
Modine Announces Partnerships With Insight Partners & Engineered Equipment To Expand Access To Airedale Product Line In The Carolinas And Oklahoma Markets

Modine Announces Partnerships With Insight Partners & Engineered Equipment To Expand Access To Airedale Product Line In The Carolinas And Oklahoma Markets

莫丁公司宣佈與Insight Partners和工程設備公司建立夥伴關係,以擴大在卡羅萊納州和俄克拉何馬州市場進入Airedale產品線的機會
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/08/31 09:01

Leading HVAC manufacturer increases exposure for Airedale K-12 products in the Carolinas, Oklahoma

領先的暖通空調製造商增加了Airedale K-12產品在俄克拉何馬州卡羅萊納州的風險敞口

RACINE, Wis., Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE:MOD), a leader in technology in the HVAC industry, is partnering with Insight Partners and Engineered Equipment (EEI) to expand access to the Airedale product line in the Carolinas and Oklahoma markets.

威斯康星州拉辛,2022年8月31日/美通社/--暖通空調行業技術領先企業莫丁製造公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:MOD)正與Insight Partners and Engineering Equipment(EEI)合作,擴大Airedale產品線在卡羅萊納州和俄克拉何馬州市場的使用。

The partnership will bring a concentrated focus to available Airedale products for K-12 schools to help educational facilities maximize IAQ solutions in their respective markets.


"Innovative solutions have always been a point of emphasis for the Airedale brand," said Kimberly Raduenz, manager of strategic marketing for the IAQ division at Modine. "With more emphasis being placed on indoor air quality, the need for our school products is higher than ever. This partnership with Insight Partners and EEI will allow us to broaden our reach to the Carolinas and Oklahoma and empower school leaders to take the necessary step in enhancing and improving IAQ for their students and staff."

莫丁公司室內空氣質量部戰略營銷經理金伯利·拉杜恩茲説:“創新的解決方案一直是Airedale品牌的重點。”隨着人們更加重視室內空氣質量,對我們學校產品的需求比以往任何時候都更高。與Insight Partners和EEI的合作將使我們能夠擴大我們對卡羅萊納州和俄克拉何馬州的影響,並使學校領導人能夠採取必要的步驟,提高和改善學生和教職員工的室內空氣質量。

Modine specializes in a variety of ventilation and heating solutions. With a focus on providing optimal HVAC services to the school market, the Airedale product line offers solutions ranging from the ClassMate DX Cooling and Heat Pump to the Sentinel Vertical Unit Ventilator.

摩丁專注於各種通風和供暖解決方案。Airedale產品線專注於為學校市場提供最佳的暖通空調服務,提供從Classmate DX冷卻和熱泵到Sentinel立式機組通風機的各種解決方案。

Insight Partners is a commercial HVAC network that brings wide-ranging manufacturer capability and a dedicated network of experts committed to getting projects done on time and on budget. Bringing nationwide expertise and resources to local projects, Insight Partners provides commercial HVAC equipment and solutions for customers across a variety of markets and industries in North and South Carolina.

Insight Partners是一個商業暖通空調網絡,提供廣泛的製造商能力和專門的專家網絡,致力於按時和按預算完成項目。Insight Partners為當地項目帶來了全國性的專業知識和資源,為北卡羅來納州和南卡羅來納州不同市場和行業的客户提供商業暖通空調設備和解決方案。

"At Insight Partners, we dedicate ourselves to representing and providing the best applications and solutions to our clients," said Mark Murray, president of Insight Partners. "There is an incredible opportunity for growth in the K-12 school market in the Carolinas and Georgia with the expanding population, and Airedale by Modine gives us the best partner for the space. From replacements to new construction facilities, the K-12 HVAC market is going to be very healthy for the foreseeable future, and Airedale by Modine is the best fit for us."

“在Insight Partners,我們致力於向我們的客户代表並提供最好的應用和解決方案,”Insight Partners的總裁馬克·默裏説。隨着人口的增長,卡羅萊納州和佐治亞州的K-12學校市場有一個令人難以置信的增長機會,莫丁的Airedale為我們提供了這個空間的最佳合作伙伴。從替換到新的建設設施,K-12暖通空調市場在可預見的未來將非常健康,而Airedale by modine是最適合我們的。

EEI represents over 60 manufacturers in the Oklahoma market. Today they provide heating, air conditioning, ventilating, hydronic, and filtration equipment and replacement parts to commercial and industrial customers.


"At EEI, we believe building partnerships is key to serving our customers and supporting our manufacturers," said Trapper Wilson, principal at EEI. "Every day, we strive to apply the right products and solutions to our customer's needs, however complex they may be. The partnership with Airedale is going to add another top-tier solution to our portfolio that allows us to bring even more value to our customers."


To learn more about Modine HVAC solutions, please visit


To learn more about Insight Partners, please visit


To learn more about EEI, please visit


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