
ElectroCore, Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOR) to Post Q4 2022 Earnings of ($0.07) Per Share, Brookline Capital Management Forecasts

ElectroCore, Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOR) to Post Q4 2022 Earnings of ($0.07) Per Share, Brookline Capital Management Forecasts

布魯克林資本管理公司預測,電核公司(NASDAQ:ECOOR)將在 2022 年第四季度發布每股收益(0.07 美元)
Defense World ·  2023/01/16 02:11

electroCore, Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOR – Get Rating) – Equities researchers at Brookline Capital Management issued their Q4 2022 EPS estimates for shares of electroCore in a note issued to investors on Thursday, January 12th. Brookline Capital Management analyst K. Dolliver forecasts that the company will post earnings of ($0.07) per share for the quarter. Brookline Capital Management currently has a "Buy" rating on the stock. The consensus estimate for electroCore's current full-year earnings is ($0.30) per share. Brookline Capital Management also issued estimates for electroCore's Q1 2023 earnings at ($0.07) EPS, Q2 2023 earnings at ($0.09) EPS, Q3 2023 earnings at ($0.04) EPS and Q4 2023 earnings at ($0.06) EPS.

電子核心公司(納斯達克:ECOR-GET評級)-布魯克林資本管理公司的股票研究人員在1月12日星期四發給投資者的一份報告中發佈了他們對電子核心公司股票2022年第四季度每股收益的估計。Brookline Capital Management分析師K·多利弗預計,該公司本季度每股收益將達到0.07美元。Brookline Capital Management目前對該股的評級為“買入”。對ElectrCore目前全年收益的普遍估計是每股0.30美元。Brookline Capital Management還發布了對ElectrCore 2023年第一季度每股收益(0.07美元)、2023年第二季度每股收益(0.09美元)、2023年第三季度每股收益(0.04美元)和2023年第四季度每股收益(0.06美元)的預期。


electroCore (NASDAQ:ECOR – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Thursday, November 3rd. The company reported ($0.08) earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.07) by ($0.01). electroCore had a negative return on equity of 72.36% and a negative net margin of 283.41%. The business had revenue of $1.98 million for the quarter.


Several other analysts also recently commented on ECOR. Brookline Capital Acquisition started coverage on shares of electroCore in a report on Friday. They issued a "buy" rating for the company. Berenberg Bank cut their target price on shares of electroCore from GBX 390 ($4.75) to GBX 330 ($4.02) and set a "buy" rating for the company in a research report on Thursday, October 6th. Five analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, Based on data from, electroCore currently has an average rating of "Buy" and an average price target of $111.42.
其他幾位分析師最近也對EcoR發表了評論。Brookline Capital Acquisition在週五的一份報告中開始報道ElectrCore的股票。他們對該公司的評級為“買入”。貝倫貝格銀行在10月6日(星期四)的一份研究報告中將ElectrCore的目標價從390英鎊(4.75美元)下調至330英鎊(4.02美元),併為該公司設定了“買入”評級。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,有五位分析師對該股的評級為買入,Electrcore目前的平均評級為買入,平均目標價為111.42美元。

electroCore Stock Up 1.1 %


electroCore stock opened at $0.30 on Monday. electroCore has a 12-month low of $0.20 and a 12-month high of $0.90. The firm's fifty day moving average is $0.30 and its 200 day moving average is $7.80. The company has a market capitalization of $21.49 million, a PE ratio of -0.97 and a beta of 0.93.


Insiders Place Their Bets


In other news, Director Joseph P. Errico bought 100,000 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, December 13th. The shares were bought at an average cost of $0.33 per share, with a total value of $33,000.00. Following the completion of the purchase, the director now directly owns 2,724,841 shares in the company, valued at $899,197.53. The purchase was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at this link. Over the last ninety days, insiders have acquired 670,000 shares of company stock valued at $186,650. 13.11% of the stock is currently owned by corporate insiders.


Institutional Trading of electroCore


Hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the business. Valeo Financial Advisors LLC boosted its stake in electroCore by 1.2% in the 2nd quarter. Valeo Financial Advisors LLC now owns 1,844,500 shares of the company's stock worth $941,000 after purchasing an additional 22,250 shares in the last quarter. Jaffetilchin Investment Partners LLC boosted its holdings in shares of electroCore by 31.6% in the first quarter. Jaffetilchin Investment Partners LLC now owns 307,984 shares of the company's stock worth $82,000 after buying an additional 74,000 shares during the last quarter. Millennium Management LLC boosted its position in shares of electroCore by 173.3% in the second quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 119,707 shares of the company's stock worth $61,000 after purchasing an additional 75,908 shares during the period. Virtu Financial LLC bought a new position in shares of electroCore in the first quarter worth approximately $53,000. Finally, Renaissance Technologies LLC boosted its position in shares of electroCore by 102.2% in the second quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 262,848 shares of the company's stock worth $134,000 after purchasing an additional 132,848 shares during the period. Institutional investors own 17.76% of the company's stock.

對衝基金最近調整了對該業務的持股。法雷奧金融顧問有限責任公司在第二季度將其在ElectrCore的持股增加了1.2%。法雷奧金融顧問公司現在擁有1,844,500股該公司的股票,價值941,000美元,上個季度又購買了22,250股。今年第一季度,Jaffetilin Investment Partners LLC增持了31.6%的ElectrCore股票。Jaffetilin Investment Partners LLC現在持有307,984股該公司股票,價值82,000美元,上個季度又購買了74,000股。千禧管理有限責任公司在第二季度將其在ElectrCore的股票頭寸增加了173.3%。Millennium Management LLC現在擁有119,707股該公司的股票,價值61,000美元,在此期間又購買了75,908股。Virtu Financial LLC在第一季度購買了新的ElectrCore股票頭寸,價值約53,000美元。最後,復興科技有限責任公司在第二季度將其在Electrcore的股票頭寸增加了102.2%。復興科技有限責任公司目前擁有262,848股該公司股票,價值13.4萬美元,在此期間又購買了132,848股。機構投資者持有該公司17.76%的股票。

electroCore Company Profile


(Get Rating)


electroCore, Inc, a commercial stage medical device company, engages in the development and commercialization of a range of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) therapies. The company is developing gammaCore, a prescription-only nVNS therapy for the acute treatment of pain associated with migraine and episodic cluster headache in adults.


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