
UBS Adjusts MYT Netherlands Parent BV ADS Price Target to $16 From $14, Maintains Buy Rating

UBS Adjusts MYT Netherlands Parent BV ADS Price Target to $16 From $14, Maintains Buy Rating

瑞銀將荷蘭MYT母公司BV ADS的目標股價從14美元調整至16美元,維持買入評級
MT Newswires ·  2022/09/20 09:07

Unity Software(U.US) reported fourth-quarter financial results after the market close on Monday. Here's a rundown of the report.Q4 Earnings: Unity said fourth-quarter revenue increased 35% year-over-year to $609 million, beating the consensus estimate of $562.71 million. The company reported a quarterly loss of 66 cents per share.

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