
7 Stocks to Buy Now to Beat Inflation

7 Stocks to Buy Now to Beat Inflation

7 現在購買以擊敗通貨膨脹的股票
InvestorPlace ·  2022/06/25 07:43

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


How do you find stocks to buy to beat inflation amid uncertainty in the financial markets? The inflation rate in the U.S. is near 8% and is at its highest level in 40 years. The Federal Reserve has made the bold move to raise the key interest rate by 75 basis points, a move that was last made back in the mid-90s to fight inflation.

在金融市場不確定性的情況下,您如何找到可以購買的股票以擊敗通貨膨脹?美國的通脹率接近 8%,處於 40 年來的最高水平。美聯儲已經做出了大膽的舉動,將關鍵利率提高 75 個基點,這是最後一次在 90 年代中期對抗通貨膨脹的舉措。

More interest rate hikes are coming by the end of 2022. The key to offsetting the negative impacts of inflation is to find stocks with a dividend yield greater than the rate of inflation that are also value stocks with plenty of upside potential.

到 2022 年底,將有更多的加息。抵消通脹負面影響的關鍵在於找到股息收益率高於通脹率的股票,這些股票也是具有充足上升潛力的股票的價值。

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As we are in a bear market, the high dividend yields that the following seven stocks to buy offer will beat inflation, offering a positive real return. These stocks are undervalued, so as they converge towards their intrinsic value, investors will see capital appreciation gains too. This means that investors will get rewarded two times.


Cornerstone Total Return Fund $9.22
基石總回報基金 9.22 美元
Star Bulk Carriers $24.62
Dorian LPG $14
多利安石油氣 14 美元
The Korea Fund $24.01
韓國基金 2.01 美元
The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund $3.95
赫茨菲爾德加勒比盆地基金 3.95 美元
The New Germany Fund $8.74
新德國基金 8.74 美元
OFS Credit Company $9.23
開放式基金信貸公司 9.23 美元

Cornerstone Total Return Fund (CRF)

基石總回報基金 (CRF)

Source: KUMOHD / Shutterstock
資料來源:庫莫 HD/快門

Cornerstone Total Return Fund (NYSE:CRF) is a closed-ended equity mutual fund. It is focused on value and growth stocks as well as ETFs.

基石總回報基金 (紐約證券交易所:CRF) 為封閉式股票共同基金。它專注於價值和增長型股票以及 ETF。

It is important to check the premium or discount to NAV (net asset value) when investing in a mutual fund. Cornerstone Total Return Fund has a NAV of $7.11. That's a 23% discount.

投資共同基金時,檢查資產淨值(資產淨值)的溢價或折現十分重要。基石總回報基金的資產淨值為 7.11 美元。這是一個 23% 的折扣。

The forward dividend yield of 24.5% is a great reason to invest in this fund and collect dividends while the stock market is highly volatile. The dividend yield is triple the current inflation rate.

預期股息收益率為 24.5%,是投資本基金及收取股息的重要理由,而股票市場波動較高。股息收益率是當前通脹率的三倍。

Star Bulk Carriers (SBLK)


Source: Hieronymus Ukkel /

Star Bulk Carriers (NASDAQ:SBLK) is a shipping company with a fleet of 128 vessels transporting dry bulk goods.

明星散貨船 (納斯達克:SBLK)是一家船隊,船隊由 128 艘運輸乾散貨物的船隻組成。

This shipping stock offers a forward dividend yield of 20.86% and trades at a price-to-earnings ratio of 3.1.

該航運股票提供 20.86% 的遠期股息收益率,並以 3.1 的價格與收益比進行交易。

Analysts are very bullish on SBLK stock, giving it a one-year estimate targe of $37.17, an upside potential of approximately 49%. The company has very strong fundamentals with a gross margin of 55.66%, an operating margin of 51.49% and a net margin of 47.68%.

分析師對 SLK 股票非常看好,使其一年估計達到 37.17 美元,上行潛力約為 49%。該公司擁有非常強勁的基本面,毛利率為 55.66%,營業利潤率為 51.49%,淨利潤率為 47.68%。

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This shipping stock has ignored the stock market selloff in 2022 as it has gains of nearly 11% year-to-date. It already has materialized the ideal scenario of providing capital gains and a rich dividend yield as I mentioned at the beginning of this article. This momentum could continue throughout this year as free cash flow has gained traction in 2021 and particularly in 2021, when it grew to $637 million.

該航運股票忽略了 2022 年股市拋售,因為迄今為止收益近 11%。正如我在本文開頭提到的那樣,它已經實現了提供資本收益和豐富的股息收益的理想場景。由於自由現金流在 2021 年(尤其是 2021 年)增長至 6.37 億美元,因此這種動力可能在今年持續下去。

Dorian LPG (LPG)


Source: Shutterstock

Dorian LPG (NYSE:LPG) transports liquefied petroleum gas through its LPG tankers worldwide with its fleet of 22 very large gas carriers (VLGCs).

多利安石油氣 (紐約證券交易所:液化石油氣)通過其 22 個非常大型氣體運輸船(VLGC)的車隊在世界各地運輸液化石油氣。

There is a similar bullish thesis with Star Bulk Carriers as the two shipping companies have many things in common and are value stocks. LPG stock trades at a P/E ratio of 7.9 and it offers a forward dividend yield of 69%.

有一個類似的看漲論文與明星散貨運公司,因為這兩家航運公司有很多共同點,並且是價值股.液化石油氣股票以 7.9 的市盈率交易,並提供 69% 的前期股息收益率。

This shipping stock is up nearly 17% in 2022, and the financials support this rally. The company has been profitable for many years. Revenue grew by 111% in 2020, and though its growth has slowed down moderately, the firm is generating very consistent and positive free cash flows. In the fiscal year ending March 2022, Dorian LPG generated $103.44 million of free cash flow, down 37.74% from 2021.

這個航運庫存在 2022 年增長了近 17%,而金融業支持了這一反彈。該公司多年來一直盈利。2020 年營收增長了 111%,儘管其增長放緩了中度,但該公司產生了非常一致且積極的自由現金流。在截至 2022 年 3 月的財政年度,多利安石油氣產生了 1.344 億美元的自由現金流,比 2021 年下降 37.74%。

The forward price-to-book of 0.63 makes LPG stock an undervalued stock with a massive dividend yield. It has very high odds of smashing inflationary pressures.

0.63 的遠期價格使 LPG 股票成為價值低估的股票,股息收益率巨大。它具有非常高的粉碎通貨膨脹壓力的可能性。

The Korea Fund (KF)

韓國基金 (KF)

Source: Shutterstock

The Korea Fund (NYSE:KF) is a mutual fund that invests in Korean public equities.

韓國基金 (紐約證券交易所:千夫) 是投資於韓國上市股票的共同基金。

The focus is on Korean companies with not only solid long-term growth characteristics, but also attractive quality and valuation prospects.


There are 54 holdings, and the top 10 holdings include companies like Samsung, SK Hynix, LG Chem, Kia and SK Innovation. As of April 30, 2022, the sector with the most weight was information technology with a weight of 33.7%, with utilities coming in last place at 0.2%.

共有 54 個控股,前 10 名控股包括以下公司 三星, SK 海力克斯, LG 化學, 起亞SK 創新技術。截至 2022 年 4 月 30 日,權重最多的行業是信息技術,重量為 33.7%,公用事業在最後位置為 0.2%。

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The gross and net expenses per year are 1.12%. The fund offers a forward dividend yield of 36%.

每年的總支出和淨支出為 1.12%。該基金提供 36% 的遠期股息收益率。

The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (CUBA)


Source: Mentari Merah Studio / Shutterstock

The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQ:CUBA) is an equity mutual fund. While it invests in U.S. markets, it's focused on companies that are likely to benefit from developments in Caribbean Basin countries, such as Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic, to name a few.

赫茨菲爾德加勒比盆地基金 (納斯達克:古巴) 是股權共同基金。雖然它投資於美國市場,但它專注於可能從加勒比海盆地國家的發展中受益的公司,例如古巴,牙買加,特立尼達和多巴哥,巴哈馬和多米尼加共和國,僅舉幾例。

The semi-annual report dated Dec. 31, 2021, showed that the geographic allocation of net assets was nearly 60% in the U.S., 17% in Mexico, 13% in Puerto Rico and 6% in Panama, while other countries had a much lower weight.

2021 年 12 月 31 日的半年度報告顯示,美國淨資產的地理分配近 60%,墨西哥的 17%,波多黎各的 13% 和巴拿馬的 6%,而其他國家的重量則低得多。

A forward dividend yield of nearly 26% makes this fund an interesting way to beat inflation.

向前股息收益率接近 26%,使該基金成為擊敗通脹的有趣方式。

The New Germany Fund (GF)


Source: Shutterstock

The New Germany Fund (NYSE:GF) is an equity mutual fund that invests in small- and mid-cap companies in Germany.

新德國基金 (紐約證券交易所:GF) 是一項股票互惠基金,投資於德國的中小型公司。

Currently, GF has a NAV of $10.01. That's a discount of 11.6%.

目前,廣發的資產淨值為 10.01 美元。這是 11.6% 的折扣。

The fund has 78 holdings with total net assets of $224 million. As of March 31, the sector with the largest weight of 31% was industrials, followed by materials and information technology, with each of them weighing 10%. The two sectors with the lowest weight of 1% were utilities and energy.

該基金共有 78 個持有量,淨資產總額為 2.24 億美元。截至 3 月 31 日,該行業的重量最大為 31% 是工業,其次是材料和信息技術,每個行業的重量為 10%。重量最低為 1% 的兩個行業是公用事業和能源。

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Among largest holdings were companies like Beiersdorf, Rheinmetall, Scout24, Thyssenkrupp and Commerzbank AG.

其中最大的控股是公司 拜爾斯多夫, 莱茵美特尔, 童軍 24, 蒂森克虜伯商業銀行股份公司

This fund has a forward dividend yield of approximately 64%.

本基金的遠期股息收益率約為 64%。

OFS Credit Company (OCCI)

OFS 信貸公司

Source: Ruslan Ivantsov /

OFS Credit Company (NASDAQ:OCCI) is a "non-diversified, closed-end management investment company" with the investment objective to "generate current income, with a secondary objective of generating capital appreciation primarily through investment in collateralized loan obligation ('CLO') equity and debt securities."

OFS 信貸公司 (納斯達克:OCCI) 是一家「非多元化、封閉式管理投資公司」,其投資目標是「產生當前收入,其次要目標是主要通過投資於抵押貸款義務(「CLO」)的股票和債務證券來產生資本增值。」

As of Oct. 31, 2021, the top industries of underlying obligors included healthcare and pharmaceuticals at 11% and high tech industries at 10%.

截至 2021 年 10 月 31 日,基礎義務人員的頂級行業包括 11% 的醫療保健和製藥,以及 10% 的高科技行業。

The maturity distribution of underlying obligors was mostly focused on the years 2024-2028, with the year 2028 having the largest weight of 28.7%. The spread distribution of underlying obligors was mostly in the range of 3%-4% with a weight of 45.12%.

基礎義務人的到期分佈主要集中在 2024-2028 年度,2028 年的權重最大為 28.7%。基礎責任的傳播分佈大多在 3%-4% 的範圍內,重量為 45.12%。

This is a technical fund, but the forward dividend yield of 23% makes it a nice play to beat inflation.

這是一個技術性基金,但 23% 的遠期股息收益率使其成為擊敗通貨膨脹的好作用。

On the date of publication, Stavros Georgiadis, CFA did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.

在發布之日,CFA 斯塔夫羅斯·喬治亞迪斯(Stavros Georgiadis)在本文中提到的證券中沒有(直接或間接)任何頭寸。本文中表達的意見是作者的意見,受投資者廣告發布指南的約束。

The post 7 Stocks to Buy Now to Beat Inflation appeared first on InvestorPlace.

該帖子 7 現在購買以擊敗通脹的股票首先出現在投資者廣場。

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