
Cantor Fitzgerald Comments on Asensus Surgical, Inc.'s FY2022 Earnings (NYSEAMERICAN:ASXC)

Cantor Fitzgerald Comments on Asensus Surgical, Inc.'s FY2022 Earnings (NYSEAMERICAN:ASXC)

康託·菲茨傑拉德對Ascount Surgical,Inc.2022財年收益的評論(紐約證券交易所代碼:ASXC)
Defense World ·  2022/09/12 01:31

Asensus Surgical, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:ASXC – Get Rating) – Analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald issued their FY2022 earnings per share estimates for Asensus Surgical in a note issued to investors on Thursday, September 8th. Cantor Fitzgerald analyst R. Osborn forecasts that the company will post earnings per share of ($0.32) for the year. Cantor Fitzgerald currently has a "Overweight" rating and a $1.50 price target on the stock. Cantor Fitzgerald also issued estimates for Asensus Surgical's FY2023 earnings at ($0.22) EPS.

Ascount Surgical,Inc.(NYSEAMERICAN:ASXC-GET Rating)-Cantor Fitzgerald的分析師在9月8日星期四發給投資者的一份報告中發佈了他們對Ascount Surgical 2022財年每股收益的估計。康託·菲茨傑拉德分析師R.奧斯本預計,該公司今年的每股收益將達到0.32美元。康託·菲茨傑拉德目前對該股的評級為“增持”,目標價為1.50美元。康託·菲茨傑拉德還發布了對Ascount Surgical 2023財年每股收益的估計為0.22美元。

Asensus Surgical

Separately, HC Wainwright reduced their target price on Asensus Surgical from $4.00 to $3.00 in a report on Wednesday, August 10th.

另外,在8月10日星期三的一份報告中,HC Wainwright將Ascount Surgical的目標價從4.00美元下調至3.00美元。

Asensus Surgical Price Performance


Asensus Surgical stock opened at $0.59 on Monday. Asensus Surgical has a one year low of $0.35 and a one year high of $2.31.
Ascount Surgical股票週一開盤報0.59美元。Ascount Surgical的一年低點為0.35美元,一年高位為2.31美元。

Asensus Surgical (NYSEAMERICAN:ASXC – Get Rating) last released its earnings results on Monday, August 8th. The company reported ($0.07) EPS for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.08) by $0.01. The business had revenue of $0.99 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.25 million.

Ascount Surgical(NYSEAMERICAN:ASXC-GET Rating)最近一次發佈收益結果是在8月8日星期一。該公司公佈本季度每股收益(0.07美元),比分析師普遍預期的(0.08美元)高出0.01美元。該業務本季度營收為99萬美元,而分析師預期為125萬美元。

Institutional Inflows and Outflows


A number of hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in the company. Daiwa Securities Group Inc. increased its position in shares of Asensus Surgical by 45.7% in the first quarter. Daiwa Securities Group Inc. now owns 95,198 shares of the company's stock valued at $60,000 after buying an additional 29,880 shares in the last quarter. Advisor Group Holdings Inc. increased its position in Asensus Surgical by 12.3% during the 1st quarter. Advisor Group Holdings Inc. now owns 279,923 shares of the company's stock worth $2,090,000 after purchasing an additional 30,676 shares in the last quarter. Ergoteles LLC purchased a new stake in Asensus Surgical during the 1st quarter worth about $36,000. Virtu Financial LLC purchased a new stake in Asensus Surgical during the 2nd quarter worth about $30,000. Finally, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. increased its position in Asensus Surgical by 68.3% during the 1st quarter. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. now owns 210,737 shares of the company's stock worth $133,000 after purchasing an additional 85,487 shares in the last quarter.

一些對衝基金最近改變了他們在該公司的頭寸。今年第一季度,大和證券集團(Daiwa Securities Group Inc.)增持了Ascount Surgical股票45.7%。大和證券集團(Daiwa Securities Group Inc.)在上個季度又購買了29,880股大和證券,目前持有該公司95,198股股票,價值60,000美元。Advisor Group Holdings Inc.在第一季度將其在Ascount Surgical的頭寸增加了12.3%。Advisor Group Holdings Inc.現在持有279,923股該公司股票,價值2,090,000美元,上個季度又購買了30,676股。Ergoeles LLC在第一季度購買了Ascount Surgical的新股份,價值約3.6萬美元。Virtu Financial LLC在第二季度購買了Ascount Surgical的新股份,價值約3萬美元。最後,高盛公司在第一季度將其在Ascount Surgical的頭寸增加了68.3%。高盛股份有限公司在上個季度增持了85,487股後,目前持有210,737股該公司股票,價值133,000美元。

Asensus Surgical Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Asensus Surgical, Inc, a medical device company, engages in the research, development, and sale of medical device robotics to enhance minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in the United States, Europe, and Asia. It digitizes the interface between the surgeon and the patient to pioneer a new era of Performance-Guided surgery by unlocking clinical intelligence for surgeons to enable consistently superior outcomes and a new standard of surgery.

Ascount Surgical,Inc.是一家醫療設備公司,從事醫療設備機器人的研究、開發和銷售,以增強美國、歐洲和亞洲的微創手術(MIS)。它將外科醫生和患者之間的接口數字化,通過為外科醫生釋放臨牀智能來開創性能指導手術的新時代,以實現始終如一的卓越結果和新的手術標準。

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