
Banco De Chile (NYSE:BCH) Sees Large Volume Increase

Banco De Chile (NYSE:BCH) Sees Large Volume Increase

Financial News Live ·  2022/12/23 11:21

Banco de Chile (NYSE:BCH – Get Rating) shares saw unusually-strong trading volume on Friday . Approximately 2,045 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 98% from the previous session's volume of 117,419 shares.The stock last traded at $19.75 and had previously closed at $19.96.

智利銀行(紐約證券交易所代碼:BCH-GET Rating)股票週五的交易量異常強勁。約有2,045股股票在午盤交易中成交,較前一交易日的117,419股下跌98%。該股最新報19.75美元,此前收盤報19.96美元。

Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades


Several equities research analysts have recently commented on BCH shares. downgraded shares of Banco de Chile from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research note on Monday, October 31st. Scotiabank downgraded shares of Banco de Chile from a "sector outperform" rating to a "sector perform" rating in a research note on Wednesday, October 26th. Six equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and two have assigned a buy rating to the company. According to, the company currently has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus price target of $23.00.


Banco de Chile

Banco de Chile Trading Down 0.5 %


The company's 50-day moving average is $18.63 and its 200-day moving average is $18.64. The firm has a market cap of $10.04 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 5.44, a P/E/G ratio of 1.01 and a beta of 0.40. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 3.02, a quick ratio of 1.52 and a current ratio of 1.52.


Banco de Chile (NYSE:BCH – Get Rating) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Friday, October 28th. The bank reported $0.74 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $0.69 by $0.05. The business had revenue of $536.18 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $794.85 million. Banco de Chile had a net margin of 52.75% and a return on equity of 35.03%. On average, research analysts predict that Banco de Chile will post 2.99 earnings per share for the current year.
智利銀行(紐約證券交易所代碼:BCH-GET Rating)最近一次發佈季度收益報告是在10月28日星期五。該行公佈本季度每股收益(EPS)為0.74美元,比普遍預期的0.69美元高出0.05美元。該業務本季度的收入為5.3618億美元,而普遍預期為7.9485億美元。智利銀行的淨利潤率為52.75%,股本回報率為35.03%。研究分析師平均預測,智利銀行本年度每股收益將達到2.99歐元。

Institutional Trading of Banco de Chile


Several institutional investors and hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Prelude Capital Management LLC bought a new stake in Banco de Chile during the 3rd quarter worth about $277,000. BlackRock Inc. raised its holdings in Banco de Chile by 80.4% during the 3rd quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 256,655 shares of the bank's stock worth $4,536,000 after purchasing an additional 114,359 shares during the last quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC raised its holdings in Banco de Chile by 137.7% during the 3rd quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC now owns 89,979 shares of the bank's stock worth $1,590,000 after purchasing an additional 52,128 shares during the last quarter. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC raised its holdings in Banco de Chile by 31.7% during the 3rd quarter. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC now owns 18,813 shares of the bank's stock worth $332,000 after purchasing an additional 4,532 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Quadrant Capital Group LLC increased its stake in shares of Banco de Chile by 138.2% in the 3rd quarter. Quadrant Capital Group LLC now owns 2,553 shares of the bank's stock valued at $45,000 after acquiring an additional 1,481 shares during the last quarter. 0.99% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.

幾家機構投資者和對沖基金最近增持或減持了該公司的股份。Prelude Capital Management LLC在第三季度購買了智利銀行的新股份,價值約27.7萬美元。貝萊德股份有限公司在第三季度增持了智利銀行80.4%的股份。貝萊德股份有限公司目前持有該行256,655股股票,價值4,536,000美元,上一季度又購買了114,359股。Citadel Advisors LLC在第三季度將其在智利銀行的持股增加了137.7%。Citadel Advisors LLC現在持有該行89,979股股票,價值1,590,000美元,上一季度又購買了52,128股。Cubist System Strategy LLC在第三季度將其在智利銀行的持股增加了31.7%。Cubist Systems Strategy LLC現在持有該行18,813股股票,價值332,000美元,此前該公司在上個季度又購買了4,532股。最後,跨駿資本集團在第三季度增持了智利銀行138.2%的股份。跨駿資本集團在上個季度增持了1,481股該行股票後,現在擁有2,553股該行股票,價值45,000美元。0.99%的股份由機構投資者持有。

About Banco de Chile


(Get Rating)


Banco de Chile SA engages in the provision of banking services. It operates through the following segments: Retail, Wholesale, Treasury, and Subsidiaries. The Retail segment consists of consumer loans, commercial loans, checking accounts, credit cards, credit lines, and mortgage loans. The Wholesale segment includes corporate clients and large companies where the product offering focuses on commercial loans, checking accounts and liquidity management services, debt instruments, foreign trade, derivative contracts, and leases.


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