
Asp Isotopes Inc盘中异动 大幅下跌7.32%报1.52美元

Asp Isotopes Inc盤中異動 大幅下跌7.32%報1.52美元

自選股智能寫手 ·  2023/01/13 10:07

北京時間2023年01月13日22時42分,Asp Isotopes Inc(股票出現波動,股價大幅跳水7.32%。截至發稿,該股報1.52美元/股,成交量2股,換手率0.00%,振幅4.88%。



Asp Isotopes Inc股票所在的化工製品行業中,整體跌幅爲0.88%。其相關個股中,Sisecam Resources Lp、瓦利化工、綠色平原能源漲幅較大,Origin Matls Inc、Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc、綠色平原能源較爲活躍,換手率分別爲0.04%、0.04%、0.04%,振幅較大的相關個股有Asp Isotopes Inc、Origin Matls Inc C/Wts 25/06/2026 (To Pur Com)、Origin Matls Inc,振幅分別爲4.88%、2.45%、2.26%。

Asp Isotopes Inc公司簡介:ASP Isotopes Inc is a pre-commercial stage advanced materials company dedicated to the development of technology and processes that, if successful, will allow for the production of isotopes that may be used in several industries. The company utilizes technology developed in South Africa over the past 20 years to enrich isotopes of elements or molecules with low atomic masses.

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