
GGTOOR Closes $102,300,000 Deal Buying a Total of 2,145 Parcels of Land in a Metaverse

GGTOOR Closes $102,300,000 Deal Buying a Total of 2,145 Parcels of Land in a Metaverse

GTOOR 完成 102,30 萬美元的交易,在元宇宙購買總共 2,145 塊土地
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/06/07 09:05

GGTOOR, Inc., (OTCMKTS:GTOR) Announces Management Report for the Week Ended June 4, 2022


THOMASVILLE, GA, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire – GGTOOR, Inc., (OTCMKTS:GTOR) ("GGTOOR, Inc., "GTOR", or the "Company"), an emerging leader in the eSports markets, announces the Company has successfully closed a deal valued at $102,300,000. The Company believes this is the largest virtual land purchase in history surpassing a publicly announced purchase of $5,000,000 just two weeks ago. The combined parcels will be GGTOORCITY the first ever virtual city devoted to entertainment. When sold out the Company envisions hundreds of businesses in sports, music, gaming, movies, theater, dance, amusement parks, retail, concessions, all making up a virtual city where millions of daily visitors will work and play. The Company will be building an eSports Arena that will become one of the focal points of GGTOORCITY. Certain and specific parcels will go on sale Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 9:00 AM EST with prices ranging from $375,000 to $28,000,000 per parcel. The less expensive city parcels with prices starting at $8,400 will be released for sale at a future date.

全球新聞網佐治亞州託馬斯維爾2022年6月7日電電子競技市場的新興領先者,通過NewMediaWire-GGTOOR,Inc.(OTCMKTS:GTOR)(“GGTOOR,Inc.,”GTOR“或”The Company“)宣佈,公司已成功完成一項價值102,300,000美元的交易。該公司認為,這是歷史上最大的虛擬土地購買,超過了僅僅兩週前公開宣佈的500萬美元的購買。合併後的地塊將成為GGTOORCITY,這是有史以來第一個致力於娛樂的虛擬城市。出售後,該公司設想在體育、音樂、遊戲、電影、戲劇、舞蹈、遊樂園、零售、特許經營等領域開展數百項業務,所有這些都將構成一個虛擬城市,每天有數百萬遊客在這裏工作和娛樂。該公司將建造一個電子競技競技場,將成為GGTOORCITY的焦點之一。某些特定的包裹將於2022年6月14日(星期二)美國東部時間上午9點開始銷售,每個包裹的價格從375,000美元到28,000,000美元不等。較便宜的城市地塊,起價8400美元,將在未來的某個日期發佈出售。

The Company will be holding a worldwide Zoom Call and all interested persons are encouraged to join the call. The Company's CEO, John V. Whitman Jr., will be sharing details on the purchase along with disclosing what Metaverse GGTOORCITY will be a part of. Mr. Whitman will not be taking questions during the call and everyone except Whitman will be on mute. The Zoom Call will be held June 14, 2022, at 9:00 AM EST. To enter the call please use the following coordinates;


John Whitman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: John Whitman's Zoom Meeting


Time: Jun 14, 2022, 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 731 9683 4888

會議ID:731 9683 4888

Passcode: Uk5N0Z


GGTOOR's weekly recap;


Another month, more records broken! This time, the Company reached new heights on Unique Twitch Viewership, tallying over 39,000 different people tuning in to watch one of our events during the course of May as the action unfolded live, and the number of tournaments hosted by GGTOOR was its largest count yet for a single month. May also saw a 39% increase in total player registrations compared to April, with over 1,600 new players competing in one of our events for their very first time, joining thousands of others that returned to play with us once again.


As the Company began its first week of events in June, for the first time the Company had a Wild Rift tournament on the calendar and it was well received, drawing over 400 player registrations, and bringing the combined total of player registrations for the last week to over 1,200! The Company saw player registrations for the Pokemon TCG Online Gaard Guantlet tournament grow by 46% over the last event of this series,

隨着公司在6月開始其第一週的活動,公司第一次在日曆上有一個野生裂谷錦標賽,它受到了好評,吸引了400多名球員註冊,使最後一週的球員註冊總數超過1,200人!該公司看到Pokemon TCG在線Gaard Guantlet錦標賽的玩家註冊人數比本系列的最後一次活動增加了46%。

Hearthstone posted a 47% gain compared to the May event, and not to be outdone, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate posted a whopping 55% increase in player registrations for this week's event!


The special invitational to mark the end of the season for the Wednesday's Pokemon TCG Online  Late Night series was finally here, and the timing couldn't have been better, kicking off the new Astral Radiance format with a bang!  The community wondered what shifts in the meta to expect; would we see Palkia VSTAR? Darkrai VSTAR? Updated variants of existing powerhouse archetypes? With 30 of the best players in the game, we saw these minds bring a wide variety of decks, including some that were unexpected - when the dust settled, we found the Top 8 featured some of the decks you might expect joined by some surprises such as Gengar VMAX / Houndoom! The other decks that made the cut were Toolbox / Inteleon, Mew VMAX, Palkia VSTAR / Inteleon, Arceus VSTAR / Inteleon, and Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX / Toolbox.

週三的精靈寶可夢TCG在線深夜系列的特別邀請賽終於到來了,標誌着新一季的結束,時機也好得不能再好了,以一聲巨響拉開了新的星光格式的序幕!社區想知道未來會發生什麼變化;我們會看到Palkia VSTAR嗎?達克拉伊VSTAR?現有動力工廠原型的更新版本?與遊戲中最好的30名玩家一起,我們看到這些頭腦帶來了各種各樣的甲板,包括一些意想不到的-當塵埃落定時,我們發現前8名的甲板上有一些你可能會期待的甲板,還有一些驚喜,比如Gengar VMAX/Houndoom!其他入圍的甲板是工具箱/Intelon,Mew VMAX,Palkia VSTAR/Intelon,Arceus VSTAR/Intelon,以及Rapid Strike Urshiu VMAX/工具箱。

Starting off coverage of the Top eight, we saw Logan McKay play against Cal Connor in a Gengar vs. Mew matchup. The matchup was absolutely nightmare fuel for Cal on paper, but he was able to take a quick win after Logan had some poor draws game one; However, in game two and three Logan's Path to the Peak shut down Cal's Genesect V, paving the way to victory. The featured SemiFinals match was a slightly closer battle, with WadeDaze going up against Andrew Hedrick in a Mew vs. Palkia matchup.

從前八名的報道開始,我們看到了洛根·麥凱在Gengar對Mew的比賽中對陣卡爾·康納。這場比賽在紙面上對卡爾來説絕對是噩夢般的燃料,但在洛根第一場比賽中有一些糟糕的平局後,他能夠迅速取得勝利;然而,在第二場和第三場比賽中,洛根的登頂之路阻止了卡爾的Genesect V,為勝利鋪平了道路。這場具有特色的半決賽是一場略微勢均力敵的比賽,WadeDaze將在Mew對Palkia的比賽中對陣安德魯·海德里克。

Throughout the entire series WadeDaze was rarely able to get OHKOs with Mew VMAX against a Palkia VSTAR, often coming up ten damage shy, largely due to Andrew's use of Tool Jammer to stop Choice Belt from adding the extra thirty damage - this tech helped him secure the match win! The Grand Finals found Andrew against another Mew, this time being piloted by Augusto Beringer. Game one Augusto donked on Andrew, who lost due to an empty bench when his Lumineon V was knocked out.

在整個系列賽中,WadeDaze很少能夠用Mew VMAX對抗Palkia VSTAR的OHKO,通常會少造成10點傷害,這主要是因為安德魯使用了工具幹擾器來阻止Choice Belt增加額外的30點傷害-這項技術幫助他確保了比賽的勝利!總決賽發現安德魯對陣另一位梅,這一次是由奧古斯托·貝林格駕駛的。第一場比賽,奧古斯托壓在安德魯身上,當他的Lumineon V被擊倒時,安德魯因為板凳空而輸掉了比賽。

Game two Andrew was able to even up the series, repeatedly scoring OHKOs with Palkia VSTAR thanks to a combination of Echoing Horn (to increase damage output), Choice Belt, Leon, and Quick Shooting. Game three was looking terrible for Augusto, but a few critical topdecks and favorable coin flips enabled Augusto to OHKO Andrew's only Benched Palkia V. Andrew struggled to set up with such an aggressive play, and Augusto was able to pick up a few more easy Prize Cards. Andrew tried one last play to stall a Genesect V in the Active Spot with Boss's Orders, but Augusto was able to claim victory by retreating with a Double Turbo Energy to close out the match!

第二場比賽安德魯能夠平衡系列賽,反覆得分與Palkia VSTAR OHKO感謝回聲號角(以增加傷害輸出),選擇帶,利昂,和快速射擊的組合。第三場比賽對奧古斯托來説看起來很糟糕,但一些關鍵的頂層和有利的硬幣投擲使奧古斯托得以進入OHKO安德魯唯一的板凳帕爾基亞V安德魯艱難地打出瞭如此咄咄逼人的打法,奧古斯托能夠更容易地拿到幾張獎牌。安德魯在老闆的命令下嘗試了最後一場比賽,在活躍的位置拖延了Genesect V,但奧古斯托能夠通過雙渦輪能量後退來宣佈勝利,結束了比賽!

This week's Smash Ultimate event showed us that a tier list does not matter! The Top sixteen was littered with a wide range of characters typically considered under-powered, like Kirby, Dr Mario, Donkey Kong, Villager, and Ganondorf, which promised the viewers would be in for some unique gameplay! Yei, a veteran player regarded by many as the best Meta Knight in the world, joined us for this week's event, showing his range of skill with the decision to not use Meta Knight at all until the very last game of Grand Finals!

本週的Smash旗艦活動向我們表明,級別列表並不重要!前16名中有各種各樣的角色,比如柯比、馬裏奧博士、金驢剛、村民和加農多夫,他們承諾觀眾會玩一些獨特的遊戲!葉莉,一位被許多人認為是世界上最好的Meta Knight的老將,加入了我們本週的活動,展示了他的一系列技能,決定在總決賽最後一場比賽之前完全不使用Meta Knight!

Instead, Yei opted to use a variety of different characters over the day, such as Lucina, Byleth, and Palutena, to make it all the way to the Grand Finals without dropping a single set. This includes a 3-0 win over JaZaR, the strongest veteran of all the tournaments in this event series! We also saw an incredible run from Nalexander, making it all the way to third place with Ganondorf, who many consider to be the worst character in the entire game. JaZaR fought his way back to the Grand Finals through the losers side for his chance at a rematch vs. Yei; There was no 3-0 this time, with JaZaR tying up the series 2-2 and forcing a game five, which finally prompted Yei to pilot his well known Meta Knight for game five, ultimately besting JaZar in the final game and earning Yei the championship title!

取而代之的是,葉詩文選擇在一天中使用各種不同的角色,如盧西娜、伯萊斯和帕魯特娜,在不丟掉一盤的情況下一路晉級總決賽。這包括3-0戰勝Jazar,Jazar是這一系列賽事中最強大的老將!我們還看到了來自Nalexander的令人難以置信的跑動,與加農多夫一路走到了第三名,他被許多人認為是整個比賽中最糟糕的角色。Jazar在與Yazar的複賽中通過失敗方奮力奪回總決賽;這一次沒有3-0,Jazar將系列賽2-2扳平,並迫使他打出了第五場比賽,這最終促使Yazar駕駛他著名的Meta Knight進行第五場比賽,最終在最後一場比賽中擊敗Jazar,為Yi贏得了冠軍頭銜!

Since a few years back the metaverse has grown to become a driving force in crypto and the tech world at large, especially with the increasing acceptance and adoption of cryptocurrency, its wallets, and much more. 


Without a doubt, demand for metaverse projects has risen dramatically, with more corporations showing unprecedented interest in virtual reality every day. Given the growing corporate fascination with the Metaverse, the general public's attention is also bound to be drawn to the significant technology which is bound to change the course of our digital lives.


It's simpler to think of the metaverse as a hybrid of the physical and digital worlds, which combines the best of both. Even so, it doesn't change the fact that much of the general populace is still in the dark about what the metaverse is, and what it means. We are very excited that soon people will embrace this new technology where they can build the life they always wanted virtually.


Want to participate? Find the plan that best suits you! You can choose between the Bronze Plan, Gold Plan, and Diamond Plan: .  If you want to bring your team or friends to, or be a Tournament Organizer, we can support you and help you grow; you can reach a worldwide audience of similar-minded individuals that like to compete and have fun! You can be sure that is here to grow with you. Just follow the link to sign up as an organizer If you have any questions about our events visit our socials; Discord twitter , twitch and Facebook


If your organization would like to be part of this growth and work with Shadow Gaming, contact us at

如果您的組織希望成為這一增長的一部分並與Shadow Gaming合作,請通過luis@shadowgamingtw.com聯繫我們

About GTOR


GGTOOR, Inc., is engaged in the business of eSports. The Company is aggressively entering the Metaverse by having purchased enough virtual land, 2,144 parcels,  to form its own virtual city that will be called GGTOORCITY. The Company has held over 200 video game tournaments and has given away over $150,000 in cash and prizes. is continually being customized and upgraded, with the goal of becoming one of the most comprehensive gaming portals in the world. The Company is now accepting subscriptions from players, gamers, and tournament organizers. To register logon to .


Forward-Looking Statements. This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. We intend all forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and by the use of forward-looking words such as "expect," "expectation," "believe," "anticipate," "may," "could," "intend," "belief," "plan," "estimate," "target," "predict," "likely," "seek," "project," "model," "ongoing," "will," "should," "forecast," "outlook" or similar terminology. These statements are based on and reflect our current expectations, estimates, assumptions and/ or projections as well as our perception of historical trends and current conditions, as well as other factors that we believe are appropriate and reasonable under the circumstances. Forward-looking statements are neither predictions nor guarantees of future events, circumstances or performance and are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated by those statements. There can be no assurance that our expectations, estimates, assumptions and/or projections, including with respect to the future earnings and performance or capital structure of GGTOOR, Inc.


For Additional Information Contact:
John V Whitman Jr.,


声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息