
Head-To-Head Contrast: Doximity (NASDAQ:DOCS) Versus SaverOne 2014 (NASDAQ:SVRE)

Head-To-Head Contrast: Doximity (NASDAQ:DOCS) Versus SaverOne 2014 (NASDAQ:SVRE)

正面對比:Doximity(納斯達克:DOCS)與SaveOne 2014(納斯達克:SVRE)
Financial News Live ·  2022/09/20 05:12

SaverOne 2014 (NASDAQ:SVRE – Get Rating) and Doximity (NASDAQ:DOCS – Get Rating) are both business services companies, but which is the better investment? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their institutional ownership, profitability, analyst recommendations, dividends, valuation, earnings and risk.

納斯達克:svre-Get Rating)和納斯達克(Doximity:DOCS-Get Rating)都是商業服務公司,但哪種投資更好?我們將根據這兩家公司的機構所有權、盈利能力、分析師建議、股息、估值、收益和風險等方面的實力進行比較。



This table compares SaverOne 2014 and Doximity's net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

下表比較了SverOne 2014和Doximity的淨利潤率、股本回報率和資產回報率。

SaverOne 2014
SaveOne 2014
Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
SaverOne 2014 N/A N/A N/A
Doximity 41.72% 17.99% 15.88%
淨利潤率 股本回報率 資產回報率
SaveOne 2014 不適用 不適用 不適用
多氧性 41.72% 17.99% 15.88%

Analyst Ratings


This is a summary of recent ratings for SaverOne 2014 and Doximity, as reported by


Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Strong Buy Ratings Rating Score
SaverOne 2014 0 0 0 0 N/A
Doximity 2 3 10 0 2.53
銷售評級 保持評級 購買評級 強勁的買入評級 評級分數
SaveOne 2014 0 0 0 0 不適用
多氧性 2 3 10 0 2.53
Doximity has a consensus target price of $45.80, suggesting a potential upside of 46.98%. Given Doximity's higher possible upside, analysts clearly believe Doximity is more favorable than SaverOne 2014.
Doximity的共識目標價為45.80美元,暗示潛在上漲46.98%。考慮到Doximity較高的可能上行空間,分析師顯然認為Doximity比SverOne 2014年更有利。

Institutional and Insider Ownership


47.0% of Doximity shares are held by institutional investors. 45.2% of Doximity shares are held by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that endowments, hedge funds and large money managers believe a stock will outperform the market over the long term.

Doximity 47.0%的股份由機構投資者持有。Doximity 45.2%的股份由公司內部人士持有。強大的機構持股表明,捐贈基金、對衝基金和大型基金管理公司相信,一隻股票的長期表現將好於大盤。

Valuation & Earnings


This table compares SaverOne 2014 and Doximity's revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.

該表格比較了SverOne 2014和Doximity的收入、每股收益(EPS)和估值。

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
SaverOne 2014 $140,000.00 21.90 -$8.20 million N/A N/A
Doximity $343.55 million 17.55 $154.78 million $0.70 44.51
總收入 價格/銷售額比 淨收入 每股收益 市盈率
SaveOne 2014 $140,000.00 21.90 -820萬元 不適用 不適用
多氧性 3.4355億美元 17.55 1.5478億美元 $0.70 44.51

Doximity has higher revenue and earnings than SaverOne 2014.

Doximity的收入和收益都高於SverOne 2014年。



Doximity beats SaverOne 2014 on 9 of the 10 factors compared between the two stocks.


About SaverOne 2014

關於SaveOne 2014

(Get Rating)


SaverOne 2014 Ltd, a technology company, engages in the design, development, and commercialization of transportation and safety solutions to save lives by preventing car accidents resulting from the use of mobile phones while driving. The company's SaverOne system provides an advanced driver safety solution to identify and monitor mobile phones located in the driver's vicinity and selectively block use of life-threatening applications. Its system includes a controlled unit, mobile app, and cloud services. The company was incorporated in 2014 and is headquartered in Petah Tikva, Israel.

SverOne 2014 Ltd是一家科技公司,致力於交通和安全解決方案的設計、開發和商業化,通過防止開車時使用手機導致的車禍來拯救生命。該公司的SiverOne系統提供了一種先進的司機安全解決方案,可以識別和監控司機附近的手機,並有選擇地阻止使用危及生命的應用程序。其系統包括受控單元、移動應用程序和雲服務。該公司成立於2014年,總部設在以色列的佩塔提克瓦。

About Doximity


(Get Rating)


Doximity, Inc. operates a cloud-based digital platform for medical professionals in the United States. The company's platform provides its members with tools built for medical professionals, enabling them to collaborate with their colleagues, coordinate patient care, conduct virtual patient visits, stay up to date with the latest medical news and research, and manage their careers. It primarily serves pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare systems. The company was formerly known as 3MD Communications, Inc. and changed its name to Doximity, Inc. in June 2010. Doximity, Inc. was incorporated in 2010 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.


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