
7 Nasdaq Stocks to Sell Before They Die

7 Nasdaq Stocks to Sell Before They Die

InvestorPlace ·  2022/09/26 18:22

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


As is typical of a bear market, the Nasdaq has led the other major indices lower over the past year. The tech-heavy index is down 28% over the past 12 months compared with a 17% decline in the S&P 500. There are bargains to be found amid the tech wreckage to be sure. But there are also plenty of poorly performing stocks that are likely headed much lower, possibly even to $0. Those are the names you'll find on today's list of Nasdaq stocks to sell.

與熊市的典型情況一樣, 斯達克 在過去一年中導致其他主要指數走低。以科技股爲主的指數在過去12個月中下跌了28%,而該指數下跌了17% 標準普爾 500。可以肯定的是,在科技殘骸中可以找到便宜貨。但是,也有許多表現不佳的股票可能走低得多,甚至可能跌至0美元。這些是你可以在今天的納斯達克待售股票清單上找到的名字。

Most of the stocks are already priced deep within penny stock territory. Yet, that doesn't mean investors should continue to hang on. Numerous signs point to a continued sell-off in equities. Stocks cratered following the Federal Reserve's latest 0.75-basis-point rate hike. Recession calls abound, such as the one from FedEx (NYSE:FDX) CEO Raj Subramaniam.

大多數股票已經上市 定價在細價股區間內。然而,這並不意味着投資者應該繼續堅持下去。許多跡象表明股票持續拋售。在美聯儲最近加息0.75個基點之後,股市暴跌。經濟衰退的電話比比皆是,比如來自 聯邦快遞 (紐約證券交易所:FDX) 首席執行官 Raj Subramaniam。

The weakest stocks will continue to be hammered the hardest. Therefore, if you own any of the Nasdaq stocks listed below, consider selling them immediately.


Beyond Meat $14.54
超越肉類 14.54 美元
Clover Health Investments $1.99
三葉草健康投資 1.99 美元
Aurora Innovation $2.39
Aurora 創新 2.39 美元
Matterport $3.84
Matterport 3.84 美元
Core Scientific $1.39
核心科學 1.39 美元
Mullen Automotive $0.34
馬倫汽車 0.34 美元
CohBar $2.95
cohBar 2.95 美元

Beyond Meat (BYND)

超越肉類 (BYND)

Source: Shutterstock

Beyond Meat (NASDAQ:BYND) is a bit unique on today's list of Nasdaq stocks to sell, as it is the only one that is not yet a penny stock. But it could be soon. 

超越肉類 (納斯達克:BYND)在今天的納斯達克股票清單上有點獨特,因爲它是唯一一隻還不是便士股的股票。但可能很快。

My concern for the company is the same as it has always been: Plant-based meat simply doesn't taste very good. Why would consumers who want protein-rich, animal-product-free foods choose plant-based meat over vegetables, which taste great on their own? 


My personal opinions aside, Beyond Meat has serious issues. First and foremost are its weak fundamentals. Revenue growth has slowed substantially in recent years. And the company posted a net loss of $197.6 million for the first half of this year. That's much worse than the $46.9 million net loss in the first half of 2021.

除了我個人的看法之外,Beyond Meat 還有嚴重的問題。首先也是最重要的是其基本面疲軟。近年來,收入增長大幅放緩。該公司公佈今年上半年淨虧損1.976億美元。這比2021年上半年的4,690萬美元淨虧損要糟糕得多。

Then there are the bizarre headlines. Beyond Meat Chief Operating Officer Doug Ramsey was arrested earlier this month for allegedly biting a man's nose in a fight. Ramsey has since been suspended, but it's not a good look for the company. 

然後有 奇怪的頭條新聞。Beyond Meat 首席運營官道格·拉姆齊因涉嫌咬人的鼻子而在本月早些時候被捕 在戰鬥中。此後,拉姆齊被停職,但這對公司來說並不是一個好兆頭。

BYND stock may not be in immediate danger of dropping to $0. However, it is very likely to continue to head down and investors should avoid it. 


Clover Health Investments (CLOV)


Source: Wirestock Creators /
來源:Wirestock Creators /

Clover Health Investments (NASDAQ:CLOV) is one of Chamath Palihapitiya's many SPAC companies that went public and has since faltered. 

三葉草健康投資 (納斯達克:CLOV)是Chamath Palihapitiya衆多上市的SPAC公司之一,此後一直步履蹣跚。

It serves as a prime example of what can go wrong when loose market conditions lead to overzealous speculation. Palihapitiya extolled the virtues of the SPAC investment mechanism last year. He said then that a SPAC "actually allows you to raise a really large amount of money, to go to a broad base of institutional investors, and it allows you to tell them what you think the future can look like." 

它是一個很好的例子,說明當寬鬆的市場條件導致過度投機時,會出什麼問題。去年,Palihapitiya讚揚了SPAC投資機制的優點。他當時說,SPAC “實際上可以讓你籌集大量資金,吸引廣泛的機構投資者,它可以讓你告訴他們你認爲未來會是什麼樣子。”

That message was better received by the market under the looser quantitative policies that persisted into late 2021.


Clover Health's SPAC deal was announced in October 2020, valuing the insurtech at $3.7 billion. After an initial run-up, investors suffered heavy losses. Some of these investors are suing the company, alleging they were misled by its executives and Palihapitiya in the lead-up to Clover going public.

Clover Health的SPAC協議於2020年10月宣佈,該保險科技公司的估值爲37億美元。在最初的上漲之後,投資者遭受了沉重的損失。其中一些投資者正在起訴該公司,指控他們在三葉草上市前被其高管和Palihapitiya誤導。

The company's net loss narrowed in the second quarter on a year-over-year basis but still stood at $104.2 million. Its lack of earnings combined with the other issues I mentioned are a recipe for more selling. 

該公司的淨虧損在第二季度同比有所縮小,但仍爲1.042 億美元。它缺乏收益,再加上我提到的其他問題,是增加銷售的根源。

Aurora Innovation (AUR)

奧羅拉創新 (AUR)

Source: T. Schneider / Shutterstock
來源:T. Schneider /Shutterstock

Aurora Innovation (NASDAQ:AUR) provides self-driving hardware, software and services. At the height of the tech boom, investors couldn't get enough of companies like this. But as the reality of a rising-interest-rate environment set in, AUR stock lost its shine.

奧羅拉創新 (納斯達克:AUR) 提供自動駕駛硬件、軟件和服務。在科技繁榮的高峰期,投資者對這樣的公司不屑一顧。但是,隨着利率上升環境的現實到來,AUR股票失去了光彩。

Shares fell off a cliff early in early 2022, dropping from above $11 to below $5 in January. Today, the stock is closer to $2 a share than $5.

股份 2022年初從懸崖上跌至1月份的5美元以下,從11美元以上跌至5美元以下。如今,該股接近每股2美元,而不是5美元。

The company's poor fundamentals are cause for concern and could lead to shares breaking below $2 or worse. For the second quarter, the company reported a mere $20.7 million in revenue, all of which was collaboration revenue. And it posted a net loss of $1.2 billion for the quarter. That was far worse than the $181.8 million net loss a year prior. Ending the quarter with just $549.4 million in cash, Aurora Innovation is really on the brink. 

該公司糟糕的基本面令人擔憂,並可能導致股價跌破2美元或更差。對於第二季度, 該公司報告的收入僅爲2,070萬美元,全部爲協作收入。該公司公佈本季度淨虧損12億美元。這比去年同期的1.818億美元淨虧損要糟糕得多。本季度末,Aurora Innovation僅有5.494億美元的現金,確實處於邊緣。

Matterport (MTTR)

Matterport (MTTR)

Source: Matterport

I'll admit that I sang Matterport's (NASDAQ:MTTR) praises not too long ago. The company is focused on digitizing and indexing the physical world through 3D technology. In short, it works to replicate the real world as 3D models. 

我承認我唱過 Matterport's (納斯達克:MTTR)不久前讚美。該公司專注於通過三維技術對物理世界進行數字化和索引。簡而言之,它可以將現實世界複製爲三維模型。

When metaverse pandemonium was at its height, investors flocked to MTTR stock believing its technology would soon see a massive demand spike. Unfortunately, the numbers tell a different story.


For the second quarter, Matterport saw revenue decline 3.5% year over year to $28.5 million. Revenue for the first half of the year rose just 1%. Hardly the growth story investors were hoping for. Meanwhile, losses were up sharply to $64.6 million in Q2 compared with a net loss of $6.19 million in Q2 2021.

第二季度,馬特波特的收入同比下降3.5%,至2,850萬美元。上半年的收入僅增長了1%。幾乎不是投資者所希望的增長故事。 與此同時, 第二季度的虧損大幅上升至6,460萬美元,而2021年第二季度的淨虧損爲619萬美元。

It's difficult to see how Matterport can continue to do business for long under the current circumstances, much less substantiate a bullish case for its shares. 


Core Scientific (CORZ)

核心科學 (CORZ)

Source: Michal Bednarek / Shutterstock
來源:Michal Bednarek /Shutterstock

Core Scientific (NASDAQ:CORZ) provides blockchain infrastructure, digital asset self-mining operations, hosting and blockchain technology. 

C更具科學性 (納斯達克:科爾茨) 提供區塊鏈基礎設施、數字資產自採運營、託管和區塊鏈技術。

Don't be fooled by some of the flashier metrics being touted by the company. Yes, its self-mining Bitcoin (BTC-USD) operations saw a 1,769% production increase in the second quarter, reaching 3,365 Bitcoin mined. This helped revenue more than double year over year to $164 million. 

不要被該公司吹捧的一些更華麗的指標所迷惑。是的,這是自採的 比特幣BTC-USD)第二季度業務產量增長了1,769%,開採了3,365個比特幣。這使收入同比增長一倍多,達到1.64億美元。

However, Core Scientific booked a net loss of $810.5 million for Q2. This was due in large part to a $790.8 million impairment of goodwill and other intangibles. But the company only had $128.5 million in cash on hand at the end of the second quarter. That's not much of a cushion given investors' aversion to pre-profit companies and the ongoing crypto winter. 

但是,Core Scientific在第二季度淨虧損8.105億美元。這在很大程度上是由於商譽和其他無形資產減值7.908億美元。但是公司只有 截至第二季度末,手頭現金爲1.285億美元。考慮到投資者對盈利前公司的厭惡以及持續的加密貨幣冬天,這並不是什麼緩衝。

Mullen Automotive (MULN)

馬倫汽車 (MULN)

Source: Ringo Chiu /
來源:Ringo Chiu /

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ:MULN) has seen its shares plummet as electric vehicle stocks fell out of favor in a dramatic fashion. MULN stock hit a high just below $16 in November of 2021. Not even a year later, it trades for less than 35 cents.

馬倫 汽車 (納斯達克:木倫)由於電動汽車股票急劇失寵,其股價暴跌。MULN 股價觸及略低於 16 美元的高位 2021 年 11 月。不到一年後,它的交易價格還不到35美分。

The California-based firm says it offers an end-to-end ecosystem for EV ownership. That is a big claim for a company that has yet to launch a vehicle. 


The company recently released preliminary Q3 results that essentially told investors nothing. Does Mullen intend to focus on delivering the 600 cargo vans to Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) partner DelPack Logistics that it committed to deliver over 18 months in a binding agreement? Or is the company more focused on its controlling interest in Bollinger Motors?

該公司最近發佈了第三季度的初步業績,該業績基本上沒有告訴投資者。 馬倫是否打算集中精力將600輛貨車運送給 亞馬遜 (納斯達克:AMZN) 合作伙伴 DelPack Logi 它在具有約束力的協議中承諾在18個月內交付?還是該公司更專注於其控股權 博林格汽車

In any case, it's difficult to see how Mullen can be successful. It is very late to the already crowded EV race. The sharp sell-off in its shares has put it in danger of being delisted from the Nasdaq. A last-minute bid to purchase assets of bankrupt competitor Last Mile Electric Solutions (OTC:ELMSQ) is not likely to change the tide.

無論如何,很難看出馬倫如何取得成功。本已擁擠的電動汽車競賽已經爲時已晚。 其股票的大幅拋售使其面臨從納斯達克退市的危險。最後一刻競標購買破產競爭對手的資產最後一英里電氣解決方案(場外:ELMSQ)不太可能改變潮流。

CohBar (CWBR)

CohBar (CWBR)

Source: Gorodenkoff /
來源:Gorodenkoff /

CohBar (NASDAQ:CWBR) is a biotech looking for ways to commercialize mitochondrial peptides in the fight against age-related diseases. So far, that search has been fruitless with the company remaining in the pre-revenue stage. As the company continues to lose money, it is rapidly approaching a liquidity crisis. 

cohBar (納斯達克:CWBR) 是一家生物技術公司,正在尋找將線粒體肽商業化的方法,以對抗與年齡相關的疾病。 到目前爲止,該搜索一直徒勞無功,該公司仍處於收入前階段。隨着公司持續虧損,它正在迅速接近流動性危機。

CohBar lost $2.7 million in the second quarter. Of course, losses are run-of-the-mill for biotech firms. The problem is that CohBar reported less than $2.9 million in liquid reserves at the end of the quarter. If it replicates its Q2 performance in Q3, it will be out of cash or close to it. If it does worse, it will have to get creative to obtain financing. 


On Sept. 22, the company announced a 1-for-30 reverse stock split, the maximum of the range approved by stockholders at the conclusion of the June 15 annual meeting. Reverse stock splits are never a good sign, especially when done to avoid being delisted by the Nasdaq. 


On the date of publication, Alex Sirois did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.

在發佈之日,亞歷克斯·西羅伊斯(Alex Sirois)沒有(直接或間接)持有本文提到的證券的任何頭寸。本文中表達的觀點是作者的觀點,以 爲準 出版指南

Alex Sirois is a freelance contributor to InvestorPlace whose personal stock investing style is focused on long-term, buy-and-hold, wealth-building stock picks.Having worked in several industries from e-commerce to translation to education and utilizing his MBA from George Washington University, he brings a diverse set of skills through which he filters his writing.

Alex Sirois是InvestorPlace的自由撰稿人,他的個人股票投資風格側重於長期、買入並持有、創造財富的股票選擇。他曾在多個行業工作,從電子商務到翻譯再到教育,並利用喬治華盛頓大學的工商管理碩士學位,他帶來了各種各樣的技能來篩選自己的寫作。

The post 7 Nasdaq Stocks to Sell Before They Die  appeared first on InvestorPlace.


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