
Maravai LifeSciences Target of Unusually Large Options Trading (NASDAQ:MRVI)

Maravai LifeSciences Target of Unusually Large Options Trading (NASDAQ:MRVI)

馬拉瓦生命異常大型期權交易的目標 (納斯達克:MRVI)
Defense World ·  2023/01/12 02:01

Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRVI – Get Rating) was the recipient of some unusual options trading activity on Wednesday. Investors purchased 1,002 put options on the company. This is an increase of approximately 1,791% compared to the average volume of 53 put options.

馬拉維生命科學控股公司(納斯達克代碼:MRVI-GET Rating)週三接受了一些不尋常的期權交易活動。投資者購買了該公司的1002份看跌期權。與53份看跌期權的平均成交量相比,這一數字增長了約1791%。

Maravai LifeSciences Price Performance

Maravai LifeSciences性價比

Shares of NASDAQ:MRVI opened at $14.01 on Thursday. The firm's 50 day moving average price is $14.12 and its 200-day moving average price is $20.26. Maravai LifeSciences has a twelve month low of $12.16 and a twelve month high of $41.82. The company has a quick ratio of 6.68, a current ratio of 7.22 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.62. The stock has a market capitalization of $3.58 billion, a PE ratio of 7.83 and a beta of -0.25.

週四,納斯達克:MRVI的股價開盤報14.01美元。該公司的50日移動均線價格為14.12美元,200日移動均線價格為20.26美元。Maravai LifeSciences的12個月低點為12.16美元,12個月高位為41.82美元。該公司的速動比率為6.68,流動比率為7.22,債務權益比為0.62。該股市值為35.8億美元,市盈率為7.83倍,貝塔係數為-0.25。

Maravai LifeSciences

Maravai LifeSciences (NASDAQ:MRVI – Get Rating) last released its earnings results on Wednesday, November 2nd. The company reported $0.37 EPS for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.32 by $0.05. Maravai LifeSciences had a net margin of 26.29% and a return on equity of 69.19%. The company had revenue of $191.26 million for the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $193.83 million. Equities research analysts expect that Maravai LifeSciences will post 1.79 EPS for the current year.

馬拉威生命科學(納斯達克:MRVI-GET Rating)上一次發佈財報是在11月2日(週三)。該公司公佈本季度每股收益為0.37美元,比分析師普遍預期的0.32美元高出0.05美元。Maravai LifeSciences的淨利潤率為26.29%,股本回報率為69.19%。該公司當季營收為1.9126億美元,高於分析師預期的1.9383億美元。股票研究分析師預計,Maravai LifeSciences本年度每股收益將達到1.79股。

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth


A number of analysts have recently issued reports on the stock. Morgan Stanley dropped their price target on shares of Maravai LifeSciences from $35.00 to $32.00 and set an "overweight" rating on the stock in a report on Friday, November 4th. UBS Group downgraded shares of Maravai LifeSciences from a "buy" rating to a "neutral" rating and dropped their price target for the company from $20.00 to $16.00 in a report on Thursday, January 5th. Robert W. Baird dropped their price target on shares of Maravai LifeSciences from $34.00 to $25.00 in a report on Thursday, November 3rd. The Goldman Sachs Group dropped their price target on shares of Maravai LifeSciences from $30.00 to $18.00 and set a "buy" rating on the stock in a report on Friday, November 4th. Finally, Royal Bank of Canada assumed coverage on shares of Maravai LifeSciences in a report on Tuesday, December 6th. They set an "outperform" rating and a $22.00 price target on the stock. Two analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and six have assigned a buy rating to the company. According to data from, Maravai LifeSciences has a consensus rating of "Moderate Buy" and an average target price of $23.22.
一些分析師最近發佈了關於該股的報告。在11月4日星期五的一份報告中,摩根士丹利將Maravai LifeSciences的股票目標價從35.00美元下調至32.00美元,並對該股設定了“增持”評級。在1月5日週四的一份報告中,瑞銀集團將Maravai LifeSciences的股票評級從買入下調至中性,並將該公司的目標價從20.00美元下調至16.00美元。羅伯特·W·貝爾德在11月3日星期四的一份報告中將Maravai LifeSciences的目標股價從34.00美元下調至25.00美元。在11月4日星期五的一份報告中,高盛夫婦將Maravai LifeSciences的股票目標價從30.00美元下調至18.00美元,並對該股設定了“買入”評級。最後,加拿大皇家銀行在12月6日星期二的一份報告中對馬拉威生命科學的股票進行了報道。他們為該股設定了“跑贏大盤”的評級和22.00美元的目標價。兩名分析師對該股的評級為持有,六名分析師對該公司的評級為買入。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,Maravai LifeSciences的共識評級為“中等買入”,平均目標價為23.22美元。

Institutional Investors Weigh In On Maravai LifeSciences

機構投資者參與Maravai LifeSciences

A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Captrust Financial Advisors raised its stake in Maravai LifeSciences by 1.3% during the 1st quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors now owns 33,535 shares of the company's stock worth $1,183,000 after acquiring an additional 442 shares during the period. Xponance Inc. raised its stake in Maravai LifeSciences by 5.3% during the 2nd quarter. Xponance Inc. now owns 12,838 shares of the company's stock worth $365,000 after acquiring an additional 641 shares during the period. Zions Bancorporation N.A. bought a new stake in Maravai LifeSciences during the 1st quarter worth approximately $28,000. ProShare Advisors LLC raised its stake in Maravai LifeSciences by 6.5% during the 3rd quarter. ProShare Advisors LLC now owns 12,804 shares of the company's stock worth $327,000 after acquiring an additional 785 shares during the period. Finally, Signaturefd LLC grew its holdings in Maravai LifeSciences by 200.5% during the 3rd quarter. Signaturefd LLC now owns 1,202 shares of the company's stock valued at $31,000 after buying an additional 802 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors own 48.67% of the company's stock.

一些機構投資者和對衝基金最近增持或減持了該公司的股份。CapTrust Financial Advisors在第一季度將其在Maravai LifeSciences的持股增加了1.3%。CapTrust Financial Advisors在此期間額外購買了442股,現在擁有33,535股該公司股票,價值1,183,000美元。Xponance Inc.在第二季度增持了Maravai LifeSciences 5.3%的股份。Xponance Inc.在此期間增持了641股,目前持有12,838股該公司股票,價值36.5萬美元。Zion Bancorporation N.A.在第一季度購買了Maravai LifeSciences的新股份,價值約2.8萬美元。ProShare Advisors LLC在第三季度將其在Maravai LifeSciences的持股增加了6.5%。ProShare Advisors LLC在此期間額外收購了785股,現在擁有12,804股該公司股票,價值327,000美元。最後,Signaturefd LLC在第三季度增持了200.5%的馬拉維生命科學股份。Signaturefd LLC現在擁有1,202股該公司股票,價值31,000美元,上個季度又購買了802股。機構投資者持有該公司48.67%的股份。

About Maravai LifeSciences

關於Maravai LifeSciences

(Get Rating)


Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc, a life sciences company, provides products to enable the development of drug therapies, diagnostics, novel vaccines, and support research on human diseases in the United States and internationally. The company's products address the key phases of biopharmaceutical development and include nucleic acids for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, antibody-based products to detect impurities during the production of biopharmaceutical products, and products to detect the expression of proteins in tissues of various species.

Maravai LifeSciences控股公司是一家生命科學公司,提供能夠在美國和國際上開發藥物療法、診斷、新型疫苗和支持人類疾病研究的產品。該公司的產品涉及生物製藥開發的關鍵階段,包括用於診斷和治療應用的核酸、在生物製藥產品生產過程中檢測雜質的基於抗體的產品,以及檢測各種組織中蛋白質表達的產品。

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