
Cerus (NASDAQ:CERS) Shares Gap Up to $3.83

Cerus (NASDAQ:CERS) Shares Gap Up to $3.83

塞洛斯(納斯達克:證券交易所)股票差距高達 3.83 美元
Defense World ·  2022/12/23 04:12

Cerus Co. (NASDAQ:CERS – Get Rating)'s share price gapped up prior to trading on Wednesday . The stock had previously closed at $3.83, but opened at $3.98. Cerus shares last traded at $3.93, with a volume of 6,873 shares changing hands.

賽樂斯股份有限公司(納斯達克代碼:CERS-GET Rating)週三盤前股價跳水,此前收盤價為3.83美元,開盤報3.98美元。賽樂斯股票最新報3.93美元,總成交量為6,873股。

Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades


CERS has been the subject of a number of research analyst reports. began coverage on shares of Cerus in a report on Wednesday, October 12th. They issued a "hold" rating for the company. BTIG Research dropped their target price on shares of Cerus to $6.00 in a report on Tuesday, November 15th. Finally, Cantor Fitzgerald reissued an "overweight" rating on shares of Cerus in a research note on Monday, December 5th.

CER已成為多份研究分析家報告的主題。StockNews.com在10月12日星期三的一份報告中開始報道Cerus的股票。他們對該公司的評級為“持有”。BTIG Research在11月15日星期二的一份報告中將Cerus的股票目標價下調至6.00美元。最後,康託·菲茨傑拉德在12月5日星期一的一份研究報告中重新發布了對Cerus股票的“增持”評級。


Cerus Trading Down 0.7 %


The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.37, a current ratio of 1.73 and a quick ratio of 1.44. The business has a 50-day moving average price of $3.82 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $4.41. The firm has a market cap of $727.43 million, a PE ratio of -18.64 and a beta of 1.08.


Cerus (NASDAQ:CERS – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Thursday, November 3rd. The biotechnology company reported ($0.05) earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the consensus estimate of ($0.05). Cerus had a negative net margin of 24.24% and a negative return on equity of 48.32%. The firm had revenue of $39.57 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $39.00 million. Analysts forecast that Cerus Co. will post -0.21 EPS for the current year.
賽樂斯(納斯達克代碼:CERS-GET Rating)最近一次公佈財報是在11月3日星期四。這家生物技術公司公佈了本季度每股收益(0.05美元),符合普遍預期(0.05美元)。Cerus的淨利潤率為負24.24%,淨資產回報率為負48.32%。該公司本季度營收為3957萬美元,而市場普遍預期為3900萬美元。分析師預計,Cerus Co.本年度每股收益將達到0.21歐元。

Insider Activity at Cerus


In other news, Director Daniel N. Swisher, Jr. sold 12,500 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, November 10th. The stock was sold at an average price of $3.91, for a total value of $48,875.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 113,808 shares of the company's stock, valued at $444,989.28. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which is accessible through this hyperlink. 7.33% of the stock is owned by corporate insiders.


Hedge Funds Weigh In On Cerus


Institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the company. MQS Management LLC purchased a new stake in Cerus in the 3rd quarter worth approximately $159,000. Bank of New York Mellon Corp grew its position in shares of Cerus by 9.4% in the third quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 631,907 shares of the biotechnology company's stock valued at $2,275,000 after purchasing an additional 54,494 shares during the period. Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. acquired a new position in Cerus in the third quarter valued at $87,000. Capital Impact Advisors LLC acquired a new position in Cerus in the third quarter valued at $49,000. Finally, Tamarack Advisers LP lifted its position in Cerus by 21.3% during the third quarter. Tamarack Advisers LP now owns 2,425,000 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $8,730,000 after buying an additional 425,000 shares during the period. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 82.47% of the company's stock.

機構投資者最近調整了對該公司的持股。MQS Management LLC在第三季度購買了Cerus的新股份,價值約15.9萬美元。紐約梅隆銀行(Bank Of New York Mellon Corp)第三季度持有的Cerus股票頭寸增加了9.4%。紐約梅隆銀行(Bank Of New York Mellon Corp)目前持有這家生物技術公司631,907股股票,價值2,275,000美元,在此期間又購買了54,494股。Robeco機構資產管理公司在第三季度收購了Cerus的一個新頭寸,價值8.7萬美元。Capital Impact Advisors LLC在第三季度收購了Cerus的一個新頭寸,價值49,000美元。最後,Tamarack Advisers LP在第三季度將其在Cerus的頭寸提高了21.3%。Tamarack Advisers LP現在擁有2,425,000股這家生物技術公司的股票,價值8,730,000美元,在此期間又購買了425,000股。機構投資者和對沖基金持有該公司82.47%的股票。

Cerus Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Cerus Corporation operates as a biomedical products company. The company focuses on developing and commercializing the INTERCEPT Blood System to enhance blood safety. Its INTERCEPT Blood System, a proprietary technology for controlling biological replication that is designed to reduce blood-borne pathogens in donated blood components intended for transfusion.


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