
5 Value Stocks In The Basic Materials Sector

5 Value Stocks In The Basic Materials Sector

5 基礎材料行業中的價值股
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/01/20 09:42

The Meaning Behind Value Stocks


A value stock is traditionally defined in terms of how investors in the marketplace are valuing that company's future growth prospects. Low P/E multiples are good base indicators that the company is undervalued and can most likely be labelled as a value stock.

傳統上,價值股票是根據市場上的投資者如何評估該公司未來的增長前景來定義的。低 P/E 倍數是良好的基本指標,該公司被低估,並且很可能被標記為價值股票。

The following stocks are considered to be notable value stocks in the basic materials sector:


  1. Ascent Industries (NASDAQ:ACNT) - P/E: 3.52
  2. CF Industries Holdings (NYSE:CF) - P/E: 5.58
  3. Ramaco Resources (NASDAQ:METC) - P/E: 3.84
  4. Gerdau (NYSE:GGB) - P/E: 4.17
  5. Univar Solns (NYSE:UNVR) - P/E: 8.75
  1. 上升產業 (納斯達克:針)-P/E:3.52
  2. CF 工業控股 (紐約證交所:CF)-P/E:5.58
  3. 拉馬科資源 (納斯達克:元)-P/E:3.84
  4. 蓋爾道 (紐約:吉克)-P/E:4.17
  5. 尤尼瓦尔·索尔斯 (紐約證券交易所:不虛擬現實)-P/E:8.75

Ascent Industries has reported Q3 earnings per share at $0.06, which has decreased by 94.34% compared to Q2, which was 1.06. CF Industries Holdings has reported Q3 earnings per share at $2.29, which has decreased by 63.0% compared to Q2, which was 6.19. Most recently, the company reported a dividend yield of 1.56%, which has decreased by 0.31% from last quarter's yield of 1.87%.

上升工業報告第三季度每股盈利為 0.06 美元,與第二季度相比,下降了 94.34%,這是 1.06。CF 工業控股公司報告第三季度每股盈利為 2.29 美元,較第二季度下降了 63.0%,為 6.19。最近,該公司報告的股息收益率為 1.56%,較上一季度的 1.87% 的收益率下降了 0.31%。

This quarter, Ramaco Resources experienced a decrease in earnings per share, which was $0.74 in Q2 and is now $0.6. Its most recent dividend yield is at 4.55%, which has decreased by 0.46% from 5.01% in the previous quarter.

本季度,拉馬科資源的每股收益下降,第二季度為 0.74 美元,現在為 0.6 美元。其最近期股息收益率為 4.55%,較上一季度的 5.01% 下降 0.46%。

Gerdau saw a decrease in earnings per share from 0.51 in Q2 to $0.34 now. Its most recent dividend yield is at 25.26%, which has increased by 13.84% from 11.42% in the previous quarter.

格爾道的每股盈利從第二季度的 0.51 下降至 0.34 美元。其最近一次股息收益率為 25.26%,較上一季度的 11.42% 上升 13.84%。

This quarter, Univar Solns experienced a decrease in earnings per share, which was $1.0 in Q2 and is now $0.84.

本季度,尤尼瓦爾索恩斯每股收益下降,第二季度為 1.0 美元,現在為 0.84 美元。

The Significance: A value stock may need some time to rebound from its undervalued position. The risk of investing in a value stock is that this emergence may never materialize.

意義: 價值型股票可能需要一些時間才能從低估的頭寸反彈。投資於價值型股票的風險是,這種出現可能永遠不會實現。

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