
ECN Capital Corp. (TSE:ECN) Director Steven Kenneth Hudson Purchases 100,000 Shares of Stock

ECN Capital Corp. (TSE:ECN) Director Steven Kenneth Hudson Purchases 100,000 Shares of Stock

Defense World ·  2022/09/27 04:31

ECN Capital Corp. (TSE:ECN – Get Rating) Director Steven Kenneth Hudson purchased 100,000 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction on Friday, September 23rd. The stock was acquired at an average cost of C$4.78 per share, with a total value of C$477,900.00. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 11,549,219 shares in the company, valued at C$55,193,717.60.


Steven Kenneth Hudson also recently made the following trade(s):


ECN Capital
  • On Tuesday, August 30th, Steven Kenneth Hudson purchased 35,391 shares of ECN Capital stock. The stock was acquired at an average cost of C$5.82 per share, with a total value of C$206,103.03.
  • On Friday, August 26th, Steven Kenneth Hudson purchased 135,000 shares of ECN Capital stock. The stock was acquired at an average cost of C$5.88 per share, with a total value of C$794,434.50.
  • 8月30日,星期二,史蒂文·肯尼斯·哈德森購買了35,391股ECN Capital股票。該股是以每股5.82加元的平均成本收購的,總價值為206,103.03加元。
  • 8月26日,星期五,史蒂文·肯尼斯·哈德森購買了13.5萬股ECN Capital的股票。該股是以每股5.88加元的平均成本收購的,總價值為794,434.50加元。

ECN Capital Stock Down 1.0 %

ECN Capital股票下跌1.0%

ECN Capital stock opened at C$4.72 on Tuesday. ECN Capital Corp. has a fifty-two week low of C$4.60 and a fifty-two week high of C$12.24. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 365.53, a quick ratio of 3.62 and a current ratio of 3.73. The company has a market capitalization of C$1.16 billion and a P/E ratio of 42.91. The stock has a 50-day simple moving average of C$5.82 and a 200-day simple moving average of C$5.98.

ECN Capital的股票週二開盤報4.72加元。ECN Capital Corp.的股價跌至52周低點4.60加元和52周高點12.24加元。該公司的負債權益比率為365.53,速動比率為3.62%,流動比率為3.73%。該公司市值11.6億加元,市盈率為42.91倍。該股的50日簡單移動均線切入位為5.82加元,200日簡單移動均線切入位為5.98加元。

ECN Capital (TSE:ECN – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Thursday, August 11th. The company reported C$0.11 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of C$0.09 by C$0.02. The firm had revenue of C$104.10 million during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of C$99.06 million. Equities research analysts expect that ECN Capital Corp. will post 0.45 earnings per share for the current year.
ECN Capital(東京證券交易所股票代碼:ECN-GET Rating)最近一次公佈財報是在8月11日星期四。該公司公佈本季度每股收益為0.11加元,比普遍預期的0.09加元高出0.02加元。該公司本季度營收為1.041億加元,高於分析師預期的996萬加元。股票研究分析師預計,ECN Capital Corp.今年的每股收益將為0.45歐元。

ECN Capital Dividend Announcement


The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, October 3rd. Stockholders of record on Monday, October 3rd will be issued a $0.01 dividend. This represents a $0.04 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 0.85%. The ex-dividend date is Wednesday, September 14th. ECN Capital's payout ratio is currently 35.72%.

該公司最近還宣佈了季度股息,將於10月3日(星期一)支付。10月3日(星期一)登記在冊的股東將獲得0.01美元的股息。這意味着年化股息為0.04美元,股息收益率為0.85%。除息日為9月14日星期三。ECN Capital的派息率目前為35.72%。

Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades


Several research firms have recently issued reports on ECN. Cormark decreased their price objective on shares of ECN Capital from C$8.25 to C$7.50 in a research report on Friday, August 26th. TD Securities lifted their price target on ECN Capital from C$8.00 to C$8.50 and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a report on Tuesday, August 9th. National Bankshares lifted their price target on ECN Capital from C$8.00 to C$8.50 and gave the stock an "outperform" rating in a report on Friday, August 12th. BMO Capital Markets decreased their price target on ECN Capital from C$8.00 to C$7.50 in a report on Friday, August 26th. Finally, CIBC lifted their price target on ECN Capital from C$7.50 to C$8.75 and gave the stock an "outperform" rating in a report on Friday, August 12th. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and seven have issued a buy rating to the company's stock. According to data from MarketBeat, ECN Capital presently has an average rating of "Moderate Buy" and a consensus price target of C$8.48.

幾家研究公司最近發佈了關於ECN的報告。在8月26日星期五的一份研究報告中,Cormark將ECN Capital的股票目標價從8.25加元下調至7.50加元。道明證券在8月9日週二的一份報告中將ECN Capital的目標價從8.00加元上調至8.50加元,並給予該股“買入”評級。National BankShares在8月12日(星期五)的一份報告中將ECN Capital的目標價從8.00加元上調至8.50加元,並給予該股“跑贏大盤”的評級。BMO Capital Markets在8月26日(星期五)的一份報告中將ECN Capital的目標價從8.00加元下調至7.50加元。最後,加拿大帝國商業銀行將ECN Capital的目標價從7.50加元上調至8.75加元,並在8月12日(星期五)的一份報告中給出了該股“跑贏大盤”的評級。一名投資分析師對該股的評級為持有,七名分析師對該公司股票的評級為買入。根據MarketBeat的數據,ECN Capital目前的平均評級為“適度買入”,共識目標價為8.48加元。

About ECN Capital

關於ECN Capital

(Get Rating)


ECN Capital Corp. originates, manages, and advises on prime consumer credit portfolios in North America. It operates through Secured Consumer Loans – Triad Financial Services and Source One; and Consumer Credit Card and Related Unsecured Consumer Loans – KG segments. The company provides secured consumer loan portfolios, including manufactured home, marine, and recreational vehicle loans; and consumer credit card portfolios that are focused on co-branded credit cards and related financial products.

ECN Capital Corp.發起、管理併為北美的優質消費信貸投資組合提供諮詢。它通過有擔保的消費貸款--Triad Financial Services和SourceOne;以及消費信用卡和相關的無擔保消費貸款--KG細分市場運作。該公司提供有擔保的消費貸款組合,包括製造住房、海運和休閒車輛貸款;以及專注於聯合品牌信用卡和相關金融產品的消費信用卡組合。

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