
Meshing Sex Tech And... CBD Lube? BYND Cannasoft Files Patent For Intimacy Device

Meshing Sex Tech And... CBD Lube? BYND Cannasoft Files Patent For Intimacy Device

網格化性技術和...CBD 潤滑油?BYND 全身檔案親密裝置專利
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/01/17 17:04

BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. (NASDAQ:BCAN) (CSE:BYND) has filed a full-scale PCT application for its EZ-G device, which dispenses low concentrations of CBD lubricant to enhance sex and alleviate pain during intercourse.

比恩德凱納索富企業股份有限公司 (NASDAQ: BCAN) (CSE: BYND) 已為其 EZ-G 裝置提交了全面的 PCT 申請,該設備可分配低濃度的 CBD 潤滑劑,以增強性行為並減輕性交時的疼痛。

The application was filed on Jan. 5.

申請已於 1 月 5 日提交。

Cannasoft seeks to take advantage of the growth in the sex-tech market, which is expected to reach $62.32 by 2030.

卡納索夫特試圖利用性科技市場的增長,預計到 2030 年將達到 62.32 美元。

See Also: Cannabis Sex Toy? THC-Infused Intimacy Products

另請參閱:大麻性玩具?注入 THC 的親密產品

On Jan. 6, 2022, BYND had already filed the U.S. Provisional Patent Application, covering the monitoring and controlling aspects of its EZ-G device.

2022 年 1 月 6 日,BYND 已經提交了美國臨時專利申請,涵蓋了 EZ-G 設備的監控和控制方面。

BYND, an Israeli-based integrated software and cannabis company, expects its EZ-G device to dispense low concentrations of CBD oil lubricant and "provide treatment relief from sexual and mental problems, including the ability to have intercourse as it relates to anxiety and physical pain," according to BYND Cannasoft CEO Yftah Ben Yaackov.

BYND 是一家總部位於以色列的綜合軟件和大麻公司,預計其 EZ-G 設備可以分配低濃度的 CBD 潤滑油,並「緩解性和精神問題,包括與焦慮和身體疼痛有關的性交能力」,根據比恩德·卡納索夫特首席執行官 伊夫塔·本·雅克夫

The PCT application is based on BYND Cannasoft's prototype of the EZ-G device that is currently under development and its operational aspects as a learning adult device.

PCT 申請基於 BYND Cannasoft 目前正在開發中的 EZ-G 設備原型及其作為學習成人設備的操作方面。

Moreover, "it could be configured to use disposable capsules that include the CBD lubricant, which could be dispensed in accordance with data collected by the sensors," Yaackov said.

此外,「可以將其配置為使用包括 CBD 潤滑劑的一次性膠囊,該膠囊可以根據傳感器收集的數據進行分配,」雅克夫說。

The EZ-G device also uses artificial intelligence to transmit and receive data from the device's sensors on the conditions of the user's sexual organs.

EZ-G 設備還使用人工智能從設備的傳感器傳輸和接收有關用戶性器官狀況的數據。

In addition, the EZ-G prototype, which uses sensors to determine what specifically enhances the users' pleasure, includes a Bluetooth component for controlling the adult device via an app installed on a smartphone or other portable device to collect user information about preferences and generate custom programs, per the press release.

此外,EZ-G 原型機使用感測器來確定特別增強使用者樂趣的內容,包括一個藍牙元件,用於透過安裝在智慧型手機或其他可攜式裝置上的應用程式來控制成人裝置,以收集使用者偏好設定的相關資訊,並根據新聞稿產生自訂程式。

The EZ-G device uses the collected secured data to learn the users' responses and improve its operation to bring the user sexual satisfaction.

EZ-G 設備使用收集到的安全數據來了解用戶的反應並改善其操作,從而使用戶性滿意度。

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Image by El Planteo


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