
Vivid Seats (NASDAQ:SEAT) PT Lowered to $8.00

Vivid Seats (NASDAQ:SEAT) PT Lowered to $8.00

Financial News Live ·  2023/01/06 08:21

Vivid Seats (NASDAQ:SEAT – Get Rating) had its price objective dropped by research analysts at Piper Sandler from $9.00 to $8.00 in a note issued to investors on Friday, The Fly reports. Piper Sandler's price target would suggest a potential upside of 4.58% from the stock's current price.

據The Fly報道,在週五發佈給投資者的一份報告中,Piper Sandler的研究分析師將Vivid Seats(納斯達克:Seat-Get評級)的目標價從9美元下調至8美元。派珀·桑德勒的目標價表明,該股目前的價格可能上漲4.58%。

Other research analysts also recently issued reports about the company. William Blair reaffirmed an "outperform" rating on shares of Vivid Seats in a research note on Wednesday, November 30th. Evercore ISI dropped their price target on Vivid Seats to $8.00 in a research note on Tuesday, November 15th. Royal Bank of Canada dropped their price target on Vivid Seats from $10.50 to $10.00 and set a "sector perform" rating on the stock in a research note on Wednesday, November 9th. Credit Suisse Group decreased their price objective on Vivid Seats from $13.00 to $11.00 and set an "outperform" rating for the company in a report on Wednesday, November 9th. Finally, DA Davidson decreased their price objective on Vivid Seats to $20.00 in a report on Tuesday, November 15th. Four research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have given a buy rating to the stock. Based on data from MarketBeat, the stock has an average rating of "Moderate Buy" and an average target price of $11.78.

其他研究分析師最近也發佈了關於該公司的報告。11月30日星期三,威廉·布萊爾在一份研究報告中重申了對Vivid Seats股票的“跑贏大盤”評級。11月15日,週二,Evercore ISI在一份研究報告中將Vivid座椅的目標價格下調至8.00美元。11月9日週三,加拿大皇家銀行在一份研究報告中將Vivid Seats的目標價從10.50美元下調至10.00美元,並對該股設定了“行業表現”評級。瑞士信貸集團在11月9日星期三的一份報告中將Vivid Seats的目標價從13.00美元下調至11.00美元,併為該公司設定了“表現優於大盤”的評級。最後,DA Davidson在11月15日星期二的一份報告中將Vivid座位的目標價格下調至20.00美元。四名研究分析師對該股的評級為持有,四名分析師對該股的評級為買入。根據MarketBeat的數據,該股的平均評級為“中等買入”,平均目標價為11.78美元。

Vivid Seats

Vivid Seats Price Performance


Shares of NASDAQ:SEAT opened at $7.65 on Friday. The business's 50-day moving average is $7.64 and its 200-day moving average is $8.04. Vivid Seats has a 1 year low of $6.48 and a 1 year high of $12.52.

上週五,納斯達克:Seat的股價開盤報7.65美元。該業務的50日移動均線切入位在7.64美元,200日移動均線切入位在8.04美元。Vivid Seats的一年低點為6.48美元,一年高位為12.52美元。

Vivid Seats (NASDAQ:SEAT – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, November 8th. The company reported $0.09 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of $0.10 by ($0.01). Vivid Seats had a net margin of 3.66% and a negative return on equity of 2.92%. The business had revenue of $156.82 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $129.31 million. Equities analysts anticipate that Vivid Seats will post 0.46 EPS for the current fiscal year.
VIVID SEATES(納斯達克:SEAT-GET Rating)上一次公佈季度收益數據是在11月8日(週二)。該公司公佈本季度每股收益(EPS)為0.09美元,低於分析師普遍預期的0.10美元(0.01美元)。生動座位的淨利潤率為3.66%,股本回報率為負2.92%。該業務本季度營收為1.5682億美元,而分析師預期為1.2931億美元。股票分析師預計,Vivid Seats本財年的每股收益將達到0.46美元。

Insider Activity


In other news, Director Craig A. Dixon sold 4,889 shares of the company's stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, December 29th. The stock was sold at an average price of $7.50, for a total value of $36,667.50. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through this link. Insiders sold a total of 8,814 shares of company stock valued at $66,969 over the last three months.


Hedge Funds Weigh In On Vivid Seats


Several institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the business. Security Benefit Life Insurance Co. KS bought a new position in shares of Vivid Seats in the second quarter valued at approximately $388,867,000. Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA grew its holdings in shares of Vivid Seats by 18.2% in the third quarter. Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA now owns 4,577,860 shares of the company's stock valued at $35,066,000 after acquiring an additional 705,194 shares in the last quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. grew its holdings in Vivid Seats by 3.6% during the third quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 2,259,479 shares of the company's stock valued at $17,307,000 after purchasing an additional 77,813 shares during the period. FMR LLC grew its holdings in Vivid Seats by 160.9% during the second quarter. FMR LLC now owns 2,206,475 shares of the company's stock valued at $16,482,000 after purchasing an additional 1,360,674 shares during the period. Finally, BlackRock Inc. grew its holdings in Vivid Seats by 5.7% during the third quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 1,270,230 shares of the company's stock valued at $9,730,000 after purchasing an additional 68,892 shares during the period. 31.35% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.

幾家機構投資者最近調整了對該公司的持股。安全福利人壽保險公司在第二季度購買了Vivid Seats股票的新頭寸,價值約為388,867,000美元。馬雲金融服務公司第三季度持有的Vivid Seats股票增加了18.2%。馬雲現在持有該公司4,577,860股股票,價值35,066,000美元。馬雲在上個季度增持了705,194股。先鋒集團第三季度增持了3.6%的Vivid Seats股份。先鋒集團目前持有該公司2,259,479股股票,價值17,307,000美元,在此期間又購買了77,813股。FMR LLC在第二季度增持了160.9%的Vivid Seats股份。FMR LLC現在擁有該公司2,206,475股股票,價值16,482,000美元,在此期間又購買了1,360,674股。最後,貝萊德股份有限公司在第三季度增持了Vivid Seats 5.7%的股份。貝萊德股份有限公司在此期間增持了68,892股,目前持有1,270,230股該公司股票,價值9,730,000美元。31.35%的股份由機構投資者持有。

About Vivid Seats


(Get Rating)


Vivid Seats Inc operates as an online secondary marketplace for tickets in the United States and Canada. The company operates in two segments, Marketplace and Resale. The Marketplace segment acts as an intermediary between event ticket buyers and sellers; processes ticket sales on its website and mobile applications through its distribution partners; and sells tickets for live sports, concerts, and theater shows, and other live events.

Vivid Seats Inc.在美國和加拿大作為門票的在線二級市場運營。該公司在Marketplace和Resale兩個細分市場運營。Marketplace部門充當活動門票買家和賣家之間的中間人;通過其分銷合作伙伴在其網站和移動應用程序上處理門票銷售;並銷售現場體育、音樂會、戲劇表演和其他現場活動的門票。

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