
Zendrive Partners With MoneyLion To Help Millions Save On Auto Insurance

Zendrive Partners With MoneyLion To Help Millions Save On Auto Insurance

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/09/15 09:28

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zendrive, a mission-driven company making roads safer with data and analytics, today announced its partnership with MoneyLion Inc. ("MoneyLion") (NYSE:ML), the go-to destination for personalized financial content, products, and advice. Zendrive is powering MoneyLion's offering, giving their millions of users a chance to save on their auto insurance with safer driving behavior.

舊金山,9月2022年5月15日(Global Newswire)--Zendrive是一家使命驅動的公司,通過數據和分析讓道路更安全,該公司今天宣佈與MoneyLion Inc.(“MoneyLion”)(紐約證券交易所代碼:ML)合作,後者是個性化金融內容、產品和建議的首選目的地。Zendrive正在推動MoneyLion的服務,讓他們的數百萬用户有機會通過更安全的駕駛行為節省汽車保險。

MoneyLion customers can access the program using the MoneyLion app. Once MoneyLion customers opt into the program, Zendrive's embedded Software Development Kit (SDK) analyzes how users drive during a short test drive experience. During this trial period, users get direct feedback on their driving behavior (i.e., on whether they're checking their phones or hard braking frequently), which could help them drive safer and boost their chances of earning a discount on auto insurance. Once the test drive is complete, MoneyLion customers that meet the qualification criteria may immediately qualify for an exclusive discount from partner auto insurance offers through Zendrive's Insurance Qualification Lens ("IQL") solution.


News of MoneyLion and Zendrive joining forces aligns with a recent announcement that Zendrive is expanding its IQL solution to over 50M consumers through these types of partnerships with leading US consumer apps. "At Zendrive, we're thrilled about extending our IQL program to millions of US consumers through our partnership with MoneyLion, helping drivers across states get an exclusive opportunity to be rewarded for their safer driving habits," said Dennis Ellis, President of Zendrive.


The partnership with Zendrive helps MoneyLion further its mission – to rewire the financial system so every customer can live their best life without worrying about money – by leveraging data to make insurance fairer and more affordable. "MoneyLion is changing the mindset and culture around money, empowering our customers to take control of their finances and better their future," said Tim Hong, Chief Product Officer at MoneyLion. "With Zendrive, we're taking a big stride toward that effort by making auto insurance more affordable for our users nationwide."

與Zendrive的合作有助於MoneyLion進一步履行其使命-通過利用數據使保險更公平、更負擔得起-重新連接金融系統,使每個客户都可以過上最好的生活,而不需要擔心錢。MoneyLion首席產品官Tim Hong表示:“MoneyLion正在改變人們對金錢的觀念和文化,使我們的客户能夠控制他們的財務狀況,改善他們的未來。”有了Zendrive,我們正朝着這一努力邁出一大步,使我們的全國用户更容易負擔得起汽車保險。“

To join the program, download the MoneyLion app at on the App Store or through Google Play.

要加入該計劃,請在App Store或通過Google Play下載MoneyLion應用程序。

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