
Tingo (NASDAQ:MICT) Upgraded to "Sell" by

Tingo (NASDAQ:MICT) Upgraded to "Sell" by

Financial News Live ·  2022/12/30 00:11

Tingo (NASDAQ:MICT – Get Rating) was upgraded by research analysts at to a "sell" rating in a note issued to investors on Thursday.

廷戈 (納斯達克:MICT — 獲得評級) 的研究分析師在周四發給投資者的票據中將「賣出」評級提升為「賣出」評級。

Tingo Stock Up 10.8 %

廷戈股票上升 10.8%

Tingo stock traded up $0.08 during trading hours on Thursday, hitting $0.78. The company had a trading volume of 189,103 shares, compared to its average volume of 669,154. The firm has a 50-day moving average of $0.91 and a 200 day moving average of $0.76. Tingo has a one year low of $0.41 and a one year high of $1.35.

廷戈股票周四交易時間內上漲 0.08 美元,觸及 0.78 美元。該公司的交易量為 189,103 股,而其平均交易量為 669,154 股。該公司的 50 天移動平均線為 0.91 美元,200 日移動平均線為 0.76 美元。Tingo 的一年低點是 0.41 美元,一年新高為 1.35 美元。


Tingo (NASDAQ:MICT – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Monday, November 14th. The company reported ($0.05) EPS for the quarter. The firm had revenue of $13.76 million during the quarter. Tingo had a negative net margin of 76.10% and a negative return on equity of 28.28%.

Tingo(NASDAQ:MICT-獲取評分)上次發布了其收益結果在 11 月 14 日星期一。該公司報告了本季度每股盈利(0.05 美元)。該公司在本季度的收入為 1376 萬美元。Tingo 的負淨利潤率為 76.10%,而負資產回報率則為 28.28%。

Institutional Investors Weigh In On Tingo


A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of MICT. State Street Corp grew its stake in shares of Tingo by 8.4% in the first quarter. State Street Corp now owns 355,018 shares of the company's stock valued at $217,000 after acquiring an additional 27,506 shares in the last quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC grew its position in shares of Tingo by 8.1% during the 3rd quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 191,421 shares of the company's stock worth $131,000 after purchasing an additional 14,300 shares in the last quarter. Bison Wealth LLC increased its holdings in shares of Tingo by 10.2% during the first quarter. Bison Wealth LLC now owns 183,800 shares of the company's stock worth $112,000 after purchasing an additional 17,044 shares during the period. Citadel Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Tingo in the third quarter valued at approximately $55,000. Finally, Jane Street Group LLC bought a new stake in shares of Tingo in the second quarter valued at approximately $28,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 7.23% of the company's stock.
一些對沖基金和其他機構投資者最近修改了他們對 MICT 的持有量。州街公司在第一季度增長了 8.4% 在 Tingo 的股份的股份。州街公司現在擁有該公司股票 355,018 股,價值為 217,000 美元,在上個季度額外收購了 27,506 股後。文藝復興技術有限責任公司在第三季度增長了 8.1% 在 Tingo 的股份中的地位。文藝復興科技有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票價值 131,000 美元的 191,421 股股份,在上個季度額外購買 14,300 股後。野牛財富有限責任公司在第一季度增加了 10.2% 在 Tingo 的股份的持有量。在此期間,野牛財富有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 183,800 股,價值 112,000 美元。城堡顧問有限責任公司在第三季度收購了 Tingo 股份的新股份,價值約為 55,000 美元。最後,簡街集團有限責任公司在第二季度購買了 Tingo 股份的新股份,價值約為 28,000 美元。機構投資者和對沖基金擁有公司股票的 7.23%。

Tingo Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Tingo, Inc, an agri-fintech company, operates a marketplace platform that empowers social upliftment through mobile, technology, and financial access for rural farming communities in Africa. Its Tingo Mobile offers its comprehensive platform service through use of smartphones 'device as a service' to empower a marketplace to enable subscribers/farmers within and outside of the agricultural sector to manage commercial activities of growing and selling production to market participants in domestically and internationally.

Tingo, Inc 是一家農業金融科技公司,經營一個市場平台,該平台通過移動,技術和財務訪問為非洲的農村農業社區提供社會提升。Tingo Mobile 通過使用智能手機的「設備即服務」提供全面的平台服務,使市場使農業內外的用戶/農民能夠管理在國內和國際上向市場參與者銷售生產的商業活動。

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