share_log Lowers Golub Capital BDC (NASDAQ:GBDC) to Sell Lowers Golub Capital BDC (NASDAQ:GBDC) to Sell

股票新聞降低高盧布資本 BDC (納斯達克:GBDC) 進行出售
Financial News Live ·  2022/12/24 04:22 lowered shares of Golub Capital BDC (NASDAQ:GBDC – Get Rating) from a hold rating to a sell rating in a report released on Tuesday morning.

斯托克新聞網在週二上午發佈的一份報告中將高盧布資本BDC(納斯達克代碼:GBDC-GET Rating)的股票評級從持有評級下調至賣出評級。

Separately, Wells Fargo & Company set a $14.50 price target on shares of Golub Capital BDC in a research report on Thursday, November 24th.

另外,富國銀行在11月24日星期四的一份研究報告中為Golub Capital BDC的股票設定了14.50美元的目標價。

Golub Capital BDC

Golub Capital BDC Stock Up 2.0 %

Golub Capital BDC股票上漲2.0%

Shares of Golub Capital BDC stock opened at $13.24 on Tuesday. The company has a fifty day moving average price of $13.27 and a 200 day moving average price of $13.37. The company has a current ratio of 3.24, a quick ratio of 3.24 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.21. Golub Capital BDC has a twelve month low of $11.94 and a twelve month high of $16.23. The stock has a market cap of $2.26 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 14.71 and a beta of 0.62.

週二,Golub Capital BDC的股票開盤報13.24美元。該公司的50日移動平均價為13.27美元,200日移動平均價為13.37美元。該公司的流動比率為3.24,速動比率為3.24,債務權益比率為1.21。Golub Capital BDC的12個月低點為11.94美元,12個月高位為16.23美元。該股市值為22.6億美元,本益比為14.71倍,貝塔係數為0.62。

Golub Capital BDC (NASDAQ:GBDC – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Monday, November 21st. The investment management company reported $0.33 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.30 by $0.03. Golub Capital BDC had a net margin of 39.57% and a return on equity of 8.15%. The firm had revenue of $119.65 million during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $111.40 million. Equities research analysts forecast that Golub Capital BDC will post 1.55 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.
高諾資本BDC(納斯達克代碼:GBDC-GET Rating)上一次公佈季度收益是在11月21日(星期一)。這家投資管理公司公佈本季度每股收益為0.33美元,比分析師普遍預期的0.30美元高出0.03美元。Golub Capital BDC的淨利潤率為39.57%,股本回報率為8.15%。該公司本季度營收為1.1965億美元,高於分析師預期的1.114億美元。股票研究分析師預測,Golub Capital BDC本財年每股收益將達到1.55美元。

Golub Capital BDC Increases Dividend

Golub Capital BDC增加股息

The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Thursday, December 29th. Shareholders of record on Friday, December 9th will be given a $0.33 dividend. This is a boost from Golub Capital BDC's previous quarterly dividend of $0.30. This represents a $1.32 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 9.97%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, December 8th. Golub Capital BDC's dividend payout ratio is presently 146.67%.

該公司最近還披露了季度股息,將於12月29日(星期四)支付。12月9日(星期五)登記在冊的股東將獲得0.33美元的股息。這是對Golub Capital BDC之前季度派息0.30美元的提振。這意味著年化股息為1.32美元,收益率為9.97%。除息日期為12月8日(星期四)。Golub Capital BDC的股息支付率目前為146.67%。

Hedge Funds Weigh In On Golub Capital BDC

對沖基金對Golub Capital BDC的看法

A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in GBDC. Envestnet Asset Management Inc. boosted its position in Golub Capital BDC by 4.2% in the 1st quarter. Envestnet Asset Management Inc. now owns 66,133 shares of the investment management company's stock valued at $1,006,000 after buying an additional 2,670 shares during the last quarter. Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Ltd purchased a new position in Golub Capital BDC in the 1st quarter valued at about $7,798,000. Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. lifted its position in shares of Golub Capital BDC by 19.9% during the first quarter. Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. now owns 17,511 shares of the investment management company's stock worth $266,000 after purchasing an additional 2,905 shares during the last quarter. Veritable L.P. lifted its position in shares of Golub Capital BDC by 71.3% during the first quarter. Veritable L.P. now owns 394,459 shares of the investment management company's stock worth $6,000,000 after purchasing an additional 164,140 shares during the last quarter. Finally, D.A. Davidson & CO. lifted its position in shares of Golub Capital BDC by 8.6% during the first quarter. D.A. Davidson & CO. now owns 61,769 shares of the investment management company's stock worth $940,000 after purchasing an additional 4,888 shares during the last quarter. 42.80% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

一些機構投資者和對沖基金最近增持或減持了GBDC的股份。Envestnet Asset Management Inc.在第一季度將其在Golub Capital BDC的頭寸增加了4.2%。Envestnet Asset Management Inc.現在持有這家投資管理公司66,133股股票,價值1,006,000美元,上個季度又購買了2,670股。邊界至海岸養老金合夥有限公司在第一季度購買了Golub Capital BDC的新頭寸,價值約779.8萬美元。Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.在第一季度將其在Golub Capital BDC的股票頭寸提高了19.9%。雷蒙德·詹姆斯金融服務顧問公司(Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.)現在持有這家投資管理公司17,511股股票,價值266,000美元,該公司在上個季度又購買了2,905股股票。Veritable L.P.在第一季度將其在Golub Capital BDC的股票頭寸提高了71.3%。在上個季度又購買了164,140股之後,Verable L.P.現在持有這家投資管理公司394,459股股票,價值600萬美元。最後,D.A.Davidson&Co.在第一季度,它將其在Golub Capital BDC的股票頭寸提高了8.6%。D.A.Davidson&Co.現在擁有61,769股這家投資管理公司的股票,價值940,000美元,在上個季度又購買了4,888股。42.80%的股票由對沖基金和其他機構投資者持有。

About Golub Capital BDC


(Get Rating)


Golub Capital BDC, Inc (GBDC) is a business development company and operates as an externally managed closed-end non-diversified management investment company. It invests in debt and minority equity investments in middle-market companies that are, in most cases, sponsored by private equity investors.

Golub Capital BDC,Inc.(GBDC)是一家業務開發公司,作為外部管理的封閉式非多元化管理投資公司運營。它投資於中端市場公司的債務和少數股權投資,在大多數情況下,這些投資是由私人股本投資者發起的。

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