
7 Warren Buffett Stocks That Are Too Cheap to Ignore

7 Warren Buffett Stocks That Are Too Cheap to Ignore

7 沃倫·巴菲特太便宜而不容忽視的股票
InvestorPlace ·  2022/10/05 13:28

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


While investors as a rule should rely mostly on their due diligence before making decisions, certain experts may help improve the probabilities of success, thus bolstering the case for cheap Warren Buffett stocks. Known as the Oracle of Omaha, Buffett represents a living legend, providing a wealth of great ideas amid troubling times.


Fundamentally, what investors will appreciate about cheap Warren Buffett stocks is the man behind the concept. Unlike self-anointed experts on YouTube, Buffett knows what he's talking about. Though modern society eschews experience over the brashness of youth, Buffett has experienced the full spectrum of market dynamics. Isn't that a better source of information than some random person with a webcam?

從根本上講,投資者對廉價沃倫·巴菲特股票將會欣賞的是這個概念背後的人。與 YouTube 上的自受膏專家不同,巴菲特知道他在說什麼。儘管現代社會在青年的無光輝中擁有經驗,但巴菲特卻體驗到了全方位的市場動態。這不是一個更好的信息來源比一些隨機的人與網絡攝像頭?

As well, interest rises for cheap Warren Buffett stocks because not all ideas that the Oracle has in his portfolio via the conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A, NYSE:BRK-B) are priced at a premium. Instead, these market ideas received the Oracle's blessing and are undervalued relative to financial and/or fundamental metrics.

同樣,廉價沃倫·巴菲特股票的興趣上升,因為甲骨文通過集團在他的投資組合中並非所有想法 伯克希爾·哈撒韋 (紐約證券交易所:布爾克一, 紐約證交所:布爾克-B)的價格是溢價的。取而代之的是,這些市場理念獲得了甲骨文的祝福,並且相對於財務和/或基本指標而言被低估。

Chevron $158.20
Coca-Cola $56.15
American Express $144.08
Kroger $44.52
General Motors $34.44
HP $26.70
RH $261.97

Chevron (CVX)

雪佛龍航空 (CVX)

Source: tishomir /

For most investors, 2022 started off in possibly the worst way imaginable. After benefitting from unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimuli, the consumer economy received a harsh reality check via blistering inflation. Shortly thereafter, Russia invaded Ukraine, causing severe consequences for the energy market. Cynically, though, this narrative bolstered Chevron (NYSE:CVX), one of the world's biggest oil companies.

對於大多數投資者來說,2022 年可能是可以想像到的最糟糕的方式開始。在受益於前所未有的貨幣和財政刺激之後,消費經濟通貨膨脹得到了嚴峻的現實檢查。此後不久,俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,對能源市場造成嚴重後果。不過,憤世嫉俗地,這種敘事增強了 雪佛龍 紐約證券交易所代碼:CVX),全球最大的石油公司之一。

True, CVX is now up 35% on a year-to-date (YTD) basis, far above the major equity indices. Of course, the indices are down double digits below parity. Nevertheless, CVX went nowhere in the trailing six months, actually shedding 3.8% of its market value. From this pricing perspective as well as the financial angle, CVX represents one of the best cheap Warren Buffett stocks.

誠然,CVX 現在按年初至今(YTD)的基礎上漲了 35%,遠高於主要股票指數。當然,索引下降低於奇偶校驗的兩位數。儘管如此,CVX 在最近的六個月內無處可去,實際上減少了 3.8% 的市場價值。從這個定價角度以及財務角度來看,CVX 代表了沃倫·巴菲特最便宜的股票之一。

According to investment resource and analytics tool, CVX rates as modestly undervalued. Though its longer-term revenue growth rate is starting to recover from the coronavirus pandemic impact, Chevron maintained decent profitability metrics. Just as importantly, it features significant strengths in the balance sheet, such as an equity-to-asset ratio of 0.6 times that stands superior to 65% of its peers.

根據投資資源和分析工具 佛科,CVX 利率被溫和低估。儘管雪佛龍的長期收入增長率開始從冠狀病毒大流行的影響中恢復過來,但雪佛龍保持了不錯的盈利能力指標。同樣重要的是,它在資產負債表中具有顯著的優勢,例如 0.6 倍的公平資產比率,優於 65% 的同業。

Coca-Cola (KO)

可口可樂 (KO)


If you follow the Oracle's work, you'll know that he has a sweet tooth. Apparently, the man is unapologetic about his junk food addiction. Under this context, it's not surprising that Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) stands among the best cheap Warren Buffett stocks to buy. If you think about it, investors should really celebrate this discount.

如果你遵循甲骨文的工作,你就會知道他有一個甜食。顯然,這個男人對他的垃圾食物成癮毫不道歉。在這種情況下,這並不奇怪 可口可 紐約證券交易所代碼:KO)是巴菲特購買最便宜的股票之一。如果您考慮一下,投資者應該真正慶祝此折扣。

Since the start of the year, KO stock has dipped 5%. Although this performance rates far higher than the benchmark equities index, KO really should be in positive territory. Fundamentally, the underlying iconic brand enjoys a viable (albeit cynical) narrative. During times of trouble, people look for an escape. Sugary sodas stimulate pleasure centers in the brain, offering that escapism for consumers.

自今年年初以來,KO 股票下跌了 5%。儘管這種表現率遠高於基準股票指數,但 KO 確實應該處於積極的領域。從根本上講,底層的標誌性品牌享有可行的(儘管憤世嫉俗)敘事。在遇到麻煩的時候,人們尋找逃生。含糖蘇打水可刺激大腦中的娛樂中心,為消費者提供逃避現實。

With a possible recession on the horizon, demand for pick-me-ups could rise significantly. If so, that makes KO one of the cheap Warren Buffett stocks to buy.

由於經濟可能出現衰退,對接送服務的需求可能會大幅上升。如果是這樣,那就使 KO 成為沃倫·巴菲特的廉價股票之一。

Currently, labels Coca-Cola modestly undervalued. While it has decent growth and balance sheet stability, the highlight here is profitability. For instance, its operating margin of 29% ranks better than 95% of competitors in the underlying industry.

目前, 佛科 標籤可口可樂溫和低估。雖然它具有不錯的增長和資產負債表穩定性,但這裡的亮點是盈利能力。例如,其 29% 的營業利潤率優於基礎行業競爭對手的 95%。

American Express (AXP)

美國運通 (AXP)

Source: First Class Photography /

At first glance, the idea of having American Express (NYSE:AXP) listed as one of the cheap Warren Buffett stocks to buy may arouse confusion. While AXP might be cheap, there's also a reason for it. Myriad signs point to a weakening of the consumer economy. Therefore, with discretionary spending likely to fade, AXP seems risky.

乍一看,有的想法 美國運通 NYSE 代號:AXP)被列為沃倫·巴菲特的廉價股票之一,可能會引起混亂。雖然 AXP 可能很便宜,但也有原因。無數跡象表明消費者經濟的疲軟。因此,由於自由支出可能會消退,AXP 似乎有風險。

Indeed, shares have fallen 12% since the start of this year. Further, if the Federal Reserve maintains its hawkish monetary policy, the dollar's purchasing power could rise. Actually, that's exactly what we saw between June and July. Such deflationary forces incentivize both investors and consumers to sit on cash, which wouldn't necessarily be helpful for AXP.

事實上,自今年年初以來,股價下跌了 12%。此外,如果美聯儲維持其鷹派貨幣政策,美元的購買力可能會上升。實際上,這正是我們在六月和七月之間看到的。這種通貨緊縮力量激勵投資者和消費者都坐在現金上,這對 AXP 不一定有幫助。

However, American Express cardholders generally tend to be more affluent on average. Thus, it could ride certain deflationary challenges. As well, labels AXP as modestly undervalued. AXP features a return on equity of 31.7%, ranked better than almost 95% of the credit services industry. Thus, it makes for an interesting case for cheap Warren Buffett stocks to buy.

但是,美國運通卡持卡人通常平均較富裕。因此,它可能會遇到某些通貨緊縮的挑戰。一如既然的好, 佛科 將 AXP 標示為嚴重低估。AXP 的股本回報率為 31.7%,排名優於信貸服務業的近 95%。因此,它使廉價沃倫·巴菲特股票買一個有趣的案例。

Kroger (KR)

克羅格 (KR)

Source: Jonathan Weiss /

As you'll see in a moment, Kroger (NYSE:KR) certainly doesn't qualify for the cheapest among cheap Warren Buffett stocks. However, it could be the most relevant out of all the Oracle's market ideas. I don't think KR will make you rich. But if the U.S. economy stinks up the field like some analysts believe, you'll want Kroger in your portfolio.

正如你會在一瞬間看到的 克羅格 NYSE: KR)當然沒有資格獲得廉價沃倫·巴菲特股票中最便宜的資格。但是,它可能是最相關的甲骨文的所有市場想法。我不認為 KR 會讓你致富。但是,如果美國經濟像一些分析師所認為的那樣惡臭了,那麼您將希望 Kroger 在您的投資組合中。

Fundamentally, Kroger ties into indelible demand. The grocer enjoys inelastic demand at the baseline. While economic dynamics will almost always impact consumer demand, humans obviously need to eat. Therefore, circumstances will need to be extremely dire before this sales threshold will fall meaningfully. Outside of an apocalyptic scenario, then, KR should be one of the best cheap Warren Buffett stocks to buy.

從根本上講,克羅格與不可磨滅的需求聯繫在一起。雜貨商在基線上享有非彈性需求。雖然經濟動態幾乎總是會影響消費者的需求,但人類顯然需要進食。因此,在這個銷售門檻將有意義下降之前,情況需要非常可怕。在一個世界末日的情景之外,KR 應該是巴菲特最便宜的沃倫·巴菲特股票之一。

According to, KR is fairly valued. I can see it being more on the undervalued side because the company features excellent growth metrics and strong profitability indicators. In addition, Kroger features a forward yield of 2.33%, above the consumer staples' average of 1.9%.

根據 佛科,KR 是相當有價值的。我可以看到它更多地處於低估的一面,因為該公司具有出色的增長指標和強大的盈利能力指標。此外,克羅格的前期收益率為 2.33%,高於消費者主食的平均 1.9%。

General Motors (GM)


Source: Katherine Welles /

On paper, I can understand why some folks would look at General Motors (NYSE:GM) as one of the cheap Warren Buffett stocks but for a reason. Recently, Fortune published an article noting that certain analysts believe the housing market could see the second-biggest home price decline since the Great Depression. If so, buying a new car seems a risky proposition because of downwind consequences.

在紙上,我可以理解為什麼有些人會看 通用汽車 紐約證券交易所代碼:GM)是巴菲特廉價股票之一,但有原因。最近 財富 發表了一篇文章指出,某些分析師認為,房市可能會看到自大蕭條以來第二大房價下跌。如果是這樣,購買一輛新車似乎是一個危險的主張,因為順風後果。

However, it's also fair to point out that vehicles represent more of a necessity than real estate. Sure, it's nice to own your home, but you can always rent. But financially, owning a car pays dividends in places like California where public transportation networks remain inadequate.


Moreover, the average age of vehicles on U.S. roadways increased to a record 12.2 years. Under such a framework, it's better to buy a new car than constantly repair a money pit.

此外,美國道路上的車輛平均車齡增加到創紀錄的 12.2 年。在這樣的框架下,最好買一輛新車,而不是不斷修理錢坑。 rates GM stock as modestly undervalued. Although its growth rate could use improvement, the automaker enjoys decent profitability metrics. Notably, it features a forward price-earnings (P/E) ratio of 5.6 times, whereas the industry median is 8.4 times.

佛科 利率通用汽車股票為溫和低估。儘管其增長率可以改善,但汽車製造商享有不錯的盈利能力指標。值得注意的是,它具有 5.6 倍的遠期價格收益(P/E)比率,而行業中位數為 8.4 倍。


惠普 (HPQ)

Source: Shutterstock

For the final two ideas for cheap Warren Buffett stocks to buy, I'm going to enter the relatively speculative arena, beginning with HP (NYSE:HPQ). Under its current form, HP specializes in personal computers, printers and related supplies. It also features a 3D-printing solutions business. Still, I'm sure critics get hung up on the PC component, which is understandable.

對於巴菲特廉價股票買入最後兩個想法,我要進入比較投機的競技場,從開始 惠普 (紐約證券交易所:HPQ).根據目前的形式,HP 專門從事個人電腦、印表機及相關耗材。它還具有 3D 打印解決方案業務。不過,我敢肯定批評家會掛斷 PC 組件,這是可以理解的。

Since the start of the year, HPQ stock has given up 30% of its market value. For years, many tech pundits argued that PCs — particularly the desktop variety — are dead. Even in the laptop department, HP competes against several low-cost leaders. Therefore, circumstances appear troubling.

自今年年初以來,HPQ 股票已經放棄了其市場價值的 30%。多年來,許多技術專家都認為 PC-尤其是台式機種-已經死了。即使在筆記本電腦部門,惠普也與幾個低成本的領導者競爭。因此,情況出現令人不安。

Still, one major positive could stem from the gig economy. As more people choose to branch out on their own, demand for PCs — all kinds — could rise.


Financially, labels HPQ modestly undervalued. Notably, despite the criticisms, HP features strong growth metrics as well as robust profitability indicators.

財務上, 佛科 標籤 HPQ 溫和低估。值得注意的是,儘管有批評,但 HP 具有強大的增長指標以及強大的盈利能力指標。



Source: Andriy Blokhin /

If I may be honest, I'm not entirely sure why Berkshire owns RH (NYSE:RH). An upscale home furnishings company, RH made plenty of sense last year. With people outbidding each other for homes like no one's business, company shares veritably skyrocketed. Since then, however, it's been an ugly ride. Compared to the beginning of this year, RH stock fell nearly 51%.

如果我說實話,我不完全確定為什麼伯克希爾擁有 RH (如果:RH).RH 是一家高檔家居用品公司,去年很有意義。隨著人們像沒有人的生意一樣互相勝過房屋,公司股份嚴重飆升。然而,從那時起,這是一個醜陋的旅程。與今年年初相比,RH 股票下跌了近 51%。

Stacked against other cheap Warren Buffett stocks, RH seems an anomaly. Perhaps Berkshire will give it the boot. If not, it's possible that the Oracle is taking his own advice: never bet against America. Does this include (arguably) overvalued American real estate? I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

與其他廉價沃倫·巴菲特股票堆疊在一起,RH 似乎是一種異常現象。也許伯克希爾會給它靴子。如果沒有,甲骨文可能正在接受他自己的建議:永遠不要賭美國。這是否包括(可以說)高估的美國房地產?我想我們很快就會發現

If you're a numbers person, RH presents intriguing figures. For instance, its three-year revenue growth rate stands at 8.6%, better than 68% of its peers. RH's net margin pings 17%, superior to almost 94% of the industry.

如果你是一個數字的人,RH 呈現有趣的數字。例如,其三年期收入增長率為 8.6%,優於其同業的 68%。RH 的淨利潤平息為 17%,優於行業的近 94%。

That said, labels RH as a possible value trap. Watch this one closely and carefully.

也就是說, 佛科 標籤 RH 作為一個可能的值陷阱。仔細而仔細地觀看這一個。

On the date of publication, Josh Enomoto did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.

在出版之日,江本喬希 本文所述證券沒有(直接或間接)任何持倉。本文中表達的意見是作者的意見,受到投資者的影響。出版指南

A former senior business analyst for Sony Electronics, Josh Enomoto has helped broker major contracts with Fortune Global 500 companies. Over the past several years, he has delivered unique, critical insights for the investment markets, as well as various other industries including legal, construction management, and healthcare.

Josh Enomoto 是索尼電子的前高級業務分析師,曾幫助經紀人與《財星》全球 500 大公司簽訂的重大合同。在過去的幾年中,他為投資市場以及各種其他行業(包括法律,施工管理和醫療保健)提供了獨特的重要見解。

The post 7 Warren Buffett Stocks That Are Too Cheap to Ignore appeared first on InvestorPlace.

帖子 7 沃倫·巴菲特股票太便宜而不容忽視首次出現在投資者廣場.

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