
If You Like EPS Growth Then Check Out Porton Pharma Solutions (SZSE:300363) Before It's Too Late

If You Like EPS Growth Then Check Out Porton Pharma Solutions (SZSE:300363) Before It's Too Late

Simply Wall St ·  2022/05/15 20:34

It's only natural that many investors, especially those who are new to the game, prefer to buy shares in 'sexy' stocks with a good story, even if those businesses lose money. And in their study titled Who Falls Prey to the Wolf of Wall Street?' Leuz et. al. found that it is 'quite common' for investors to lose money by buying into 'pump and dump' schemes.

很自然,許多投資者,尤其是那些剛接觸這個遊戲的人,更喜歡購買有好故事的“性感”股票,即使這些公司虧損。在他們題為誰會成為華爾街之狼的犧牲品?Leuz et.艾爾他們發現,投資者買入“哄抬和拋售”方案而蒙受損失是“相當常見”的。

So if you're like me, you might be more interested in profitable, growing companies, like Porton Pharma Solutions (SZSE:300363). While profit is not necessarily a social good, it's easy to admire a business that can consistently produce it. Loss-making companies are always racing against time to reach financial sustainability, but time is often a friend of the profitable company, especially if it is growing.


Check out our latest analysis for Porton Pharma Solutions

查看我們對Porton Pharma Solutions的最新分析

Porton Pharma Solutions's Improving Profits


In the last three years Porton Pharma Solutions's earnings per share took off like a rocket; fast, and from a low base. So the actual rate of growth doesn't tell us much. As a result, I'll zoom in on growth over the last year, instead. Like the last firework on New Year's Eve accelerating into the sky, Porton Pharma Solutions's EPS shot from CN¥0.68 to CN¥1.50, over the last year. Year on year growth of 121% is certainly a sight to behold. The best case scenario? That the business has hit a true inflection point.

在過去的三年裏,Porton Pharma Solutions的每股收益像火箭一樣快速增長,而且基數很低。因此,實際的增長率並不能告訴我們太多。因此,我將把重點放在去年的增長上。就像除夕夜的最後一場煙花一樣,波頓醫藥解決方案的每股收益在過去一年裏從0.68元飆升至1.50元。121%的同比增長當然是一個令人驚歎的景象。最好的情況是什麼?業務已經達到了一個真正的轉折點。

I like to see top-line growth as an indication that growth is sustainable, and I look for a high earnings before interest and taxation (EBIT) margin to point to a competitive moat (though some companies with low margins also have moats). The good news is that Porton Pharma Solutions is growing revenues, and EBIT margins improved by 5.1 percentage points to 23%, over the last year. Ticking those two boxes is a good sign of growth, in my book.

我喜歡將營收增長視為增長是可持續的跡象,我希望息税前利潤(EBIT)達到較高的利潤率,以表明這是一條具有競爭力的護城河(儘管一些利潤率較低的公司也有護城河)。好消息是,Porton Pharma Solutions的收入正在增長,息税前利潤比去年提高了5.1個百分點,達到23%。在我看來,勾選這兩個方框是增長的一個好跡象。

The chart below shows how the company's bottom and top lines have progressed over time. To see the actual numbers, click on the chart.


SZSE:300363 Earnings and Revenue History May 16th 2022

Of course the knack is to find stocks that have their best days in the future, not in the past. You could base your opinion on past performance, of course, but you may also want to check this interactive graph of professional analyst EPS forecasts for Porton Pharma Solutions.

當然,訣竅是找到未來最好的股票,而不是過去的股票。當然,你可以根據過去的表現來發表你的觀點,但你也可能想要查看這張專業分析師對Porton Pharma Solutions的每股收益預測的互動圖表。

Are Porton Pharma Solutions Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?


We would not expect to see insiders owning a large percentage of a CN¥41b company like Porton Pharma Solutions. But we are reassured by the fact they have invested in the company. Indeed, they have a glittering mountain of wealth invested in it, currently valued at CN¥11b. That equates to 27% of the company, making insiders powerful and aligned with other shareholders. Very encouraging.

我們不希望看到內部人士擁有像Porton Pharma Solutions這樣一家淨資產410億元的公司的很大比例。但讓我們放心的是,他們對該公司進行了投資。事實上,他們有一座閃閃發光的財富山投資於它,目前價值110億元人民幣。這相當於公司27%的股份,這讓內部人士變得強大,並與其他股東結盟。非常鼓舞人心。

Is Porton Pharma Solutions Worth Keeping An Eye On?


Porton Pharma Solutions's earnings per share growth have been levitating higher, like a mountain goat scaling the Alps. That EPS growth certainly has my attention, and the large insider ownership only serves to further stoke my interest. The hope is, of course, that the strong growth marks a fundamental improvement in the business economics. So to my mind Porton Pharma Solutions is worth putting on your watchlist; after all, shareholders do well when the market underestimates fast growing companies. Still, you should learn about the 2 warning signs we've spotted with Porton Pharma Solutions (including 1 which is a bit concerning) .

Porton Pharma Solutions的每股收益增長一直在不斷攀升,就像一隻爬上阿爾卑斯山的山羊。每股收益的增長當然引起了我的注意,而大量的內部人士持股只會進一步激起我的興趣。當然,人們希望,強勁的增長標誌着商業經濟學的根本改善。因此,在我看來,Porton Pharma Solutions值得列入你的觀察名單;畢竟,當市場低估快速增長的公司時,股東表現良好。不過,您應該瞭解一下2個警告標誌我們已經發現了Porton Pharma Solutions(包括1,這有點令人擔憂)。

Of course, you can do well (sometimes) buying stocks that are not growing earnings and do not have insiders buying shares. But as a growth investor I always like to check out companies that do have those features. You can access a free list of them here.


Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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