
Scharf Investments LLC Sells 2,732 Shares of Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ)

Scharf Investments LLC Sells 2,732 Shares of Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ)

Scharf Investments LLC出售星座品牌公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:STZ)2,732股票
Financial News Live ·  2022/09/26 18:22

Scharf Investments LLC decreased its position in Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ – Get Rating) by 0.8% during the 2nd quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 352,893 shares of the company's stock after selling 2,732 shares during the period. Constellation Brands accounts for 2.8% of Scharf Investments LLC's portfolio, making the stock its 18th largest position. Scharf Investments LLC owned 0.19% of Constellation Brands worth $82,245,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

Scharf Investments LLC在提交給美國證券交易委員會的最新披露中稱,該公司在第二季度將其在星座品牌公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:STZ-GET評級)的頭寸減少了0.8%。該基金在此期間出售了2,732股後,持有該公司352,893股股票。星座品牌在沙夫投資有限責任公司的投資組合中佔2.8%,使該股成為其第18大頭寸。截至最近一次報告期結束,Scharf Investments LLC擁有星座品牌0.19%的股份,價值82,245,000美元。

Other hedge funds have also added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Capital World Investors lifted its stake in Constellation Brands by 28.7% in the fourth quarter. Capital World Investors now owns 8,810,424 shares of the company's stock valued at $2,211,152,000 after buying an additional 1,967,115 shares during the period. Norges Bank acquired a new position in Constellation Brands in the fourth quarter valued at about $371,552,000. Neuberger Berman Group LLC lifted its stake in Constellation Brands by 53.3% in the first quarter. Neuberger Berman Group LLC now owns 1,428,539 shares of the company's stock valued at $329,065,000 after buying an additional 496,542 shares during the period. Vanguard Group Inc. lifted its stake in Constellation Brands by 2.6% in the first quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 12,601,280 shares of the company's stock valued at $2,902,327,000 after buying an additional 313,344 shares during the period. Finally, Carmignac Gestion lifted its stake in Constellation Brands by 101.0% in the first quarter. Carmignac Gestion now owns 444,379 shares of the company's stock valued at $102,351,000 after buying an additional 223,251 shares during the period. Institutional investors own 73.86% of the company's stock.

其他對衝基金也增持或減持了該公司的股份。Capital World Investors在第四季度增持了星座品牌28.7%的股份。Capital World Investors在此期間又購買了1967115股,現在擁有8810,424股該公司股票,價值2,211,152,000美元。挪威銀行在第四季度收購了星座品牌的新頭寸,價值約371,552,000美元。Neuberger Berman Group LLC在第一季度增持了53.3%的星座品牌股份。Neuberger Berman Group LLC現在擁有1,428,539股該公司的股票,價值329,065,000美元,在此期間又購買了496,542股。先鋒集團(Vanguard Group Inc.)第一季度增持星座品牌的股份2.6%。先鋒集團目前持有該公司12,601,280股股票,價值2,902,327,000美元,在此期間又購買了313,344股。最後,Carmignac Gery在第一季度增持了星座品牌101.0%的股份。在此期間又購買了223,251股後,Carmignac Gpose現在擁有該公司444,379股股票,價值102,351,000美元。機構投資者持有該公司73.86%的股份。

Constellation Brands

Constellation Brands Stock Up 0.6 %


Constellation Brands stock traded up $1.40 during midday trading on Monday, reaching $232.66. The stock had a trading volume of 960,016 shares, compared to its average volume of 1,016,364. The firm's fifty day simple moving average is $245.17 and its 200-day simple moving average is $241.80. Constellation Brands, Inc. has a 1-year low of $207.59 and a 1-year high of $261.52. The stock has a market capitalization of $42.99 billion, a P/E ratio of 35.13, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 1.93 and a beta of 1.01. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.89, a quick ratio of 0.70 and a current ratio of 1.40.


Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ – Get Rating) last announced its earnings results on Thursday, June 30th. The company reported $2.66 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $2.51 by $0.15. Constellation Brands had a return on equity of 17.19% and a net margin of 12.72%. The business had revenue of $2.36 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $2.16 billion. During the same quarter last year, the firm earned $2.33 EPS. Constellation Brands's revenue for the quarter was up 16.6% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, analysts expect that Constellation Brands, Inc. will post 11.09 EPS for the current fiscal year.
星座品牌(NYSE:STZ-GET Rating)最近一次公佈財報是在6月30日星期四。該公司公佈本季度每股收益(EPS)為2.66美元,比分析師普遍預期的2.51美元高出0.15美元。星座品牌的股本回報率為17.19%,淨利潤率為12.72%。該業務本季度營收為23.6億美元,而分析師預期為21.6億美元。去年同期,該公司每股收益為2.33美元。與去年同期相比,星座品牌本季度的收入增長了16.6%。作為一個整體,分析師預計星座品牌公司本財年每股收益將達到11.09美元。

Constellation Brands Dividend Announcement


The business also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Wednesday, August 24th. Shareholders of record on Wednesday, August 10th were paid a $0.80 dividend. The ex-dividend date was Tuesday, August 9th. This represents a $3.20 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.38%. Constellation Brands's dividend payout ratio is 14.05%.


Insider Buying and Selling at Constellation Brands


In other Constellation Brands news, CFO Garth Hankinson sold 2,270 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, August 25th. The stock was sold at an average price of $255.92, for a total value of $580,938.40. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief financial officer now directly owns 7,176 shares in the company, valued at $1,836,481.92. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through the SEC website. In other Constellation Brands news, CFO Garth Hankinson sold 2,270 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, August 25th. The stock was sold at an average price of $255.92, for a total value of $580,938.40. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief financial officer now directly owns 7,176 shares in the company, valued at $1,836,481.92. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through the SEC website. Also, major shareholder Wildstar Partners Llc sold 183,332 shares of Constellation Brands stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, July 15th. The stock was sold at an average price of $242.81, for a total value of $44,514,842.92. Following the transaction, the insider now owns 100 shares of the company's stock, valued at $24,281. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold a total of 1,619,248 shares of company stock worth $393,239,506 over the last ninety days. 16.19% of the stock is currently owned by corporate insiders.

在另一則星座品牌的消息中,首席財務官加思·漢金森在8月25日星期四的一筆交易中出售了2270股星座品牌的股票。這隻股票的平均售價為255.92美元,總價值為580,938.40美元。交易完成後,首席財務官現在直接擁有該公司7,176股,價值1,836,481.92美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份文件中披露的,該文件可以通過美國證券交易委員會網站。在另一則星座品牌的消息中,首席財務官加思·漢金森在8月25日星期四的一筆交易中出售了2270股星座品牌的股票。這隻股票的平均售價為255.92美元,總價值為580,938.40美元。交易完成後,首席財務官現在直接擁有該公司7,176股,價值1,836,481.92美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份文件中披露的,該文件可以通過美國證券交易委員會網站。此外,大股東Wildstar Partners LLC在7月15日星期五的交易中出售了183,332股星座品牌的股票。這隻股票的平均售價為242.81美元,總價值為44,514,842.92美元。交易完成後,這位內部人士現在擁有100股該公司股票,價值24,281美元。關於這次銷售的披露可以找到這裏。在過去的90天裏,內部人士總共拋售了1,619,248股公司股票,價值393,239,506美元。16.19%的股份目前由企業內部人士持有。

Wall Street Analyst Weigh In


STZ has been the topic of several analyst reports. Morgan Stanley increased their target price on Constellation Brands from $294.00 to $298.00 and gave the company an "overweight" rating in a research note on Tuesday, June 21st. UBS Group dropped their price target on Constellation Brands from $285.00 to $270.00 and set a "buy" rating on the stock in a research report on Tuesday, June 21st. JPMorgan Chase & Co. raised their price target on Constellation Brands from $263.00 to $287.00 and gave the stock an "overweight" rating in a research report on Thursday, September 15th. Credit Suisse Group dropped their price target on Constellation Brands from $295.00 to $292.00 and set an "outperform" rating on the stock in a research report on Friday, July 1st. Finally, Redburn Partners began coverage on Constellation Brands in a research report on Wednesday, July 13th. They set a "buy" rating on the stock. Four research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and twelve have given a buy rating to the company's stock. Based on data from MarketBeat, the stock has an average rating of "Moderate Buy" and an average price target of $272.73.

STZ一直是幾份分析師報告的主題。6月21日,週二,摩根士丹利在一份研究報告中將星座品牌的目標價從294.00美元上調至298.00美元,並給予該公司“增持”評級。瑞銀集團在6月21日週二的一份研究報告中將星座品牌的目標價從285.00美元下調至270.00美元,並對該股設定了“買入”評級。摩根大通在9月15日週四的一份研究報告中將星座品牌的目標價從263.00美元上調至287.00美元,並給予該股“增持”評級。瑞士信貸集團在7月1日星期五的一份研究報告中將星座品牌的目標價從295.00美元下調至292.00美元,並對該股設定了“跑贏大盤”的評級。最後,Redburn Partners在7月13日星期三的一份研究報告中開始對星座品牌進行報道。他們對該股設定了“買入”評級。4名研究分析師對該股的評級為持有,12名分析師對該公司股票的評級為買入。根據MarketBeat的數據,該股的平均評級為“中等買入”,平均目標價為272.73美元。

Constellation Brands Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Constellation Brands, Inc, together with its subsidiaries, produces, imports, markets, and sells beer, wine, and spirits in the United States, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, and Italy. It provides beer primarily under the Corona Extra, Corona Premier, Corona Familiar, Corona Light, Corona Refresca, Corona Hard Seltzer, Modelo Especial, Modelo Negra, Modelo Chelada, Pacifico, and Victoria brands.

星座品牌公司及其子公司在美國、加拿大、墨西哥、新西蘭和意大利生產、進口、營銷和銷售啤酒、葡萄酒和烈性酒。它主要提供Corona Extra、Corona Premier、Corona Famar、Corona Light、Corona Reresca、Corona Hard Seltzer、Modelo ESpecial、Modelo Negra、Modelo Cherada、Pacepho和Victoria品牌的啤酒。

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