
Analyzing Forafric Global (NASDAQ:AFRI) & Post (NYSE:POST)

Analyzing Forafric Global (NASDAQ:AFRI) & Post (NYSE:POST)

全球論壇分析 (NASDAQ: AFRI) & 郵政 (紐約證券交易所:郵政)
Defense World ·  2023/01/23 01:32

Forafric Global (NASDAQ:AFRI – Get Rating) and Post (NYSE:POST – Get Rating) are both consumer staples companies, but which is the superior business? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their dividends, valuation, risk, profitability, analyst recommendations, earnings and institutional ownership.

納斯達克(Afri-Get Rating)和郵政(NYSE:Post-Get Rating)都是消費品公司,但哪一項業務更優越?我們將根據這兩家公司的股息、估值、風險、盈利能力、分析師建議、收益和機構持股情況對它們進行比較。

Institutional & Insider Ownership


1.6% of Forafric Global shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 91.4% of Post shares are held by institutional investors. 13.5% of Forafric Global shares are held by company insiders. Comparatively, 10.7% of Post shares are held by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that endowments, large money managers and hedge funds believe a company is poised for long-term growth.

Forafric Global 1.6%的股份由機構投資者持有。相比之下,Post 91.4%的股份由機構投資者持有。Forafric Global 13.5%的股份由公司內部人士持有。相比之下,Post 10.7%的股份由公司內部人士持有。強大的機構持股表明,捐贈基金、大型基金管理公司和對衝基金相信,一家公司有望實現長期增長。

Forafric Global
Forafric Global

Earnings and Valuation


This table compares Forafric Global and Post's top-line revenue, earnings per share and valuation.

該表格比較了Forafric Global和Post的營收、每股收益和估值。

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Forafric Global N/A N/A -$2.67 million N/A N/A
Post $5.85 billion 0.91 $756.60 million $12.19 7.44
總收入 價格/銷售額比 淨收入 每股收益 市盈率
Forafric Global 不適用 不適用 -267萬元 不適用 不適用
郵政 58.5億美元 0.91 7.56億美元 $12.19 7.44
Post has higher revenue and earnings than Forafric Global.
波斯特的收入和收益比Forafric Global更高。

Volatility & Risk


Forafric Global has a beta of 0.54, suggesting that its stock price is 46% less volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, Post has a beta of 0.65, suggesting that its stock price is 35% less volatile than the S&P 500.

Forafric Global的貝塔係數為0.54,這表明其股價的波動性比標準普爾500指數低46%。相比之下,Post的貝塔係數為0.65,這表明其股價的波動性比標準普爾500指數低35%。



This table compares Forafric Global and Post's net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

此表比較了Forafric Global和Post的淨利潤率、股本回報率和資產回報率。

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Forafric Global N/A -25.93% -1.74%
Post 12.29% 4.07% 1.10%
淨利潤率 股本回報率 資產回報率
Forafric Global 不適用 -25.93% -1.74%
郵政 12.29% 4.07% 1.10%

Analyst Ratings


This is a breakdown of current ratings and recommmendations for Forafric Global and Post, as reported by

這是MarketBeat.com報道的Forafric Global和Post目前的評級和推薦細目。

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Strong Buy Ratings Rating Score
Forafric Global 0 0 0 0 N/A
Post 0 2 3 0 2.60
銷售評級 保持評級 購買評級 強勁的買入評級 評級分數
Forafric Global 0 0 0 0 不適用
郵政 0 2 3 0 2.60

Post has a consensus price target of $94.14, indicating a potential upside of 3.81%. Given Post's higher possible upside, analysts plainly believe Post is more favorable than Forafric Global.

Post的普遍目標價為94.14美元,表明潛在上漲3.81%。考慮到Post的可能上行空間更大,分析師們顯然認為Post比Forafric Global更有利。



Post beats Forafric Global on 9 of the 10 factors compared between the two stocks.

在比較兩隻股票的10個因素中,有9個因素波斯特超過了Forafric Global。

About Forafric Global

關於Forafric Global

(Get Rating)


Forafric Global PLC engages in the purchase, storage, transport, processing, and sale of agricultural commodities and commodity products in Morocco and Sub-Saharan Africa. The company offers flour and semolina; and secondary processing products, such as pasta and couscous under the Tria and MayMouna brands. It serves wholesale foods manufacturers and distributors The company also exports its products to approximately 45 countries. Forafric Global PLC is headquartered in Gibraltar.

Forafric Global PLC在摩洛哥和撒哈拉以南非洲地區從事農產品和日用品的採購、儲存、運輸、加工和銷售。該公司提供麪粉和粗麪粉;以及二次加工產品,如Tria和Maymount品牌的意大利麪和粗麥粉。它為食品批發製造商和分銷商提供服務,該公司還向大約45個國家出口產品。Forafric Global PLC的總部設在直布羅陀。

About Post


(Get Rating)


Post Holdings, Inc. operates as a consumer packaged goods holding company. The firm engages in the operation of center-of-the-store, refrigerated, food service, food ingredient, active nutrition, and private brand food categories. It operates through the following segments: Post Consumer Brands, Weetabix, Foodservice, Refrigerated Retail and BellRing Brands. The Post Consumer Brands segment manufactures, markets, and sells branded and private label ready-to-eat (RTE) cereal and hot cereal products. The Weetabix segment focuses on the marketing and distribution of branded and private label RTE cereal products. The Foodservice segment includes egg and potato products. The Refrigerated Retail segment produces and/or distributes egg products, sausage, side dishes, cheese, and other refrigerated products to retail and foodservice customers. The BellRing Brands segment consists of ready-to-drink (RTD) protein shakes, other RTD beverages, powders, and nutrition bars. The company was founded by Charles William Post in 1895 and is headquartered in St. Louis, MO.

Post Holdings,Inc.是一家消費品控股公司。該公司從事商店中心、冷藏、食品服務、食品配料、活性營養和自有品牌食品類別的運營。它通過以下細分市場運營:Post Consumer Brands、Weetabix、FoodService、冷藏零售和BellRing品牌。Post Consumer Brands部門製造、營銷和銷售品牌和自有品牌的即食(RTE)麥片和熱麥片產品。維他麥部門專注於品牌和自有品牌RTE穀物產品的營銷和分銷。食品服務部門包括雞蛋和土豆產品。冷藏零售部門生產和/或向零售和餐飲服務客户銷售雞蛋產品、香腸、配菜、奶酪和其他冷藏產品。BellRing Brands細分市場包括即飲(RTD)蛋白奶昔、其他RTD飲料、粉末和營養棒。該公司由查爾斯·威廉·波斯特於1895年創立,總部設在密蘇裏州聖路易斯。

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