
FY2022 EPS Estimates for Hope Bancorp, Inc. Cut by Analyst (NASDAQ:HOPE)

FY2022 EPS Estimates for Hope Bancorp, Inc. Cut by Analyst (NASDAQ:HOPE)

Defense World ·  2022/10/03 01:31

Hope Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:HOPE – Get Rating) – Investment analysts at Wedbush reduced their FY2022 earnings estimates for Hope Bancorp in a research report issued to clients and investors on Wednesday, September 28th. Wedbush analyst D. Chiaverini now expects that the financial services provider will earn $1.87 per share for the year, down from their prior estimate of $1.90. The consensus estimate for Hope Bancorp's current full-year earnings is $1.84 per share. Wedbush also issued estimates for Hope Bancorp's Q4 2022 earnings at $0.47 EPS, Q1 2023 earnings at $0.44 EPS, Q2 2023 earnings at $0.48 EPS, Q3 2023 earnings at $0.51 EPS, Q4 2023 earnings at $0.52 EPS and FY2023 earnings at $1.95 EPS.

納斯達克(代碼:HOPE-GET)-韋德布什的投資分析師在9月28日星期三發佈給客户和投資者的研究報告中下調了對Hope Bancorp 2022財年的收益預期。韋德布什分析師D·奇阿維里尼現在預計,這家金融服務提供商今年的每股收益將為1.87美元,低於此前預期的1.90美元。對Hope Bancorp目前全年收益的普遍預期為每股1.84美元。韋德布什還發布了對Hope Bancorp 2022年第四季度每股收益的預期,2023年第一季度每股收益0.44美元,2023年第二季度每股收益0.48美元,2023年第三季度每股收益0.51美元,2023年第四季度每股收益0.52美元,2023財年每股收益1.95美元。

Hope Bancorp

A number of other research analysts also recently commented on HOPE. upgraded Hope Bancorp from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a research note on Thursday, June 23rd. Piper Sandler reduced their price target on shares of Hope Bancorp to $15.00 in a report on Friday.

其他一些研究分析師最近也對HOPE發表了評論。在6月23日星期四的一份研究報告中,StockNews.com將Hope Bancorp的評級從持有上調至買入。Piper Sandler在週五的一份報告中將他們對Hope Bancorp股票的目標價下調至15.00美元。

Hope Bancorp Price Performance

Hope Bancorp價格表現

Shares of Hope Bancorp stock opened at $12.64 on Monday. The stock has a market capitalization of $1.51 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 6.98 and a beta of 1.24. Hope Bancorp has a twelve month low of $12.48 and a twelve month high of $17.68. The company has a current ratio of 0.98, a quick ratio of 0.97 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.45. The business's 50 day simple moving average is $14.58 and its 200-day simple moving average is $14.69.
Hope Bancorp的股票週一開盤報12.64美元。該股市值15.1億美元,市盈率為6.98倍,貝塔係數為1.24。Hope Bancorp的12個月低點為12.48美元,12個月高位為17.68美元。該公司的流動比率為0.98,速動比率為0.97,債務權益比率為0.45。該業務的50日簡單移動均線切入位在14.58美元,200日簡單移動均線切入位在14.69美元。

Hope Bancorp (NASDAQ:HOPE – Get Rating) last released its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, July 19th. The financial services provider reported $0.43 earnings per share for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $0.41 by $0.02. Hope Bancorp had a net margin of 34.35% and a return on equity of 10.72%. The firm had revenue of $154.28 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $150.08 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the business earned $0.43 earnings per share. Hope Bancorp's quarterly revenue was up 12.1% on a year-over-year basis.

納斯達克(HOPE:HOPE-GET Rating)最近一次發佈季度收益數據是在7月19日(星期二)。這家金融服務提供商公佈本季度每股收益為0.43美元,比普遍預期的0.41美元高出0.02美元。Hope Bancorp的淨利潤率為34.35%,股本回報率為10.72%。該公司本季度營收為1.5428億美元,而分析師預期為1.508億美元。去年同一季度,該業務每股收益為0.43美元。Hope Bancorp的季度營收同比增長12.1%。

Hedge Funds Weigh In On Hope Bancorp

對衝基金看好Hope Bancorp

A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. CWM LLC raised its position in shares of Hope Bancorp by 152.6% during the 1st quarter. CWM LLC now owns 2,950 shares of the financial services provider's stock worth $47,000 after buying an additional 1,782 shares in the last quarter. Advisor Group Holdings Inc. raised its holdings in Hope Bancorp by 51.3% during the first quarter. Advisor Group Holdings Inc. now owns 3,873 shares of the financial services provider's stock worth $63,000 after purchasing an additional 1,313 shares in the last quarter. Meeder Asset Management Inc. acquired a new stake in Hope Bancorp in the first quarter worth approximately $75,000. KBC Group NV bought a new position in Hope Bancorp during the 2nd quarter valued at $132,000. Finally, Vanguard Personalized Indexing Management LLC acquired a new position in shares of Hope Bancorp during the 2nd quarter valued at $142,000. Institutional investors own 86.82% of the company's stock.

一些機構投資者和對衝基金最近買賣了該股的股票。第一季度,Cwm LLC將其在Hope Bancorp股票的持倉提高了152.6%。Cwm LLC現在持有2950股這家金融服務提供商的股票,價值4.7萬美元,此前在上個季度又購買了1782股。Advisor Group Holdings Inc.在第一季度增持了51.3%的Hope Bancorp股份。Advisor Group Holdings Inc.現在持有這家金融服務提供商3,873股股票,價值63,000美元,上個季度又購買了1,313股。Meeder Asset Management Inc.在第一季度收購了Hope Bancorp價值約7.5萬美元的新股份。KBC Group NV在第二季度購買了Hope Bancorp的新頭寸,價值13.2萬美元。最後,先鋒個性化指數管理有限責任公司在第二季度收購了Hope Bancorp股票的新頭寸,價值14.2萬美元。機構投資者持有該公司86.82%的股票。

Insider Buying and Selling


In other Hope Bancorp news, Director William J. Lewis sold 7,500 shares of Hope Bancorp stock in a transaction on Tuesday, September 13th. The stock was sold at an average price of $14.23, for a total transaction of $106,725.00. Following the sale, the director now owns 17,601 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $250,462.23. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which can be accessed through this hyperlink. Corporate insiders own 5.05% of the company's stock.


Hope Bancorp Dividend Announcement

Hope Bancorp宣佈派息

The firm also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, August 12th. Stockholders of record on Friday, July 29th were given a dividend of $0.14 per share. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Thursday, July 28th. This represents a $0.56 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 4.43%. Hope Bancorp's dividend payout ratio is presently 30.94%.

該公司最近還披露了一項季度股息,該股息於8月12日星期五支付。7月29日,星期五,登記在冊的股東獲得了每股0.14美元的股息。本次股息除息日期為7月28日星期四。這意味着年化股息為0.56美元,股息收益率為4.43%。Hope Bancorp的股息支付率目前為30.94%。

Hope Bancorp Company Profile

Hope Bancorp公司簡介

(Get Rating)


Hope Bancorp, Inc operates as the bank holding company for Bank of Hope that provides banking services for small and medium-sized businesses, and individuals in the United States. The company accepts personal and business checking, money market, savings, time deposit, and individual retirement accounts.

Hope Bancorp,Inc.是希望銀行的銀行控股公司,為美國的中小企業和個人提供銀行服務。該公司接受個人和企業支票、貨幣市場、儲蓄、定期存款和個人退休賬户。

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