
WELL Health Technologies Corp. (TSE:WELL) Director John Kim Sells 50,000 Shares

WELL Health Technologies Corp. (TSE:WELL) Director John Kim Sells 50,000 Shares

Well Health Technologies Corp.(東京證券交易所代碼:Well)董事出售50,000股
Defense World ·  2022/09/28 05:12

WELL Health Technologies Corp. (TSE:WELL – Get Rating) Director John Kim sold 50,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, September 27th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$3.06, for a total transaction of C$153,000.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now owns 558,379 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately C$1,708,639.74.

好健康科技公司(東京證券交易所代碼:Well-Get Rating)董事在9月27日星期二的一筆交易中出售了50,000股該股。該股以3.06加元的平均價格出售,總成交金額為153,000.00加元。出售完成後,董事現在擁有該公司558,379股股票,價值約1,708,639.74加元。

WELL Health Technologies Price Performance


Shares of WELL stock opened at C$3.07 on Wednesday. WELL Health Technologies Corp. has a 1 year low of C$2.98 and a 1 year high of C$7.30. The company has a current ratio of 1.14, a quick ratio of 1.04 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 47.93. The firm's 50 day moving average is C$3.54 and its 200-day moving average is C$3.85. The firm has a market capitalization of C$696.08 million and a price-to-earnings ratio of -14.02.

週三,Well股票開盤報3.07加元。Well Health Technologies Corp.的一年低點為2.98加元,一年高位為7.30加元。該公司的流動比率為1.14,速動比率為1.04,債務權益比率為47.93。該公司的50日移動均線切入位在3.54加元,200日移動均線切入位在3.85加元。該公司市值為6.9608億加元,市盈率為-14.02倍。

WELL Health Technologies
Well Health Technologies

Analyst Ratings Changes


Several analysts recently issued reports on the company. TD Securities increased their price objective on WELL Health Technologies from C$7.00 to C$8.00 and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a report on Friday, August 12th. Maxim Group reiterated a "buy" rating and issued a C$9.00 target price on shares of WELL Health Technologies in a research note on Tuesday. CIBC upped their price objective on shares of WELL Health Technologies from C$6.50 to C$7.50 in a report on Monday, August 15th. Finally, Eight Capital decreased their target price on WELL Health Technologies from C$12.00 to C$10.00 and set a "buy" rating for the company in a research note on Thursday, September 15th. Six research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, According to, the stock presently has a consensus rating of "Buy" and a consensus target price of C$8.63.

幾位分析師最近發佈了有關該公司的報告。道明證券將Well Health Technologies的目標價從7.00加元上調至8.00加元,並在8月12日(星期五)的一份報告中給予該股“買入”評級。Maxim Group在週二的一份研究報告中重申了買入評級,併發布了Well Health Technologies股票的目標價9.00加元。加拿大帝國商業銀行在8月15日星期一的一份報告中將Well Health Technologies的股票目標價從6.50加元上調至7.50加元。最後,Eight Capital將Well Health Technologies的目標價從12.00加元下調至10.00加元,並在9月15日(星期四)的一份研究報告中為該公司設定了“買入”評級。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,六位研究分析師對該股的評級為買入,目前該股的共識評級為買入,共識目標價為8.63加元。

About WELL Health Technologies

關於Well Health Technologies

(Get Rating)

WELL Health Technologies Corp. operates as a practitioner focused digital health company in Canada, the United States, and internationally. It offers end-to-end omni-channel patient services, including primary care; physiotherapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, dietary, mental health counselling, and sleep related services; specialized care, including gastroenterologists; diagnostic services related to cardiology, women's health, and bone/muscle health and cancer diagnostics; and telehealth services.

Well Health Technologies Corp.是一家專注於從業者的數字健康公司,在加拿大、美國和國際上都是如此。它提供端到端的全渠道患者服務,包括初級保健;物理治療、職業治療、脊椎按摩、飲食、心理健康諮詢和睡眠相關服務;專門護理,包括胃腸病醫生;與心臟病、婦女健康、骨骼/肌肉健康和癌症診斷有關的診斷服務;以及遠程保健服務。

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