one year low of $7.51 and a one year high of $23.29.

PAGS 上週五以 8.87 美元開業。該業務有一個 50 天的簡單移動平均線 9.48 美元和兩百天的簡單移動平均線 12.20 美元。該公司的市值為 292 億美元,股價與盈利比率為 11.09,掛鉤比率為 1.04,以及 1.47 的測試值。數字賽古羅有一年低點的 $7.51 和一年新高的 $23.29.

PagSeguro Digital (NYSE:PAGS – Get Rating) last released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, November 22nd. The company reported $0.24 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $0.22 by $0.02. The business had revenue of $770.41 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $781.75 million. PagSeguro Digital had a return on equity of 18.02% and a net margin of 9.57%. As a group, sell-side analysts expect that PagSeguro Digital will post 0.89 EPS for the current fiscal year.
國際數字股份有限公司 (紐約證交所代碼:PAGS — 獲取評級) 上次公佈其季度收益業績,週二, 11 月 22 日.該公司報告了本季每股收益 0.24 美元,超過了分析師對 0.22 美元的共識估計,達到 0.02 美元。該業務在本季度的收入為 770.41 億美元,而分析師估計為 781.75 萬美元。第一數字有權益回報率 18.02% 和 9.57% 的淨利潤率.作為一個集團,賣方分析師預計 PageGuro 數字將在當前財政年度發布 0.89 每股盈利。

Hedge Funds Weigh In On PagSeguro Digital


Hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the company. Boit C F David bought a new position in shares of PagSeguro Digital during the 3rd quarter valued at $26,000. Total Clarity Wealth Management Inc. bought a new position in PagSeguro Digital in the 2nd quarter worth $28,000. Atlas Capital Advisors LLC bought a new position in PagSeguro Digital in the 3rd quarter worth $28,000. Loring Wolcott & Coolidge Fiduciary Advisors LLP MA raised its holdings in PagSeguro Digital by 199.0% in the 2nd quarter. Loring Wolcott & Coolidge Fiduciary Advisors LLP MA now owns 3,005 shares of the company's stock worth $31,000 after purchasing an additional 2,000 shares during the period. Finally, Caption Management LLC bought a new position in PagSeguro Digital in the 2nd quarter worth $36,000. 52.50% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.

對沖基金和其他機構投資者最近修改了他們對該公司的持有量。博伊特 Ç F 大衛買了一個新的位置在價值 $26,000 在第三季度的 PageGuro 數字股份.總清晰財富管理公司買了一個新的位置在 PageGuro 數字在第二季度價值 $28,000.阿特拉斯資本顧問有限責任公司買了一個新的位置在 PageGuro 數字在第三季度價值 $28,000.洛林沃爾科特 & 柯立芝受託顧問有限責任律師事務所提出的控股數字由 199.0% 在第二季度.洛林沃爾科特和柯立芝受託顧問 LLP MA 現在擁有該公司股票的 3,005 股,價值 $31,000 在此期間購買了 2,000 股後。最後,字幕管理有限責任公司在第二季度買了一個新的位置,價值 36,000 美元。52.50% 的股票由機構投資者擁有。

About PagSeguro Digital


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PagSeguro Digital Ltd. is engaged in the provision of financial technology solutions focused on consumers, individual entrepreneurs, micro-merchants, small companies and medium-sized companies in Brazil. Its business model covers the following pillars: Multiple digital payment solutions; In-person payments via POS devices that sell to merchants; Free digital accounts; Issuer of prepaid cards to clients for spending or withdrawing account balances, and Operating as an acquirer.

PageGuro Digital Ltd. 從事專注於巴西的消費者,個人企業家,微商,小公司和中型公司提供金融技術解決方案。其業務模式涵蓋以下支柱:多種數字支付解決方案;通過銷售給商家的 POS 設備進行面對面付款;免費數字賬戶;向客戶提供消費或提取賬戶餘額的預付卡發行人,以及作為收單機構進行操作。

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