
U.S. Supreme Court Denies Worlds’ Petition for Writ of Certiorari as Solicitor General Urges SCOTUS to Clarify Patent Eligibility

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Worlds’ Petition for Writ of Certiorari as Solicitor General Urges SCOTUS to Clarify Patent Eligibility

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/10/05 08:06

Boston, MA, Oct. 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Worlds Inc. (OTCQB: WDDD) has been notified that the Supreme Court of the U.S. (SCOTUS) has denied its Petition for a writ of certiorari requesting that the SCOTUS review the March 10, 2022 decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the adverse District Court decision from April 30, 2021. Those decisions ruled in favor of defendants Activision Blizzard Inc., Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and Activision Publishing, Inc., and concluded that the patents asserted by Worlds were invalid as directed to abstract concepts. Worlds' request to have the SCOTUS accept its case as a companion case to the American Axle & Manufacturing v. Neapco Holding petition for writ of certiorari and to clarify the test applied by courts when deciding questions of patent eligibility were also denied, as was American Axle's request. However, there is a glimmer of hope on the patent front in that on October 4, one day after the Supreme Court rejected Worlds' request, the U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar recommended that the SCOTUS clarify how to determine whether or not an invention is worthy of patent protection.

馬薩諸塞州波士頓,2022年10月5日(環球新聞專線)— Worlds Inc.(OTCQB: WDDD)已收到通知,美國最高法院(SCOTUS)已駁回其移審令申請,該申請要求SCOTUS審查美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院2022年3月10日的裁決和2021年4月30日的地方法院不利裁決。這些裁決有利於被告動視暴雪公司、暴雪娛樂公司和Activision Publishing, Inc.,並得出結論,Worlds主張的針對抽象概念的專利無效。Worlds要求SCOTUS接受其案件,作爲American Axle & Manufacturing訴Neapco Holding的移審令申請的配套案件,並澄清法院在裁定專利資格問題時適用的檢驗標準,也被駁回,American Axle的請求也是如此。但是,在專利方面有一線希望,在10月4日,在最高法院駁回Worlds請求的第二天,美國副檢察長伊麗莎白·普雷洛加建議SCOTUS澄清如何確定一項發明是否值得專利保護。

As background: The patent arena has been in disarray since the SCOTUS' 2014 decision in Alice Corp v. CLS Bank International on what is an unpatentable idea versus a patentable one. The decision caused uncertainty for lower courts and patent examiners on how to apply the court's tests regarding whether an invention is patentable.

作爲背景:自 SCOTUS 2014 年在 Alice Corp 訴 CLS Bank International 案中作出裁決以來,專利領域一直處於混亂狀態 關於什麼是不可申請專利的想法與可申請專利的想法。該裁決給下級法院和專利審查員帶來了不確定性,使他們無法確定如何應用法院關於發明是否可申請專利的檢驗。

As reported in Bloomberg Law, the Solicitor General's Oct. 4 brief noted that The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit was wrong in finding that a method of manufacturing driveshafts to reduce vibrations (the American Axle case) was too abstract to be eligible for a patent, citing hundreds of years of patent law that patented similar inventions. The Solicitor General further stated that a step in the Supreme Court's test for eligibility has created uncertainty and urged the court to review the case.

正如《彭博法》報道的那樣,副檢察長10月4日的簡報指出,美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院以數百年來爲類似發明申請專利的專利法,認爲製造傳動軸以減少振動的方法(American Axle案)過於抽象,沒有資格獲得專利,這是錯誤的。副檢察長進一步表示,最高法院資格測試中的一個步驟造成了不確定性,並敦促法院審查此案。

"We are disappointed in the ruling relating to Worlds, as we addressed constitutional issues of patent law and the ambiguity of the SCOTUS ruling on the Alice case," stated Thom Kidrin, CEO of Worlds Inc. "Unfortunately, the courts recently have shown they do not understand or value the innovations that often serve as the foundation for subsequent developments and are willing to strip patents granted by the USPTO experts from patent holders who incurred great expense and time to maintain them without even granting a hearing on appeal. We appreciate the extraordinary legal expertise of Susman & Godfrey and Davidson & Berquist during this 10-year legal journey."

Worlds Inc.首席執行官湯姆·基德林說:“我們對與Worlds有關的裁決感到失望,因爲我們解決了專利法的憲法問題以及SCOTUS對愛麗絲案的裁決的模棱兩可之處,不幸的是,法院最近表明,他們不理解或重視通常作爲後續發展基礎的創新,他們願意從花費大量費用和時間維護的專利持有人手中剝奪美國專利商標局專家授予的專利他們甚至沒有批准上訴聽證會.我們感謝Susman & Godfrey和Davidson & Berquist在這10年的法律旅程中表現出的非凡法律專業知識。”

Kidrin added, "We are encouraged by the Solicitor General's request that SCOTUS review the American Axle case and hopefully provide clarity on patent eligibility that potentially could extend to our patents and millions of others."

基德林補充說:“副檢察長要求SCOTUS審查American Axle案,並希望澄清專利資格,這可能會延伸到我們的專利和其他數百萬項專利,這讓我們感到鼓舞。”

At this time, Worlds has exhausted all legal remedies in pursuing equity and fairness from infringement, having taken this matter to the Supreme Court to no avail. If the SCOTUS reviews the Axle case and its ruling changes the patent landscape, Worlds and its legal counsel will determine if there are any new options available.


In the meantime, Worlds will harken back to its expertise in the Metaverse and will continue to work on technology development in the Metaverse and emerging NFT markets. Worlds will announce new initiatives as they become finalized.

同時,Worlds 將回想起其在元界的專業知識,並將繼續致力於元界和新興 NFT 市場的技術開發。Worlds將在新舉措最終確定後宣佈這些舉措。

Worlds created and patented the technology and network architecture that enabled Worlds to create the first and longest continuously operating Metaverse. Additionally, Worlds' intellectual property serves as the foundation for many of the massive multiplayer online role-playing games that dominate virtual reality online gaming today. Worlds continues to believe in the validity of its patents and their role in the development of the online gaming enjoyed by millions of people today. Worlds hopes the Court's review of the Axle case will provide clarity on patent eligibility for a wide array of innovations, including software.

Worlds 創建了技術和網絡架構並申請了專利,使 Worlds 能夠創建第一個也是持續運行時間最長的元宇宙。此外,Worlds的知識產權是當今主導虛擬現實在線遊戲的許多大型多人在線角色扮演遊戲的基礎。Worlds繼續相信其專利的有效性及其在當今數百萬人享受的在線遊戲開發中的作用。Worlds希望法院對Axle案的審查能夠明確包括軟件在內的各種創新的專利資格。

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About Worlds Inc.

關於 Worlds Inc.

With a legacy as the creator of the first celebrity 3D virtual worlds and intellectual property for multi-server technology for 3D applications that are the foundation of many massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), Worlds, Inc. (OTCQB: WDDD) is now developing the technologies that will power tomorrow's immersive worlds and applications. By strategically leveraging NFTs and cryptocurrency to monetize digital assets, as well as interweaving cryptocurrency and NFTs with new virtual reality (VR) and AR technologies in innovative ways, Worlds is reshaping and further enhancing areas as diverse as entertainment, business, education, sports, fine art collecting, shopping, and many other aspects of our lives. For additional information about Worlds, Inc., please visit: or follow us on social media:
Twitter @WorldInc
Instagram @WorldsIncorporated
LinkedIn @WorldsInc

Worlds, Inc.(OTCQB: WDDD)擁有第一個名人3D虛擬世界的創造者的遺產,以及3D應用程序的多服務器技術的知識產權,這些技術是許多大型多人在線角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)的基礎,現在正在開發將爲未來的沉浸式世界和應用程序提供動力的技術。通過戰略性地利用 NFT 和加密貨幣通過數字資產獲利,以及以創新的方式將加密貨幣和 NFT 與新的虛擬現實 (VR) 和 AR 技術交織在一起,Worlds 正在重塑和進一步增強娛樂、商業、教育、體育、美術收藏、購物以及我們生活中許多其他方面的多樣化領域。有關 Worlds, Inc. 的更多信息,請訪問:或在社交媒體上關注我們:
推特 @WorldInc
Instagram @WorldsIncorporated
領英 @WorldsInc

Media Relations: Julie Shepherd, Accentuate PR, 847_275_3643,

媒體關係:Julie Shepherd,Accentuate PR,847_275_3643,

Forward-Looking Statements


This release contains certain forward-looking statements and information relating to Worlds Inc. that are based on the beliefs of Worlds' management, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Such statements reflect the current views of the Company with respect to future events including estimates and projections about its business based on certain assumptions of its management, including those described in this Release. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risk and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Additional risk factors are included in the Company's public filings with the SEC. Should one or more of these underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as "hoped," "anticipated," "believed," "estimated," "should," "preparing," "expected" or words of a similar nature. The Company does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含與Worlds Inc.有關的某些前瞻性陳述和信息,這些陳述和信息基於Worlds管理層的信念,以及公司做出的假設和目前獲得的信息。此類陳述反映了公司對未來事件的當前看法,包括根據管理層的某些假設(包括本新聞稿中描述的假設)對其業務的估計和預測。這些陳述不能保證未來的表現,涉及難以預測的風險和不確定性。其他風險因素包含在公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的公開文件中。如果這些基本假設中的一個或多個被證明不正確,則實際結果可能與本文描述的 “希望”、“預期”、“相信”、“估計”、“應該”、“準備”、“預期” 或類似性質的詞語存在重大差異。公司不打算更新這些前瞻性陳述。

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