
Live Current Media Inc. Signs LOI to Acquire Influencer Marketing Technology Company GoFamer Oy

Live Current Media Inc. Signs LOI to Acquire Influencer Marketing Technology Company GoFamer Oy

現場直播媒體公司簽署 LOI 收購有影響力的營銷技術公司 GoFamer Oy
Accesswire ·  2022/12/08 09:20

Adding another important element in building out robust digital backend toolbox.


SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 8, 2022 / Live Current Media, Inc. ("Live Current" or the "Company" - (OTCQB:LIVC) announces that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent ("LOI") to acquire GoFamer Oy ("GoFamer") of Finland in an all stock transaction.

加利福尼亞州聖迭戈/ACCESSWIRE/2022年12月8日/ Live Current Media,Inc.。(“Live Current”或“公司”-)OTCQB:LIVC)宣佈已簽署一份不具約束力的收購意向書(LOI)GoFamer Oy(“GoFamer”)在一項全股票交易中。

The Transaction


Pursuant to the terms of the LOI, Live Current will purchase all of the outstanding share capital of GoFamer Oy in an all stock transaction valued at $250,000. As part of the transaction, Jere Virtanen, GoFamer's CEO and founder, will enter into an employment agreement with Live Current on mutually agreeable terms. The final transaction is subject to due diligence by both companies.

根據意向書的條款,Live Current將以價值25萬美元的全股票交易方式購買GoFamer Oy的全部已發行股本。作為交易的一部分,GoFamer的首席執行官兼創始人傑爾·維爾塔寧將在雙方同意的條件下與Live Current簽訂僱傭協議。最終交易將由兩家公司進行盡職調查。

About GoFamer


GoFamer is a full-service technology company and expert partner in the constantly changing influencer marketing, sponsorship and digital marketing world, also known as the creator economy. GoFamer's platform solves multiple challenges facing creators and digital marketers by providing transparency and reliability to campaigns, aids in advancing online activities and generates reports with only a few clicks.


The acquisition of GoFamer will complement Live Current Media's consumer facing digital platforms, including the popular video streaming platform Kast and augmented reality application Guru, by enabling the Company to offer creators a well rounded and highly unique value proposition in the digital and content marketing space integrated with flexible and intuitive creator monetization tools.

收購GoFamer將補充Live Current Media面向消費者的數字平臺,包括流行的視頻流平臺Kast和增強現實應用程序Guru,使該公司能夠在數字和內容營銷領域為創作者提供全面和高度獨特的價值主張,與靈活和直觀的創作者貨幣化工具相結合。

"GoFamer's analytic toolkit nicely complements Live Current Media's wider digital product portfolio," said Live Current CEO Mark Ollila. "Integrating the GoFamer platform into our products' backend system will allow us to harness valuable data that we will be able to offer our corporate and platform partners and Independent Creators. Tapping into powerful analytics and data that GoFamer can provide clients with while leveraging Live Current's recently acquired PowerSpike tools to engage users and provide control to creators will provide a unique feedback-loop within a tightly controlled B2B2C business model that Live Current is developing."

Live Current首席執行官馬克·奧利拉表示:“GoFamer的分析工具包很好地補充了Live Current Media更廣泛的數字產品組合。”將GoFamer平臺整合到我們產品的後端系統將使我們能夠利用我們將能夠向我們的公司和平臺合作伙伴以及獨立創建者提供的寶貴數據。利用GoFamer可以向客户提供的強大分析和數據,同時利用Live Current最近收購的PowerSpike工具來吸引用户併為創建者提供控制,將在Live Current正在開發的嚴格控制的B2B2C商業模式中提供一個獨特的反饋循環。“

The $104 Billion creator economy market was previously dominated by sponsorships for professional influencers, however, according to CB Insights, the market is currently undergoing a shift towards new monetization methods such as merchandise, virtual tickets, digital gifting and subscriptions. "Independent Creators" with less than one hundred thousand followers, an estimated 83% of worldwide creators and numbering more than 250 million, are looking for a platform to grow and monetize. Live Current Media is focused on providing that home and community for these creators.

價值1040億美元的創作者經濟市場以前是由對專業有影響力的人的贊助主導的,然而,根據CB Insights的數據,該市場目前正在向新的貨幣化方式轉變,如商品、虛擬門票、數字禮物和訂閲。“獨立創作者”的粉絲不足10萬,估計佔全球創作者的83%,人數超過2.5億,他們正在尋找一個增長和盈利的平臺。Live Current Media致力於為這些創作者提供家和社區。

About Live Current Media Inc.

關於Live Current Media Inc.

Live Current Media Inc. is an entertainment publishing and media technology company acquiring and developing a diversified portfolio of Web 3.0 applications and providing engaging digital content to build a global community of Independent Creators. The Company is built on the foundation, and its commitment to its core mission, of "community first." Powered by its diverse collaboration platform, the Company's digital tools allow Independent Creators to curate, stream, and monetize original content while engaging and expanding their fanbases around the world.

Live Current Media Inc.是一家娛樂、出版和媒體技術公司,收購和開發了多樣化的Web 3.0應用程序組合,並提供引人入勝的數字內容,以建立一個獨立創作者的全球社區。公司建立在“社區至上”的基礎上,並致力於履行其核心使命。在其多樣化的協作平臺的支持下,該公司的數字工具允許獨立創作者策劃、流媒體和貨幣化原創內容,同時參與並擴大他們在世界各地的粉絲基礎。

On behalf of the board of directors of Live Current Media Inc.

代表Live Current Media Inc.董事會。

Mark Ollila, CEO & Director


For more information please contact:


David Jeffs


All statements in this press release that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including any projections of growth, earnings, revenue, cash or other financial items, any statements of the plans, strategies, objectives and goals of management for future operations, any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance, statements of belief and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. These statements are based on expectations and assumptions as of the date of this press release and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions particularly as they relate to demand for our products and services; competitive factors; changes in operating expenses; our ability to raise capital as and when we need it and other factors. Live Current Media, Inc. assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or actual outcomes and does not intend to do so.

本新聞稿中所有非歷史事實的陳述均為前瞻性陳述,包括對增長、收益、收入、現金或其他財務項目的任何預測,對未來經營的任何計劃、戰略、目標和管理目標的陳述,任何有關未來經濟狀況或業績的陳述,信念陳述和任何前述假設的陳述。這些陳述是基於截至本新聞稿發佈之日的預期和假設,會受到許多風險和不確定因素的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能會導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中描述的大不相同。這些風險和不確定因素包括但不限於一般經濟狀況,特別是與對我們產品和服務的需求有關的情況;競爭因素;運營費用的變化;我們在需要時籌集資金的能力以及其他因素。Live Current Media,Inc.不承擔更新這些前瞻性陳述以反映未來事件或實際結果的義務,也不打算這樣做。

SOURCE: Live Current Media Inc.

資料來源:Live Current Media Inc.

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