
Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (NYSE:CHD) Receives Consensus Rating of "Hold" From Analysts

Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (NYSE:CHD) Receives Consensus Rating of "Hold" From Analysts

Defense World ·  2022/10/24 05:31

Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (NYSE:CHD – Get Rating) has been given an average rating of "Hold" by the eighteen research firms that are covering the firm, reports. Four research analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation, ten have assigned a hold recommendation and three have given a buy recommendation to the company. The average twelve-month price objective among brokers that have covered the stock in the last year is $86.23.

據Marketbeat.com報道,丘奇和德懷特公司(NYSE:CHD-GET Rating)的18家研究公司對該公司的平均評級為“持有”。四位研究分析師對該股給予了賣出建議,十位分析師給出了持有建議,三位分析師給出了買入建議。在去年覆蓋該股的經紀商中,平均12個月的價格目標是86.23美元。

CHD has been the subject of a number of research reports. JPMorgan Chase & Co. cut their target price on shares of Church & Dwight from $80.00 to $72.00 and set an "underweight" rating for the company in a research note on Thursday, October 13th. Jefferies Financial Group cut their target price on shares of Church & Dwight from $101.00 to $98.00 and set a "buy" rating for the company in a research note on Wednesday, September 14th. Truist Financial cut shares of Church & Dwight from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research note on Thursday, September 8th. Bank of America initiated coverage on shares of Church & Dwight in a research note on Wednesday, September 14th. They set an "underperform" rating for the company. Finally, Barclays cut their target price on shares of Church & Dwight from $76.00 to $73.00 and set an "underweight" rating for the company in a research note on Wednesday, September 7th.

冠心病已經成為許多研究報告的主題。摩根大通在10月13日星期四的一份研究報告中將丘奇和德懷特公司的股票目標價從80.00美元下調至72.00美元,並將該公司的評級定為“減持”。9月14日,傑富瑞金融集團在一份研究報告中將丘奇和德懷特股票的目標價從101.00美元下調至98.00美元,並將該公司的評級定為“買入”。Truist Financial在9月8日星期四的一份研究報告中將Church&Dwight的股票評級從“買入”下調至“持有”。美國銀行在9月14日星期三的一份研究報告中啟動了對丘奇和德懷特股票的報道。他們為該公司設定了“表現不佳”的評級。最後,巴克萊在9月7日星期三的一份研究報告中將Church&Dwight股票的目標價從76.00美元下調至73.00美元,並將該公司的評級定為“減持”。

Church & Dwight

Insider Activity


In other news, EVP Rene Hemsey sold 5,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, September 16th. The shares were sold at an average price of $76.77, for a total value of $383,850.00. Following the completion of the sale, the executive vice president now owns 6,259 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $480,503.43. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is accessible through this link. Corporate insiders own 1.70% of the company's stock.


Institutional Trading of Church & Dwight


Hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in the company. Taylor Hoffman Wealth Management grew its holdings in shares of Church & Dwight by 0.3% during the first quarter. Taylor Hoffman Wealth Management now owns 34,699 shares of the company's stock worth $3,448,000 after buying an additional 111 shares in the last quarter. Veritable L.P. grew its holdings in shares of Church & Dwight by 1.5% during the first quarter. Veritable L.P. now owns 7,484 shares of the company's stock worth $744,000 after buying an additional 112 shares in the last quarter. Gateway Investment Advisers LLC grew its holdings in Church & Dwight by 0.8% in the second quarter. Gateway Investment Advisers LLC now owns 14,039 shares of the company's stock valued at $1,301,000 after purchasing an additional 113 shares during the period. GPS Wealth Strategies Group LLC grew its holdings in Church & Dwight by 4.0% in the first quarter. GPS Wealth Strategies Group LLC now owns 3,096 shares of the company's stock valued at $308,000 after purchasing an additional 120 shares during the period. Finally, CENTRAL TRUST Co grew its holdings in Church & Dwight by 0.7% in the first quarter. CENTRAL TRUST Co now owns 16,737 shares of the company's stock valued at $1,664,000 after purchasing an additional 120 shares during the period. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 82.59% of the company's stock.
對衝基金最近對他們在該公司的頭寸進行了調整。泰勒·霍夫曼財富管理公司在第一季度增持了Church&Dwight的股票0.3%。泰勒·霍夫曼財富管理公司(Taylor Hoffman Wealth Management)現在持有34,699股該公司股票,價值3,448,000美元,上季度又購買了111股。名副其實的L.P.在第一季度增持了Church&Dwight的股票1.5%。Verable L.P.在上個季度又購買了112股,現在擁有7484股該公司股票,價值74.4萬美元。Gateway Investment Advisers LLC在第二季度增持了Church&Dwight 0.8%的股份。Gateway Investment Advisers LLC現在擁有14,039股該公司的股票,價值1,301,000美元,在此期間又購買了113股。GPS Wealth Strategy Group LLC在第一季度增持了Church&Dwight 4.0%的股份。GPS Wealth Strategy Group LLC在此期間又購買了120股,現在擁有3,096股該公司股票,價值308,000美元。最後,中央信託公司在第一季度對Church&Dwight的持股增加了0.7%。中央信託公司目前持有該公司16,737股股票,價值1,664,000美元,在此期間又購買了120股。對衝基金和其他機構投資者持有該公司82.59%的股票。

Church & Dwight Trading Up 0.5 %


Shares of Church & Dwight stock opened at $72.57 on Monday. The firm has a 50-day simple moving average of $78.62 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $88.13. The company has a market cap of $17.63 billion, a P/E ratio of 23.04, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 3.61 and a beta of 0.43. Church & Dwight has a fifty-two week low of $70.16 and a fifty-two week high of $105.28. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.59, a quick ratio of 0.63 and a current ratio of 1.01.


Church & Dwight (NYSE:CHD – Get Rating) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Friday, July 29th. The company reported $0.76 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.71 by $0.05. The business had revenue of $1.33 billion during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $1.34 billion. Church & Dwight had a net margin of 14.71% and a return on equity of 21.89%. The company's revenue was up 4.2% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same quarter in the prior year, the firm posted $0.76 earnings per share. As a group, equities analysts predict that Church & Dwight will post 2.97 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

丘奇和德懷特(NYSE:CHD-GET Rating)上一次發佈季度收益數據是在7月29日星期五。該公司公佈本季度每股收益為0.76美元,比分析師普遍預期的0.71美元高出0.05美元。該業務本季度營收為13.3億美元,而市場普遍預期為13.4億美元。丘奇和德懷特的淨利潤率為14.71%,股本回報率為21.89%。與去年同期相比,該公司的收入增長了4.2%。去年同期,該公司公佈的每股收益為0.76美元。作為一個整體,股票分析師預測Church&Dwight本財年每股收益將達到2.97美元。

Church & Dwight Announces Dividend


The company also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Thursday, September 1st. Stockholders of record on Monday, August 15th were paid a $0.2625 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Friday, August 12th. This represents a $1.05 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 1.45%. Church & Dwight's dividend payout ratio (DPR) is 33.33%.


Church & Dwight Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Church & Dwight Co, Inc develops, manufactures, and markets household, personal care, and specialty products. It operates through three segments: Consumer Domestic, Consumer International, and Specialty Products Division. The company offers cat litters, carpet deodorizers, laundry detergents, and baking soda, as well as other baking soda based products under the ARM & HAMMER brand; condoms, lubricants, and vibrators under the TROJAN brand; stain removers, cleaning solutions, laundry detergents, and bleach alternatives under the OXICLEAN brand; battery-operated and manual toothbrushes under the SPINBRUSH brand; home pregnancy and ovulation test kits under the FIRST RESPONSE brand; depilatories under the NAIR brand; oral analgesics under the ORAJEL brand; laundry detergents under the XTRA brand; gummy dietary supplements under the L'IL CRITTERS and VITAFUSION brands; dry shampoos under the BATISTE brand; water flossers and replacement showerheads under the WATERPIK brand; FLAWLESS products; cold shortening and relief products under the ZICAM brand; and oral care products under the THERABREATH brand.

丘奇和德懷特公司開發、製造和營銷家用、個人護理和特種產品。它通過三個部門運作:國內消費者、國際消費者和特色產品事業部。該公司提供貓砂、地毯除臭劑、洗衣粉和小蘇打,以及其他以小蘇打為基礎的產品;特洛伊品牌的避孕套、潤滑劑和振動器;OxiClean品牌的污漬去污劑、清潔劑、洗衣洗滌劑和漂白劑替代品;旋轉刷子品牌的電池操作和手動牙刷;First Response品牌的家用懷孕和排卵檢測試劑包;Nair品牌的脱毛器;Orajel品牌的口腔止痛劑;Xtra品牌的洗滌洗滌劑;L‘Critters和VITAFUSION品牌的口香糖;Batiste品牌的乾洗發水;Waterpik品牌的水線和更換噴頭;無瑕疵產品;Zicam品牌的冷凝舒緩產品;THERABREATH品牌的口腔護理產品。

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