
Teladoc Health Is Providing Free Virtual Health Care Services to Florida Residents Impacted by Hurricane Ian

Teladoc Health Is Providing Free Virtual Health Care Services to Florida Residents Impacted by Hurricane Ian

Teladoc Health為受颶風伊恩影響的佛羅裏達州居民提供免費虛擬醫療服務
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/09/26 17:21

PURCHASE, NY, Sept.  26, 2022  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- $Teladoc Health (TDOC.US)$ the global leader in whole-person virtual care, is providing free, 24/7 general medical telehealth visits to Florida residents, first responders and others directly impacted by Hurricane Ian which is expected to have significant impact across the state. Individuals in Florida who have been displaced or who cannot access medical care as a result of the hurricane can seek treatment from a licensed health care professional for any non-emergency illness by calling Teladoc directly at 855-225-5032.

購買,紐約,9月2022年26日(環球通訊社)--$Teladoc Health (TDOC.US)$這家全球全人虛擬護理領域的領先者正在為佛羅裏達州居民、急救人員和其他直接受颶風伊恩影響的人提供全天候免費的普通醫療遠程醫療訪問,預計伊恩颶風將在全州範圍內產生重大影響。佛羅裏達州因颶風而流離失所或無法獲得醫療護理的個人可以通過直接撥打Teladoc電話855-225-5032尋求有執照的醫療保健專業人員的治療,治療任何非緊急疾病。

"We encourage those impacted by Hurricane Ian to continue to prioritize their health and safety," said Dr. Vidya Raman-Tangella, chief medical officer, Teladoc Health. "Virtual care is a proven solution that supports community health during these times, and we are grateful to provide access to care and to be a reliable source for those in Florida facing devastation and displacement as a result of the storm."
Among those adult and pediatric conditions that can be effectively diagnosed and treated as part of Teladoc's general medical no-cost offering are common conditions including sinus problems, respiratory infections, allergies, cold and flu symptoms, and many other non-emergency illnesses. Individuals seeking physician-authorization for prescription refills of non-narcotic drugs can also get assistance. For emergencies, patients should call 911.

Teladoc Health首席醫療官維迪亞·拉曼-坦格拉博士説:“我們鼓勵那些受颶風伊恩影響的人們繼續把自己的健康和安全放在首位。”虛擬醫療是一個經過驗證的解決方案,可以在這些時期支持社區健康,我們很感激為佛羅裏達州那些因風暴而面臨破壞和流離失所的人提供醫療服務,併成為一個可靠的來源。

Teladoc Health responds to federally declared natural disasters across the United States, making virtual care services available at no cost to communities dealing with the impact of floods, storms, fires and other public emergencies. Over the past five years, Teladoc Health has responded to dozens of natural disasters in the U.S. —hurricanes, wildfires, tornados, floods, power outages and blizzards—enabling access to care for thousands of people with non-emergency illnesses, as well as uninterrupted access to the prescriptions they need.

Teladoc Health應對美國聯邦政府宣佈的自然災害,為應對洪水、風暴、火災和其他公共緊急情況影響的社區免費提供虛擬護理服務。在過去的五年裏,Teladoc Health應對了美國數十次自然災害--颶風、野火、龍捲風、洪水、停電和暴風雪--使數千名患有非緊急疾病的人能夠獲得護理,並不間斷地獲得他們所需的處方。

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About Teladoc Health 

關於Teladoc Health

Teladoc Health empowers all people everywhere to live their healthiest lives by transforming the healthcare experience. As the world leader in whole-person virtual care, Teladoc Health uses proprietary health signals and personalized interactions to drive better health outcomes across the full continuum of care, at every stage in a person's health journey. Ranked #1 among direct-to-consumer telehealth providers in the J.D. Power 2021 U.S. Telehealth Satisfaction Study, Teladoc Health leverages more than a decade of expertise and data-driven insights to meet the growing virtual care needs of consumers and healthcare professionals. For more information, please visit  or follow @TeladocHealth on Twitter.

Teladoc Health通過改變醫療保健體驗,讓世界各地的所有人都能過上最健康的生活。作為全人虛擬護理領域的世界領先者,Teladoc Health使用專有的健康信號和個性化的互動,在個人健康旅程的每個階段,在整個護理連續體系中推動更好的健康結果。在J.D.Power 2021美國遠程醫療滿意度調查中,Teladoc Health在直接面向消費者的遠程醫療提供商中排名第一。Teladoc Health利用十多年的專業知識和數據驅動的洞察力來滿足消費者和醫療保健專業人員日益增長的虛擬醫療需求。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問或關注Twitter上的@TeladocHealth。

Source: Teladoc Health, Inc. – General 
Teladoc Health Media Contact:
Carolyn Edwards

消息來源:Teladoc Health,Inc.-General
Teladoc Health Media Contact:

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