
Amundi Purchases 169,819 Shares of Global Payments Inc. (NYSE:GPN)

Amundi Purchases 169,819 Shares of Global Payments Inc. (NYSE:GPN)

東方匯理收購全球支付股份有限公司(紐約證交所代碼:GPN)169,819 股
Defense World ·  2022/12/16 08:22

Amundi increased its position in Global Payments Inc. (NYSE:GPN – Get Rating) by 32.1% in the second quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm owned 699,010 shares of the business services provider's stock after acquiring an additional 169,819 shares during the quarter. Amundi owned about 0.25% of Global Payments worth $77,723,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

根據Amundi向美國證券交易委員會(Securities And Exchange Commission)的最新披露,Amundi在第二季度將其在Global Payments Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:GPN-GET評級)的頭寸增加了32.1%。該公司在本季度額外收購了169,819股後,持有這家商業服務提供商的699,010股股票。截至最近一個季度末,Amundi持有Global Payments約0.25%的股份,價值77,723,000美元。

A number of other large investors also recently modified their holdings of the company. Tcwp LLC bought a new stake in Global Payments during the first quarter valued at approximately $40,000. Clear Street Markets LLC lifted its position in Global Payments by 401.7% during the second quarter. Clear Street Markets LLC now owns 587 shares of the business services provider's stock valued at $65,000 after purchasing an additional 470 shares during the last quarter. Neo Ivy Capital Management bought a new stake in Global Payments during the second quarter valued at approximately $72,000. Raleigh Capital Management Inc. bought a new stake in Global Payments during the first quarter valued at approximately $82,000. Finally, Investors Asset Management of Georgia Inc. GA ADV bought a new stake in Global Payments during the second quarter valued at approximately $85,000. 85.61% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors.

其他一些大型投資者最近也調整了對該公司的持股。Tcwp LLC在第一季度購買了Global Payments的新股份,價值約40,000美元。Clear Street Markets LLC在第二季度將其在全球支付領域的地位提高了401.7%。Clear Street Markets LLC在上個季度額外購買了470股後,現在擁有這家商業服務提供商587股股票,價值6.5萬美元。Neo Ivy Capital Management在第二季度購買了Global Payments的新股份,價值約7.2萬美元。羅利資本管理公司(Raleigh Capital Management Inc.)在第一季度購買了Global Payments的新股份,價值約82,000美元。最後,佐治亞公司的投資者資產管理公司在第二季度購買了Global Payments的新股份,價值約8.5萬美元。85.61%的股票目前由機構投資者持有。

Global Payments

Insider Buying and Selling at Global Payments

Global Payments的內幕買賣

In other Global Payments news, Director Robert H. B. Baldwin, Jr. purchased 3,400 shares of Global Payments stock in a transaction dated Monday, December 12th. The stock was purchased at an average price of $98.62 per share, with a total value of $335,308.00. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 38,940 shares of the company's stock, valued at $3,840,262.80. The purchase was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available through this link. In other Global Payments news, Director M Troy Woods purchased 5,247 shares of Global Payments stock in a transaction dated Friday, November 4th. The stock was purchased at an average price of $95.26 per share, with a total value of $499,829.22. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 287,688 shares of the company's stock, valued at $27,405,158.88. The purchase was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available through this link. Also, Director Robert H. B. Baldwin, Jr. purchased 3,400 shares of Global Payments stock in a transaction dated Monday, December 12th. The shares were acquired at an average cost of $98.62 per share, with a total value of $335,308.00. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 38,940 shares in the company, valued at $3,840,262.80. The disclosure for this purchase can be found here. Company insiders own 1.19% of the company's stock.

其他全球支付新聞,董事小羅伯特·H·B·鮑德温。在一筆日期為12月12日星期一的交易中購買了3400股Global Payments股票。這隻股票是以每股98.62美元的平均價格購買的,總價值為335,308.00美元。交易完成後,董事現在直接持有該公司38,940股股票,價值3,840,262.80美元。此次收購是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份文件中披露的,該文件可通過這個環節。在全球支付的其他消息方面,董事M特洛伊·伍茲在一筆日期為11月4日(星期五)的交易中購買了5,247股全球支付的股票。該股的收購均價為每股95.26美元,總價值為499,829.22美元。交易完成後,董事現在直接持有該公司287,688股股票,價值27,405,158.88美元。此次收購是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份文件中披露的,該文件可通過這個環節。還有,董事小羅伯特·H·B·鮑德温。在一筆日期為12月12日星期一的交易中購買了3400股Global Payments股票。收購這些股票的平均成本為每股98.62美元,總價值為335,308.00美元。交易完成後,董事現在直接擁有該公司38,940股,價值3840,262.80美元。關於這次購買的披露可以找到這裏。公司內部人士持有該公司1.19%的股份。

Analyst Ratings Changes


GPN has been the topic of several research reports. Exane BNP Paribas downgraded shares of Global Payments from an "outperform" rating to a "neutral" rating and set a $115.00 price target on the stock. in a research note on Tuesday, October 18th. Mizuho decreased their target price on shares of Global Payments from $132.00 to $115.00 and set a "neutral" rating on the stock in a research note on Monday. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods decreased their target price on shares of Global Payments from $155.00 to $150.00 in a research note on Monday, October 10th. Truist Financial lifted their target price on shares of Global Payments from $130.00 to $135.00 and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a research note on Tuesday, November 1st. Finally, Stephens decreased their target price on shares of Global Payments from $155.00 to $135.00 and set an "overweight" rating on the stock in a research note on Tuesday, November 1st. Nine equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and eighteen have assigned a buy rating to the company. Based on data from, the stock presently has an average rating of "Moderate Buy" and an average target price of $158.03.
GPN一直是幾份研究報告的主題。法國巴黎銀行將Global Payments的股票評級從“跑贏大盤”下調至“中性”,併為該股設定了115.00美元的目標價。在10月18日星期二的一份研究報告中。瑞穗將Global Payments股票的目標價從132.00美元下調至115.00美元,並在週一的一份研究報告中將該股的評級定為“中性”。10月10日星期一,Keefe,Bruyette&Wood在一份研究報告中將Global Payments的股票目標價從155.00美元下調至150.00美元。Truist Financial將Global Payments的股票目標價從130.00美元上調至135.00美元,並在11月1日週二的一份研究報告中給予該股“買入”評級。最後,斯蒂芬斯在11月1日週二的一份研究報告中將Global Payments的目標價從155.00美元下調至135.00美元,並對該股設定了“增持”評級。9名股票研究分析師對該股的評級為持有,18名分析師對該公司的評級為買入。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,該股目前的平均評級為“中等買入”,平均目標價為158.03美元。

Global Payments Price Performance


GPN opened at $94.93 on Friday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.54, a quick ratio of 0.96 and a current ratio of 0.96. The stock has a market capitalization of $25.67 billion, a P/E ratio of 431.52, a P/E/G ratio of 0.70 and a beta of 1.00. The company's 50-day simple moving average is $104.99 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $115.86. Global Payments Inc. has a 52-week low of $93.99 and a 52-week high of $153.76.

GPN上週五開盤報94.93美元。該公司的負債權益比率為0.54,速動比率為0.96,流動比率為0.96。該股市值256.7億美元,市盈率431.52,市盈率0.7,貝塔係數1.00。該公司50日簡單移動均線切入位在104.99美元,200日簡單移動均線切入位在115.86美元。Global Payments Inc.的股價跌至93.99美元的52周低點和153.76美元的52周高點。

Global Payments (NYSE:GPN – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Monday, October 31st. The business services provider reported $2.37 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $2.38 by ($0.01). The company had revenue of $2.29 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $2.04 billion. Global Payments had a net margin of 0.79% and a return on equity of 9.85%. Global Payments's revenue was up 3.8% on a year-over-year basis. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $2.00 EPS. As a group, analysts predict that Global Payments Inc. will post 8.89 EPS for the current year.

Global Payments(紐約證券交易所代碼:GPN-GET評級)最近一次公佈收益結果是在10月31日星期一。這家商業服務提供商公佈本季度每股收益(EPS)為2.37美元,低於普遍預期的2.38美元(0.01美元)。該公司本季度營收為22.9億美元,而市場普遍預期為20.4億美元。Global Payments的淨利潤率為0.79%,股本回報率為9.85%。Global Payments的收入同比增長了3.8%。去年同期,該公司公佈的每股收益為2.00美元。分析師預計,作為一個整體,Global Payments Inc.本年度每股收益將達到8.89歐元。

Global Payments Announces Dividend

Global Payments宣佈分紅

The business also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, December 30th. Shareholders of record on Friday, December 16th will be paid a dividend of $0.25 per share. This represents a $1.00 annualized dividend and a yield of 1.05%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, December 15th. Global Payments's dividend payout ratio is currently 454.57%.

該公司最近還宣佈了季度股息,將於12月30日(星期五)支付。12月16日(星期五)登記在冊的股東將獲得每股0.25美元的股息。這意味着年化股息為1.00美元,收益率為1.05%。本次股息除息日期為12月15日(星期四)。Global Payments的股息支付率目前為454.57。

Global Payments Profile


(Get Rating)


Global Payments Inc provides payment technology and software solutions for card, electronic, check, and digital-based payments in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific. It operates through three segments: Merchant Solutions, Issuer Solutions, and Business and Consumer Solutions. The Merchant Solutions segment offers authorization services, settlement and funding services, customer support and help-desk functions, chargeback resolution, terminal rental, sales and deployment, payment security services, consolidated billing and statements, and on-line reporting services.

Global Payments Inc.為美洲、歐洲和亞太地區的信用卡、電子、支票和基於數字的支付提供支付技術和軟件解決方案。它通過三個部門運營:商家解決方案、發行商解決方案以及商業和消費者解決方案。Merchant Solutions部門提供授權服務、結算和融資服務、客户支持和幫助台功能、按存儲容量使用計費解決方案、終端租賃、銷售和部署、支付安全服務、合併賬單和報表以及在線報告服務。

Further Reading


  • Get a free copy of the research report on Global Payments (GPN)
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